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GCW Plunging into Sin 2

Date: 11/16/02

{Steven Bell walks outside to check the mail. He comes back inside and reads the letter aloud to Krazy Josh & Kaos Kidd. It says that the company has been bought from both him and Wallace. Kaos Kidd tells Steven that both him and and Phantom quit World of Madness}

{Adam Michaels walks into Fantastico's locker room and tells him that the new owner has made him the GCW Commissioner. Adam takes the old Intercontinental Title from Fantastico and gives him the brand new one.}

{Krazy Josh comes out to the ring and rubs it in that he is the GCW Champion. He also says that tonight he can't wait to see who will fight.}

1. Intercontinental Championship Match
Fantastico (c) vs. Ultimo Astro
Winner: No Contest
{Grizzly Bear Adams runs out and slams Ultimo and Fantastico. He tells Phantom that he is looking for him.}

{Marc Kold is shown sitting on the porch. Kaos Kidd walks up to him and laughs in his face saying that he was beat down last week by Krazy Josh. Marc Kold gets angry by Kaos Kidd's comments and challenges him to a match.}

2. Kaos Kidd vs. Marc Kold
Winner: Kaos Kidd after Kold Superplexes Kaos off the top rope but Kaos counters and rolls Kold up

{After the match, Kold nails Kaos Kidd with his finisher, Hell Frozen Over, on the pan outside the ring}

{Kaos Kidd is shown sitting on the porch furious. Ultimo Astro walks up to him saying that it was a good match. Kaos Kidd takes the comment the wrong way and punches Ultimo out.}

{Adam Michaels makes his way out to the ring. He informs the fans that tonight he will go one on one with The Madman. While he was doing so, the audience seemed to be against Adam 100%}

{Grizzly Bear Adams is shown roaming the halls. He runs into Kaos Kidd and asks him if he has seen Phantom. Kaos Kidd quickly says no. Grizzly runs into Krazy Josh and asks him the same question. Krazy Josh informs him that Phantom has quit World of Madness. Grizzly walks out the door very angry.}

3. #1 Contendership Match
For the GCW Championship
Adam Michaels vs. The Madman
Winner & #1 Contender for the GCW Championship: Adam Michaels w/ the Corkscrew Moonsault

4. GCW Championship Hardcore Match
Krazy Josh (c) vs. Adam Michaels
Winner & Still GCW Champion: Krazy Josh w/ Shock Therapy on pan

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