¤°[] Xtreme Never looked this good![]°¤      
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Record of Achievements


¤The scene begins with the very hated at the moment porn star Jenna Jameson in the Team ECW locker room. She is alone that is until the locker room door swings open and in comes her fellow team mate and Queen of Extreme Angelica. Jenna looks over to see who it is..and when she realizes its Angelica she rolls her eyes and turns right back around. Angelica snickers to herself and walks around and in front of Jenna, looking her dead in the face as she begins to speak¤

:+:The EcW Extremist + Angelica:+: Ok, whats the deal with you Jenna?

:+:Team EcW's Loose End + Jenna Jameson:+: What the hell are you talking about Angie? Dont come in here acting like you give a shit about what I am doing...you and the rest of team ecw can shove your heads right back eachothers asses.

:+:The EcW Extremist + Angelica:+: Oh really, who told you we were all into that kind of stuff? But really Jenna...after that little mishap in here the other day with you and Nicole, I think its time we got to the bottom of some things that you obviously arent taking serious.

:+:Team EcW's Loose End + Jenna Jameson:+: The only thing that is serious is that I came to XwwA with a deal to already be in the greatest stable ever with the intent to take it all the way to the top. And when I try to do that, I get all of my supposed "team mates" to completely turn on me and act as if I am some kind of pariah when im not. Its all a bunch of bullshit.

:+:The EcW Extremist + Angelica:+: No Jenna, the only bullshit is the fact that you actually thought that all of us would have no problem what so ever with you putting not one, not two but ALL of our careers on the line without asking us first. Well excuse us if all of us are selfish and have the nerve to want jobs and lives. But I guess you wouldnt understand anything about teams...but then again maybe you do...god only knows how many times you have been gang banged right? *Jennas jaw drops* but wait a second, I am not even going to stoop that low and even begin to insult you..because you have dont enough of that for all of us havent you?

:+:Team EcW's Loose End + Jenna Jameson:+: Angelica, you have made it more clear than ever that you and the rest of Team ECW are jealous of me and have been intimidated by me since day one. This isnt really about me loisng everyones job, this is about the fact that I am the only one who actually took that extra step to get Team EcW some kind of power...more power. You or any of the others have tried anything to make things better..and that scares you all to death. But I dont blame you, I am pretty wonderful.

:+:The EcW Extremist + Angelica:+: Where the fuck do you get off? All of us have been busting our asses to NOT try and kick your ass ourselves all this week. Thats because you just dont understand exactly how pissed off we all are. And I wouldnt expect you to either because you are way to wrapped up in your own self that you wouldnt notice a dump truck run into a nitroglycerin plant. Are you aware of how many times we all hda to stop and think about what would happen if you were injured before the match..making our chances of staying here even slimmer.

:+:Team EcW's Loose End + Jenna Jameson:+: Well, Angie , since you have such a problem, maybe you should solve it right now..come on, *gets in Angelicas face* , why dont you try it..lets see what youve got Miss Hall of Famer.

:+:The EcW Extremist + Angelica:+: I would love to Jenna, you have no idea, but that wouldnt be good for business. Tonight, you are the only thing that is going to make or break all of us. And that wouldnt be very smart of me right? To beat your ass all over this locker room? And besides, we are supposed to be stable mates...and even when stable mates make some of the STUPIDEST mistakes ever..we are supposed to be there for them anyway right? *smirks*

:+:Team EcW's Loose End + Jenna Jameson:+: Yeah whatever Angie, and as much as I would love to stay here and continue this oh so interesting conversation...I have a match to prepare and an VP office to decorate. Talk to ya later...oh yeah, good luck in your match * looks Angelica up and down before walking out of the room*

¤Angelica watches her leave the room in complete disgust. She goes to sit down and relax and release the stress when in comes Paul Heyman...he sees Angelica and walks over to the couch where she is sitting...trying to see whats wrong. ¤

:+:The Maniacal Genius + Paul "LoudMouth" Heyman:+: Angie..I just saw Jenna leave here...what happened in here..no fight right..??

:+:The EcW Extremist + Angelica:+: Nah, dont worry , lucky for her there was no fight. We did sort of have a heated discussion. Ugh, I just dont know what to do...im so stressed, I have a hardcore match tonight..but instead of focusing on that, I am more worried about whether I am going to still have a job tomorrow.

