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GCW Just Unstoppable

Date: 6/11/03

1. Kaos Kidd vs. Ultimo Astro
Winner: Kaos Kidd w/ Top Rope Moonsault

{Just Unstoppable makes their way out and strips the GCW Title from him. They then set up a 3-Way against eachother for the Main Event.}

2. Big Poppa vs. Marc Kold
Winner: Marc Kold w/ Panshot

3. Tag-Team Championship Match
Adam Michaels/Airbourne (c) vs. Kaos Kidd/Big Poppa
Winner & Still Tag-Team Champions: Adam Michaels/Airbourne w/ Springboard Leg Drop by Airbourne to Big Poppa

4. GCW Championship Match
Adam Michaels vs. Airbourne vs. "The Mastermind" Steven Bell
Winner & New GCW Champion: Airbourne w/ Standing Moonsault to Adam Michaels

{At the end of the show, Steven Bell drops the Ownership and says that he is leaving because he thinks that GCW can go on without him. While in the ring, Airbourne was beating the hell out of Adam Michaels. The camera fades to black on Adam Michaels & Steven Bell.}

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