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.::Global Warning::.

August 31, 2008
XL Center
Hartford, Connecticut

The show starts with the SIW Women's championship on the line between Jill and Tara Michaels. Former women's champion and playboy playmate Michelle comes out and joins the commentary team and says she is not impressed by the divas in the ring especially Tara. Jill gets a near fall early in the match after delivering a neck breaker but the determined Tara Michaels kicks out before three. The tables turn as Jill gets a boot to her jaw when she charges Tara in the corner. Tara delivers a bulldog and then her finisher Kiss Goodnight. Tara celebrates with the fans as she is announced the new champion but all of a sudden Michelle levels her with a spear and then delivers a DDT on the women's championship

Jessica White is surprised to run into Heavyweight champion Glenn Kirby who claims he was invited to be in Queen Bailey’s corner tonight. JD Xtreme is also at the show tells the fans and Jessica that Kirby is nothing but a liar because he was invited to be in her corner. Carnage GM Lynn Roberts says she has a solution, they will both be in her corner and they best not cost Bailey the match because of their jealousy

Monday Night Brawl presents Red Alert on pay per view on September 28, 2008 live from the Philips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia

Mista Pookie and Metalgod finally get a chance to fight out their problems once and for all in a flaming table match. Pookie knocks down the hardcore legend with a chair shot and sets up the chair around his neck. Pookie jumps off the second turnbuckle to stomp on the chair but Metalgod moves and slides out of the ring. As Pookie looks outside of the ring he gets a chair shot to his skull. Metalgod slides in two tables and delivers a god bomb through the table but the referee reminds him the table needs to be set on fire in order to win. Metalgod uses lighter fluid and sets the other table on fire and delivers another God Bomb through the flaming table to win the match. As the bell rings, Metalgod is attacked from behind by Adrian Quake the self proclaimed “wrestling god”. Adrian busts him open with a piece from the table and then drops him with The “A” on a chair. The fans boo Quake as he stands over Metalgod and raises his arms

Jessica White interviews Trevor Derickson before his match. Some staff members try to discourage him from going into tonight’s dangerous electric cage match with Liana Lewis. Trevor says he has no choice but to fight this match because the high voltage involved may be the only way to get rid of his evil ex once and for all. We find out Trevor Jr. is backstage and Trevor says chief of security Polar will be his babysitter while he takes out his ungrateful mother

Carnage General Manager Lynn Roberts announces that the season premiere of Friday Night Carnage on VH1 will be on September 19, 2007

The electric cage is lowered and the referee turns on the power. The only way to wins the match is by pin fall, submission or knock out. Trevor and Liana get into a stare down as the bell rings and Liana draws first blood as she slaps him several times across his face. Trevor responds with a hard right and tackles Lewis to the ground. Trevor has Liana in a head lock but the former women’s champion lifts him up and slams him into the cage and they both get a jolt. Liana delivers a DDT and whips Trevor into the cage. The referee checks on Trevor’s condition but Liana tosses him aside and kicks the CEO in his head. Both Liana and Trevor beat each other to a bloody pulp but Liana gets a good move in as she executes a sling shot and Trevor smashes into the cage head first and gets electrocuted and busted wide open. As the referee declares Liana the winner, the diva continues to deliver a beating and we see the same cryptic message that has been appearing on Carnage on the Trevortron. More letters are added to make “DMHRIISVAACCE” before being put in order to spell CHRIS MACAVEDI. The “Sensational” one shocks the wrestling world as he makes his SIW return. C-Mac turns off the power of the cage and assaults Liana and ties her to the cage after delivering the KOD. C-Mac then turns the power back on and watches as Liana gets horribly electrocuted. Several officials run out to help Liana but the damage has been done. C-Mac carries a bloodied Trevor on his shoulder backstage as the booing fans throw debris towards them

Global Warning history..........
August 21, 2005 Sydney Super Dome | Sydney, Australia
Matt Uzi pinned Gavin Payne to win the Heavyweight Championship

The new attitude driven Zach Blain is accompanied by Ashleigh McDaniel as he takes on Queen Bailey Brown for the SIW Lightweight championship. Bailey has Kirby and JD in her corner but this can become more of a distraction than anything else for the Queen of Carnage. Blain takes Ashleigh’s advice and unleashes on the Queen and levels her with a flying knee to her face in the corner. Blain applies a sleeper hold in the middle of the ring and we see Kirby get on the apron. JD pulls him off and tells him not to get involved. An obvious brawl breaks out between JD and Kirby until Bailey gets in between them. Blain attacks Bailey from behind and slides her back in to the ring and covers but she kicks out at two. They continue the back and forth match until the referee gets knocked down during the action. Kirby goes to hit JD with a Thug Bug but JD moves and Blain gets it in his jaw. Kirby is even surprised and slides out of the ring as Bailey crawls over and pins Blain to retain the SIW Lightweight championship. Ashleigh and the fans are stunned about the win as Bailey celebrates with JD. Kirby heads backstage to a booing crowd that chants “Kirby Sucks”