:+:The Maniacal Genius + Paul "LoudMouth" Heyman:+: All of us feel that way...I am not really sure what Jenna's problem is at the moment but I am pretty sure she will try and get the job done. Even with everyone thinking that she has made some kind of deal with Stephanie and Ivory to get ridof us all. But like always, I have something up my sleeves, so if the ugly happens...we will all be right back here and running shit just like before within a couple of days.

:+:The EcW Extremist + Angelica:+: I guess that makes me feel a little better. Now I have to worry about this Hardcore match...which I havent even been able to think about. Lizzy Borden has alot to say as usual and I havent even rebuttled..that isnt like me. Anyway, I have to go, I have an interview in a few..I will talk to you later Paul.

:+:The Maniacal Genius + Paul "LoudMouth" Heyman:+: Later Angie..

¤Angelica gets up and slowly walks out of the room. She slams the door shut and begins to walk down the halls. She notices one of the crew men, who is very very old, has been checking her out as she was walking. She puts her middle finger up and rolls her eyes as she continues. Just then, she sees someone walk past the soda machine a few feet away. She stops dead in her tracks, she thinks she notices the guy.Its Dean Malenko! Oh god. Angelica tries to run in one of the nearby locker rooms but they are all locked.Angelica spots The Kat walking down the halls with one of her colorful wigs. Angelica sneaks up behind her and snatches it off and keeps going. She puts it on quickly and tries to walk passed without him noticing. Everything is going fine , he doesnt see her, butjust then Beulah walks by and practically yells "Hey Angelica" and continues on. Dean Malenko hears this and starts to walk toward the mysterious blue haired woman. Angelica doesnt know hes coming, so shes walking with her eyes closed, hoping she can get away unnoticed. But then, her walkin comes to a stop when she cant go any further. Something by her knees isnt letting her go. She opens her eyes and sees Dean looking at her.She gives a weak smile¤

:+:The Stumpy Stalker + Dean "Shorty" Malenko:+: Im diggin the new hairstyle..did you know I was coming? you did that for me? awww...i knew you loved me.

:+:The EcW Extremist and Soon to be Hardcore Champion + Angelica:+: Ha.yea..uh..well you know me, changing every day..i hate to stay the same...um, what are you doing her Dean?

:+:The Stumpy Stalker + Dean "Shorty" Malenko:+: I am here to see my sweethearts match...she has a title match.

:+:The EcW Extremist and Soon to be Hardcore Champion + Angelica:+: *relieved* Oh, im so happy for you Dean, you have moved on..whos the lucky girl you are here for?

:+:The Stumpy Stalker + Dean "Shorty" Malenko:+: You my little red head sweet tart.

:+:The EcW Extremist and Soon to be Hardcore Champion+ Angelica:+: Ohh..me? uh...isnt that nice..but didnt anyone tell you? Im not going to be wrestling tonight...um, i have to go to the hospital.

:+:The Stumpy Stalker + Dean "Shorty" Malenko:+: Oh my god, whats wrong? Is it serious?!

:+:The EcW Extremist and Soon to be Hardcore Champion + Angelica:+: Um, im afraid so..its really serious...*starts to cough* Its really contagious...its a deadly virus called...Trumponitis.

:+:The Stumpy Stalker + Dean "Shorty" Malenko:+: Trumponitis? Ive never heard of that. Where did you get it from?

:+:The EcW Extremist and Soon to be Hardcore Champion + Angelica:+: Thats because it only happens to 1 in 120,000 people. Im that one...doctors say I only have 3 days to live. See, im wearing this wig because I am balding. I think I got it from one of those..err..lets say...45 men I was with last week? I dont really know, I lost count after 27. *shrugs*

:+:The Stumpy Stalker + Dean "Shorty" Malenko:+: 45? Angie..that pretty...um..wow.. I am --

:+:The EcW Extremist and Soon to be Hardcore Champion + Angelica:+: I know what you are going to say, you are really disappointed in me and you really dont want to be with someone who would do such incredibly nasty things. I think you should just leave me alone, im bad news and I know you want nothing but the best..a nice classy woman...so sad..my lss eh?

