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GCW Oblivion 2003

Date: 10/18/03

{The show fades in on a body lying on the ground with Death standing over it. Death reaches down and places his hand on the motionless body's back. Suddenly, the body begins to go into a spasm, coming alive. Death throws a mask down beside the body. The body begins to wake up and grabs the mask and puts it on away from the camera. He then turns around to the camera to reveal that it is Fantastico, who died five months ago at Gladewater Climax IV by the hands of Krazy Josh. Death, followed by Fantastico, then leave.}

{Wrestling Inc. makes their way out to the ring. Adam states that today will be the day that you will see the crowning of new Tag-Team Champions. At that time, the Tag-Team Champions, 903 Boyz, make their way out.}

1. Tag-Team Championship Match
903 Boyz (c) vs. Wrestling Inc.
Winners & Still Tag-Team Champions: 903 Boyz by DQ
(Wrestling Inc. both nail Kaos Kidd & Airbourne with the Tag-Team Titles.)

2. 4-Way Mexican Championship Match
To Determine the First Ever Mexican Champion
Ultimo Astro vs. Havok vs. Rio Rojo vs. Extraño
Winner & New Mexican Champion: Havok via Power Bomb on Extraño

{During the match, Father and Son, Ultimo Astro and Rio Rojo, confront eachother. Rio Rojo challenges his father to a match at November's Plunging into Sin 3.}

3. 3-Way Fate Championship Match{Guest Referee: Steven Bell}
Hydro (c) vs. Krazy Josh vs. Havok
Winner & New Fate Champion: Krazy Josh via Wings of Madness on Havok

{Seconds after Krazy Josh wins the title, The former Fate Champion Kaos Kidd, comes running out. He gets inside the ring and nails the Kaos-Sault on Krazy Josh. After the match, Death followed by Fantastico walk out from the curtain and confront Krazy Josh. "The Mastermind" Steven Bell and Josh seem like they are about to faint. Fantastico gets into the ring. Right off, Krazy Josh goes to punching Fantastico with nothing happening to Fantastico. With Krazy Josh realizing that nothing will budge Fantastico he leaves the ring in a hurry. Krazy Josh challenges him to a Dead Guy vs. Dead Guy match for Plunging into Sin 3.}

4. 24-7 Championship Submission Match 2 out of 3 Series: Match 2
"The Mastermind" Steven Bell (c) vs. Majestic
Winner & New 24/7 Champion: Majestic via Fuji Arm Bar

{With Majestic winning the second match, there will be one more match at Plunging into Sin 3. If Majestic loses, he will lose his make-up. If he wins, he will style Steven Bell's hair.}

5. GCW Championship Hardcore Match
Adam Michaels (c) vs. Airbourne
Winner & New GCW Champion: Airbourne via Dislocation

{After the match, Adam Michaels stands up slowly and pulls out a paper from his pocket. He states that it is a contract that reads if he loses the title, he will receive a Re-Match at Plunging into Sin 3. Airoburne accepts. The end of the event shown Airbourne standing with the GCW Title. The camera fades out on Airbourne with the Title on his Shoulder.}



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