C-Mac orders the paramedics around as Trevor Derickson is taken out on a stretcher. Both Trevor and Liana are taken to the closest hospital in Hartford

Jessica White gets a few words backstage from JD Xtreme and Queen Bailey Brown and they agree that Kirby ruined the whole match because she wanted to prove once and for all that she is indeed better than Zach Blain as SIW Lightweight champion. Blain and Ashleigh storm in and demand that a rematch is made because of her stupid boyfriends getting involved. JD corrects him and says Bailey has only one man and it is not Glenn Kirby. Carnage GM Lynn Roberts says due to the circumstances, Blain will get a rematch sometime in the month of September and everyone will be banned from ringside. Blain still does not seem satisfied draws major heat as he slaps Bailey and all hell breaks loose backstage until security breaks up the chaos

SIW the Music Vol 6. Coming soon! The newest compilation of the SIW superstars entrance themes will be available for the holiday season

Jace Parker Davidson puts the SIW North American championship on the line against Khristian Call, Scott Bastion and Ragin’ Craig in a 4 way ladder match. Call takes a bump after Parker pushes the ladder over and Call lands outside of the ring. Paramedics come out early which proves how dangerous this type of match can be. Ragin’ Craig is over powered by Bastion in the corner but they both get crushed by Jace’s corner splash. Jace sets up the ladder but out of nowhere Bastion hits him with a vicious clothesline from hell. Craig smashes the ladder in the side of Bastion head and starts climbing. Jace follows him up the ladder and they exchange lefts and rights. Jace gets the upperhand as he levels Craig with a low blow making him fall to the canvas. Bastion knocks the ladder from under his feet but Jace hangs on to the title hanging from the rafters and eventually it lets loose and Jace is declared the winner as he falls with the championship in hand

In a private moment, Ashleigh tells Zach Blain there is a conspiracy against him that’s why they had JD and Kirby at ringside to screw him. Ashleigh tells her client that he must make an example out of his opponent Marquis Laveaux next Friday on Carnage to send Lynn Roberts and the rest of the roster a message that he won’t be pushed around anymore. Blain agrees that his weak days in Definition are over and it is time to step up and not take any bs from anyone

Carnage’s newest stars Nathan Holmes and his wife Hannah get a nice pop from the crowd as they cut promo with Jessica White. Nathan and Hannah are excited to be backstage at Global Warning but will be even more excited next Friday when they make their debut

Terror Soule and Brandon Gateman, the current SIW Tag Team Champions have the fans on the edge of their seats as they battle for the most prestigious championship in the business, the SIW Championship. After winning a test of strength, the referee holds back Terror to get him back in his corner. Gateman rips off the pad on the turnbuckle and whips Soule chest first into the exposed steel. Gateman continues with punishing kicks to the champions head and goes to whip him into the corner again but Soule counters and Gateman crashes into the exposed turnbuckle. Terror applies a half crab in the middle of the ring and Gateman is close to tapping out but he manages to reach the ropes to break the count. Terror places Gateman in a tree of woe and levels him with a corner drop kick. Terror covers but we get a kick out from Gateman. Soule charges Gateman near the ropes and the challenger launches him to the outside with a back body drop. Gateman whips Soule into the steel steps and then slams his head on the security wall. Gateman slides Soule in the ring and tries to pin him with one foot on his chest but Soule lifts a shoulder before three. Soule gets back into the match only to get hit with a clothesline out of the ring. Gateman stomps the champion in his head near the commentary table and goes to hit him with a monitor but Soule moves and Gateman hits the post instead. Soule elbows Gateman in his face and delivers a bulldog. The referee gets the action back in the ring and Gateman dominates as he calls for the BKO. Soule counters the BKO and executes the Soule Fusion and pins him to retain the SIW championship

Tara Michaels pinned Jill to win the SIW Women’s Championship 14:43
Metalgod defeated Mista Pookie in a flaming table match 13:54
Liana Lewis defeated Trevor Derickson in a electric cage match 12:32
Queen Bailey pinned Zach Blain to retain the SIW Lightweight Championship 14:04
Jace Parker Davidson defeated Khristian Call, Scott Bastion & Ragin’ Craig in a 4 way ladder match to retain the SIW North American championship 17:54
Terror Soule pinned Brandon Gateman to retain the SIW Championship 18:44

General Manager: Lynn Roberts
Announcing Team: Mike "The Mic" and Marc Dustin
Officials: Sam Carter (Senior Referee), Bobby Glass, Jeff Renfrew, Rick Martin
Writers: Kevin “Titan” McColl, TJD

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