:+:The Stumpy Stalker + Dean "Shorty" Malenko:+: Actually I was gonna say I thought it was pretty sexy and cool...and dont worry about me..the doctors say with this fungus that is beginning to grow on my Johnnie might be numbering my days anyway. So I think we should spend our last few days with eachother as much as possible.Dont you think?

:+:The EcW Extremist and Soon to be Hardcore Champion + Angelica:+: *cant believe it* oh..isnt that something...what a coincidence..well, as much as i would love to spend my last few days with you...im going to be in the hospital the whole time.im supposed to be going to check in now...im sorry

:+:The Stumpy Stalker + Dean "Shorty" Malenko:+:well i want to be there when you have your surgery...ill take you.

:+:The EcW Extremist and Soon to be Hardcore Champion + Angelica:+: Um, i dont think thats a good idea..

:+:The Stumpy Stalker + Dean "Shorty" Malenko:+:Why not?

:+:The EcW Extremist and Soon to be Hardcore Champion + Angelica:+Doctors say I shouldnt ride in cars with men because they are more likely to catch the virus..and being in cars with you know , closed windows and stuff, that wouldnt be good, because um the virus like you know, stays in?

:+:The Stumpy Stalker + Dean "Shorty" Malenko:+: Oh well, what hospital you going to..ill meet you there.Which one you going to?

:+:The EcW Extremist and Soon to be Hardcore Champion + Angelica:+: Errr...Sesame Street Place Prespyterian Hospital? Ya..its a new one.But I really have to go now, so I will see you there...ok?

:+:The Stumpy Stalker + Dean "Shorty" Malenko:+: Alright luscious lips..I will be * sucks teeth and points* catching you later!

:+:The EcW Extremist and Soon to be Hardcore Champion + Angelica:+: Uh Bye, ill watch you drive off.

¤Dean blows Angelica a kiss and Angelica gives a fake smile/giggle as she wat for him to get in his car and drive away. He honks the horn and she puts her thumbs up. After he is out of the garage and gone, Angelica sticks her tongue out in digusts and continues on about her business. She is now a few minutes late for her interview. Finally she gets to the location where Lillian Garcia is waiting for her. Lillian gives a sigh of relief and begins immediately:+:

:+:The Songbird + Voice of XwwA Lillian Garcia:+: Angelica, if you dont mind me asking, what took you so long for you to get here?

:+:The EcW Extremist and Soon to be Hardcore Champion + Angelica:+: Not that I owe you any kind of explanation Lillian, if you must know, I was once again stalked and harassed and hit on by that dispicable Dean Malenko.

:+:The Songbird + Voice of XwwA Lillian Garcia:+: Speaking of, dont you and Dean have some kind of relationship?

:+:The EcW Extremist and Soon to be Hardcore Champion + Angelica:+: What the hell? why the hell would I have anything to do with fungus balls? That is the most obsurd question I have ever heard Lillian and it is taking so much for me not to slap you right now...can we get on to the important things and not speak about this bullshit.

:+:The Songbird + Voice of XwwA Lillian Garcia:+: Ok, well you have a match tonight...a Super Hardcore Gauntlet match. This is your first time being in this type of match, what do you think of the match and the title itself?

:+:The EcW Extremist and Soon to be Hardcore Champion + Angelica:+: Well, in case you havent realized, I am a pretty extreme person. And to me, extreme and hardcore are pretty much brother and sister. They mean almost the same things and seeing as I am one of the most extreme people in this building, it would make perfect sense to place me in a match for the hardcore title. Honestly, I dont know why I am being put in the match with the people thats in it, but hey its just making things easier for me and practicaly guaranteeing me the newest hardcore champion title. I am not really familiar with gauntlet matches but really, how hard can it be. As long as I am able to use all kinds of weapons and impose the most harsh and cruel pain that I can possibly think of, I think everything will go smoothly Lillian. Dont you remember all of those times back in WWE when I was placed in matches with people like Trish stratus...and I practically tore her ass up every week? And how when I was pushed off a ladder and into a wooden table how I was up and about a week later? That to me proves how tough I am. because if you think about it, had that had been anyone else, it would have been the end of their career. but not me, survivors like me dont let anything get us down and if there are people who are doubting me and my victory tonight, I pity them sadly and too bad they couldnt stake their lives on it. It would be such a killer suprise. So all in all, I am prettyexcited about the match even though I havent really had much time to think about it.

