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the scene opens up with the queen of extreme Lita walking through the halls of the hotel where the cmf roster is staying. Reaching the door she wants Lita knocks loudly and waits for it to be open. A few moments later she stands face to face with Alex and the two women exchange icy stares.

Lita: We need to talk

Alex crosses her arms as a smile plays on her face.

Alex: I wondered when you would get around to seeing me.

Lita's expression doesn’t change but the cold look in her eyes deepens

Lita: can i come in

Alex waves a hand as she steps back from the door, closing it behind them as Lita walks on into her suite. Looking at the sofa Lita instead decides to stand not planning on taking her time with the meeting

Lita: I am sure you know why i am here

Alex: I am going to go out on a limb and say something to do with Jeremy and Nicholas?.

Lita: Exactly. I don’t appreciate people interfering in my business and the match i had with you was MY business. We both know Jeremy had something to do with that woman and my question is why?

Alex smiles, her dark eyes never wavering from Lita's gaze.

Alex: Why don’t you ask your husband, or do you feel he won't give you the truth?

Lita: I am asking you

Alex: And I'm telling you Amy, your not going to waltz in here and intimidate me like you think you will. I don’t know who the woman was or what she wanted. But like you, I intend to find out

Lita: I didn’t ask about her I asked why Jeremy would want to go to such lengths to hurt you. I am not a simple woman I know that there is something going on and it revolves around you. I want to know

Alex: Jeremy and I had a past relationship Amy, Im sure you know. But what you don’t know or maybe you do... is that our relationship extended past my sister. I am, or was… his business manager. He and I and Nick all knew one another long before Nick met Torrie, and he knows it as well as I. There are things you should ask your husband about. Things I know, and so should you.

Lita looks at the woman infront of her curiously unsure of whether to trust her words

Lita: Things?

Alex: Things… such as my sister. I am not the one hiding things from you Amy. Look to Nick and Jeremy for that. But i will say his little hired gun made a big mistake in what she did to me on Backlash. A very huge mistake.

Lita: Look Alex, i know as well as you do that if what you had on Jeremy was really anything solid you would be more than ready to tell me. Maybe you’re just full of it

Alex levels her eyes on Lita's face, again a smile showing as she answers.

Alex: Or maybe Amy, I am waiting till just the right moment. I never bluff, and I never lie... but the same can’t be said for Nick or Jeremy.

Lita: So what is stopping you from telling me?

Alex: because for one the time isn’t right and for another, that should be your husband's place, would you not agree... or Nick's. Take your pick

Lita: I see i have wasted my time in coming here, you obviously have nothing

Alex: Nothing that i am inclined to tell you anyway. if its answers you seek, got to the ones who caused this to come about. Go to the two who made it happen and covered it up.

Lita: Covered it up? Covered what up?

Again she smiles as she sits down, crossing her legs while picking up her cigarettes.

Alex: About what really happened that night my sister died for one. Now, maybe you need to go find Nicholas or Jeremy. I am sure where one is, the other is as well.

Lita's face fills with confusion as she takes in what was just said

Lita: They covered up something to do with the night she died? I was right the first time, you are full of it

Alex: No your the one who is full of it Lita, and very, very deluded

Lita: You go on about how the truth needs to be told yet you seem to be unable to tell it. I think that is because you have nothing to say. This was pointless.

Alex: Yes Amy, they did. Nick and Jeremy both did. Its not that hard to do if one is a cop and the other is a lawyer. Now, my suggestion to you is to go back and ask your husband. As well as Nick. Then you can get your answers. My sister's death was made to seem as something it wasn’t

Lita's face fills with shock but that quickly changes to doubt and she laughs a little

Lita: You're lying

Alex: Am I?.

Lita: What would they have to cover up about it?

Sighing now she answers

Alex: Amy you are not that dumb and neither am i so don’t stand here and try to play the idiot to me. Why do you think they did?

Lita: I want to hear it from you

Alex: Then your waiting arent you?

Lita: You know for someone so sure she is telling the truth and doing the world a favor by no longer keeping this big secret.... your not very open with the information

Alex: I told you Amy, when the time is right I will be very open with my information. I am giving Nick and Jeremy the chance to come clean, if they know how. But there time is running out, faster then they know.

Lita: What does it matter to you who tells me or anyone else?

Alex: What do you want to hear Amy, that your husband is a murderer, or worse?. That Nick is just as guilty if not more?. Or maybe you would like to hear how close Jeremy and I really was... take your pick.

Lita narrows her eyes in anger as she looks at Alex

Lita: How dare you call Jeremy a murderer, its not true. You know, i think him and Nick were right, you really have gone insane

Alex: Have I?. Or is that just something they wish you and everyone else would believe?. Look to them for your truths Amy, and if that fails.. Wait and watch

Lita: I give it a week before they are throwing you into a padded cell. You are crazy

Lita pulls a face of disgust and them she simply turns to leave the room dismissing all that Alex has said but there is still that little voice inside of her head saying "What if?"


Later in the show we are once again taken back to the large hotel where the queen of extreme exits the elevator and steps out into the lobby. Twirling her car keys around her finger idly she walks towards the door but as she passes the bar she notices a familiar face. Stopping to think for a moment Lita turns and instead of leaving she makes her way into the bar and sits down. Noticing someone sitting beside him Nick turns around and smiles slightly

Nick: Amy, Looking for Jeremy?

Lita: No

Nick: Oh, Torrie?

Lita: You actually

Nick: Then let me buy you a drink

Nick gains the bar tenders attention and orders another two drinks which he quickly brings over. Lita accepts hers with a thank you

Nick: So what can I do for you?

Lita: I need to talk to you about something…well someone really. Alex

Nick: What about her?

Lita: I went to see her today

Nick almost chokes on the liquid in his mouth as he hears what Lita just said. Clearing his throat slightly he turns to face her

Nick: Why did you do that?

Lita: Because I don’t really like the idea of being knocked down by some stranger whenever Jeremy decides he wants to keep Alex quiet

Nick: Have you spoken to Jeremy?

Lita: He would have to be around first

Nick: Huh?

Lita: Never mind. Alex had some very interesting things to say tho

Nick: Yeah I bet

Lita: I want to know what is going on Nick. I am sure you can guess what I was told

Nick: I have a good idea

Lita: I am tired of being kept in the dark. I want to know just what the hell is going on

Nick: Calm down. Alex is just trying to stir up trouble as usual

Lita: The look in your eyes says different Nick

Lita looks into Nicks eyes and they hold each others gaze for a few moments as if searching for her answers there. Nick sighs and looks down at the beer in his hands

Nick: So why haven’t you spoken to Jeremy about any of this?

Lita: If he wanted me to know I wouldn’t have to ask. Nick please, I am asking for you to help me

Lita places her hand on Nicks to gain his attention

Lita: Please

Just as Nick is about to speak two young teenagers walk over to them with big smiles on their faces and paper and pen in their hands. Lita rolls her eyes then turns putting on her best fake smile

Fan #1:- You're Lita aren’t you!

Lita: Last time I checked

Fan #2:- Can we please have your autograph?

Fan #1:- You are like the best wrestler ever, I love you

Lita signs the paper and smiles again but the teens seem in no hurry to leave

Nick: Look lets go somewhere else and talk

Lita nods and stands up saying her good byes to the two fans. The queen of extreme makes her way out of the bar and towards the exit with Nick close behind her. As they step outside Nick places his jacket around Lita’s shoulders and the pair head towards the parking lot and on to a quieter scene