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.::Global Warning::.

August 21, 2005
Sydney Super Dome
Sydney, Australia

Global Warning was live from a sold out Super Dome in Sydney, Australia. The show started with Carnage GM Titan on stage with Australia’s own, AC/DC performing Are You Ready? Titan danced on stage wearing Brian Johnson’s famous hat and lifted Angus Young on his shoulders during the solo.

Suicide made his PPV debut against the current SIW Lightweight Champion Envy. The champion continued to surprise everyone with her fast paced action and high risk maneuvers but Suicide fought back with the same game plan and almost got an early win after delivering a devastating Spinning Heel Kick. Late in the match, Ryan Vincent decided to come down to ringside and discreetly leveled Suicide with a steel chair as he was coming off the ropes. Envy quickly pinned her opponent after delivering the Green Envy and retained the SIW Lightweight Championship. At the end of the match, security had to rush to ringside to stop Vincent from assaulting Suicide.

After a video package for MNB Red Alert 2005 in September, the #1 contender for the SIW Heavyweight Championship Matt Uzi arrived at the arena and was greeted by boos from the fans at the Dome. As he stepped out of the limo, he was accompanied by his attorney, Gabe Nelson, his masked partner and his agent. Uzi cut a promo with Christina York and ended it by ripping a Gavin Payne poster in a million pieces.

The next match was probably the sickest match ever seen on PPV in awhile. Metalgod took on Nutz and put his SIW Extreme Championship on the line in a TLCC match. NuTz hanged Metalgod off the top rope by a chain until the champ’s face turned blue. As NutZ climbed the ladder to reach the title, Metalgod drop kicked NutZ off the ladder to the outside of the ring making him fall face first on the steel steps and hit him several times across his back with a steel chair. NuTz got the upper hand late in the match when he got a paint can from under the ring and smashed it over Metalgod’s head spilling paint everywhere. The match whoever end as Metalgod lit two tables on fire on the entrance ramp and executed the Godbomb through them. Metalgod retained his championship after climbing the ladder and getting his belt suspended high above the ring.

Christina York held an interview with hometown hero Ragin’ Craig and his tag team partner, the first ever SIWA graduate Zach Blain. Craig dedicated his match to his family and friends who attended the event with front row tickets. The night before in Melbourne, Blain defeated Kuone and Craig defeated Lomond in singles action.

James Muret took on the SIW North American Champion “Red Hot” Rikki Cook in a classic battle for one of the most prestigious SIW Championships of all time. Cook didn’t underestimate his opponent and was quick to weaken his opponent’s back with several backbreakers and body drops. Cook locked in a Boston Crab in the middle of the ring but Muret fought it for four or five minutes before reaching the ropes. Muret was in bad condition after getting whipped to the corner but he managed to avoid a corner splash and hit Rikki with a DDT. Muret managed to get the upset win after he countered an inside cradle in his favor. As the referee presented the championship to Muret, Rikki Cook proved he was a sore loser by hitting the new champ with the High Temperature and then locked him in another Boston Crab and didn’t let go until security and officials could pull him off.

Mike “The Mic” and Travis Dunns hyped Carnage’s newest diva, Dayshia Raye after the Trevortron showed a video package. They went over her debut win the night before against the very talented Michelle in singles competition. Raye is a first class athlete and is expected to make an impact on Carnage every Thursday night.

SIW Heavyweight Champion Gavin Payne was hitting a punching bag backstage getting ready for his big match against the former three time SIW Champion Matt Uzi. Christina York tried to get a few words but Payne didn’t have much to say except he expects to leave the show with his belt and that anything else would be unacceptable.

The crowd was really pumped up for the next match involving the SIW Tag Team Championship between Australia’s Ragin’ Craig and his partner Zach Blain as they took on Chris Kuone and Bruce Lomond. Klubber and The Fugitive made their way to the ring and took on commentary for most of the match. Blain hit Kuone with a spine buster and then tagged in Craig who eagerly wanted to get in the ring. “Mr. Brightside” closelined Lomond off the apron and then hit Kuone with a back body drop and then whipped him out of the ring. Late in the match, the champs double teamed Blain on the outside while the ref was holding Craig back. Klubber and Fugitive got up and leveled Kuone with a double closeline and nailed Lomond with a double suplex. Blain made the tag and craig won the match after he pinned Lomond after delivering the Rage Factor in the middle of the ring. Craig, Blain and a bunch of friends and family members celebrated their championship win in the middle as balloons and confetti covered the arena.

“Red Hot” Rikki Cook confronted Carnage GM Titan in his office about a possible rematch for his SIW North American championship. Titan told him he didn’t deserve one but he decided to cut him a deal. If he could beat Tyler “The Monster” Osborn next week on Carnage, he would grant his rematch against James Muret.

Gavin Payne and Matt Uzi ripped each other apart in the main event as soon as the bell rang. Payne dominated the beginning of the match after he took out Uzi’s knee after he clipped it from behind. Payne kicked his knee and locked it in several submission maneuvers. Payne whipped Uzi towards the ropes but his opponent ended up colliding with senior referee Sam Carter. Payne took advantage of the situation and broke a steel chair over Uzi’s head and busted him wide open. Uzi bled all over the canvas as Gavin continued to beat him down and delivered a couple of DDT’s making the blood piss out even more. Later in the match, Uzi managed to execute the UziPlex to Gavin on the remains of the steel chair and that cut up Payne’s back. Uzi punched Gavin repeatedly in his wounded head and opened his cut above his eye. After getting hit with The Knock Out, Payne covered Uzi but the referee was too hurt to count. The match came to an end when the masked person flew down from the rafters and hit Payne across his skull with an Escrima Stick and then threw Uzi’s body over him. The ref counted a slow count but it was enough for Uzi to steal the win. Uzi’s partner took off his mask and it turned out to be none other that David Von Ramrock who called for paramedics. Uzi was taken out on a stretcher and was reported losing about four to five pints of blood. We hope to have an update next Thursday on Carnage.

Envy defeated Suicide to retain the SIW Lightweight Championship 9:23
Metalgod defeated NuTz in a TLCC match to retain the SIW Extreme Championship 12:34
James Muret defeated “Red Hot” Rikki Cook to win the SIW North American Championship 16:45
Ragin’ Craig and Zach Blain defeated Chris Kuone and Bruce Lomond to win the SIW Tag Team Championship 12:42
Matt Uzi pinned Gavin Payne to win the SIW Heavyweight Championship 21:49

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Writers: TJD, Kevin “Titan” McColl

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