:+:The Song Bird +Voice of XwwA Lillian Garcia:+: Well, I guess we can go onto your opponents, what are your thoughts on Linda Miles?

:+:The EcW Extremist and Soon to be Hardcore Champion + Angelica:+:Thats that Tough Enough bitch right? Yeah I believe it is, and all I can say is..What the hell? How did someone like her get involved in the match, you would at least think they would put some veterans in there, where did this wannabe come from. She is just some regular fan who got a couple of weeks of training and was told she was now a wrestler? I dont think so, I shouldnt have to waste my time fighting mail order wrestlers. Linda has no importance to me and just like everyone else, I am going to be making an example out of her. And no, I am not just talking out of my ass again, I mean it this time. So what she has won a couple of her matches and has made somewhat of some sort of good impressions or improvements? That doesnt mean anything. I wont be holding anything back when it comes to Linda..she should have left the wrestling to us real wrestlers who trained long and worked the man hours and stayed on her couch at home and enjoyed it. Now she wants to become involved and after tonight, she is going to wish she hadnt. Its pretty retarded if you ask me, I dont even know what to do , laugh? cry? laugh again? Oh well, she will find out everything that I am saying when I am through with her.

:+:The Song Bird +Voice of XwwA Lillian Garcia:+: Chyna?

:+:The EcW Extremist and Soon to be Hardcore Champion + Angelica:+:Ah yes, the woman who was fired from the WWE a few days after we had a match together at a PPV. And to think , she was soo happy then. And thats when she was fired and everything went down hill for her. No job, no boyfreind, no life...it must have been a trip for her. I am gonna have to give it to Chyna though, she had a pretty good career. I mean , after she had her sex change and got her enhancements in certain places to look more female, I have to say that he did clean himself up pretty well. I am not sure if I am supposed to be intimidated by Chyna in this match up or something, but in case you are wondering. I am not. She is the least of my worries, shes right there after Linda. Chyna is a has been, all those losers back here who wanna call me, the extreme one a has been, must be mistaken because the only has been in this building is Chyna. She has been around for centuries and I am starting to think that it is time for her to give up the business and consider donating her services to a circs or something. I am pretty sure the children would love to see Chyna The Beast in a cage. Hell, even id pay some money for that. I have beat Chynas ass plenty of times before, she isnt all that everyone claims she is. She isnt that hard to beat, yeah shes a little bit bigger than mot of us girls, but strength isnt the only thing that is needed to beat someone. you also need speed and smart wits. And I have all of the above. Chyna has been beaten by some of the littlest people known to mankind so I am sure she wont be any kind of a hassle for me either. I know how to handle her , i know how she moves and how she thinks because she is predictable. you dont have to be a rocker scientist to figure out her style. And sincei know it, I am gonna have to use it against her...something she cant do to me because I am forever changing up styles. And now that chyna knows how I feel...i bet she is in her locke room doing a few extra push ups, a few extra stretches and trying to make the best of what shes got to give....and thats close to nothing.

:+:The Song Bird +Voice of XwwA Lillian Garcia:+: And Nidia?

:+:The EcW Extremist and Soon to be Hardcore Champion + Angelica:+: it just keeps on getting worse huh Lillian. Nidia , yet another Tough Enough dork. She has absolutely nothing to offer the federation let alone to the match and the hardcore title.She makes no sense, i see no reason for her being a wrestler and being in xwwa. Almost everyone here contributes something to the federation no matter how much or how little, but she does absolutely nothing. She makes me sick. I am so glad that she hasnt made her presence felt and ahs decided to lay low on this match. I really dont want to hear what she has to say , seeing as it will be a whole bunch of bullshit. She cant compare to me, hell she cant even compare to any of the other half cent divas in this match. Its pretty sad if you ask me. I have very little interest in trying to know anything about Nidia, s basically the only thing that is going to be happening is me beating her curly haired,gum chewing, pot belly, trailor park, " I wanna be a wrestler" ass all over this building. The best part is that I get to use weapons so maybe I would be able to rearrange her face and save us all the damage from looking at her.But now I think I want to go to the ring since I am pretty sure the next question is about Lizzy Borden...ciao.

¤Angelica moves the mic from her face and pushes Lillian out of her way as she gets ready to head out to the ring¤

To Be Continued