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GCW High Expectations

Date: 9/6/03

{Krazy Josh, along side by Kid Lucifer, makes their way out. He states that tonight Flying Assassin will not be here and Lucifer will replace him in the Tag-Team Match. As he says that, Adam Michaels, walks out and gets into Krazt Josh's face. He rubs it in that he is the GCW Champion, Owner and Commissioner of GCW. Josh then replies that tonight he will be the Special Referee in his and Airbourne's Commissionership Match. Krazy Josh then cuts Adam off with a huge punch straight to the face.}

{Unbreakable walks out and states that he will be going by the name of Johnny Wipeout now because he has been broken way too many times.}

Johnny Wipeout vs. Extraño
Winner: Extraño w/ Strange Devastation

{Before the match, Diamond Jack states that he will now be going by using Courageous now.}

Tag-Team Championship Match
Mix Breed (c) vs. Ultimo Astro/Courageous
Winner & Still Tag-Team Champions: Mix Breed w/ The Posession from Josh to Ultimo

{Adam Michaels and Majestic comes out. Majestic seems like he hurt his ankle from his last match when he wrestled Airbourne at GCW Unfinished Business. Adam then tells him that he will wrestle Krazy Josh right now and if Adam wins, Josh must call the Commissionership Match down the middle. He then makes Majestic the referee.}

Adam Michaels vs. Krazy Josh
Winner: Adam Michaels w/ 450 Splash

Commissionership Match
Adam Michaels vs. Airbourne
Winner & New GCW Commissioner: Airbourne w/ Whiplash Reverse DDT

{At the end of the show, Couragous runs out and raises the hand of the new Commissioner, Airbourne. Adam gets angry and attacks Couragous from behind. Him and Mix Breed then beat up both him and Airbourne. Josh then brutally breaks the arm of Couragous while Adam makes Airbourne look on. The camera fades to black on both Couragous and Airbourne laying on the ground hurt.}

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