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GCW Oblivion

Date: 10/21/01

{The beginning of the Pay-Per View Adam Michaels came out and welcomed everyone to GCW Oblivion. He told everyone that he has stripped the World Title from Kidd A and tonight there will be a new Champion crowned. Just then "The Madman" Steven Bell walked out and asked Adam why he stripped the title from Kidd A. Adam then started thinking but couldn't think of a good reason. But right then Godsmack began to play over the PA System and outcame Frozen Eclipse! He got into the ring and laid Steven and Adam out. He then said he came back to GCW to get the World Title. He challenged anyone in the back to a match. Shadow's music hit and he walked out to a loud cheer of boos. He tells Frozen Eclipse that he will fight him. Adam got up and said he can fight Shadow but it won't be for the World Title. It will be like a Tournament. If Frozen beat Shadow, Frozen will advance to Steven Bell and fight in a Loser Leave GCW Match and if somehow Frozen wins that match he will advance and fight Adam Michaels in a 30-Minute Iron Man Match. Frozen Eclipse accepts.}

1. Texas Championship Match:
Ultimo Astro (c) vs. Loco
Winner & New Texas Champion: Loco

2.Impact vs. "The Madman" Steven Bell
Winner: "The Madman" Steven Bell

3. Frozen Eclipse vs. Shadow
Winner: Frozen Eclipse

4. Suvivor Match:
Impact won the Survivor match last eliminating Frozen Eclipse.

5. Non-Title Match:
Adam Michaels vs. The Phantom
Winner: The Phantom

6. Loser Leave GCW Match:
Frozen Eclipse vs. "The Madman" Steven Bell
Winner: Frozen Eclipse

7.The Phantom vs. Shadow
Winner: Shadow

8. First Blood Intercontinental Championship Match:
Adam Michaels (c) vs. Impact
Winner & New Intercontinental Champion: Impact

9. World Championship 30-Minute Iron Man Match:
Adam Michaels vs. Frozen Eclipse
Winner & New World Champion: Frozen Eclipse

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