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GBW Gladewater Climax

Date: 12/16/00

1."Sensational" Patrick Wallace vs. X-Treme Eclipse
Winner: "Sensational" Patrick Wallace by a Seated Sleeping Neckbreaker

2. Wallace vs. Primetime C
Winner: Wallace by a Crucifix Powerbomb

3. World Championship Loser Change Name Match:
Damon Wallace (c) vs. "The Madman" Steven Bell
Winner & New World Champion: "The Madman" Steven Bell
{Steven Bell changes Damon Wallace's name to Essa}

4. Essa vs. "Sensational" Patrick Wallace
Winner: Essa by The Damon Drop

5. X-Treme Eclipse vs. "The Madman" Steven Bell
Winner: X-Treme Eclipse by Suicidal Dropout

6. Essa vs. Primetime C
Winner: Essa by The Damon Drop

7. "Sensational" Patrick Wallace vs. "The Madman" Steven Bell
Winner: "Sensational" Patrick Wallace by The Sensation

8. Intercontinental Championship 2 out of 3 Falls Match
X-Treme Eclipse (c) vs. Primetime C
Winner & Still Intercontinental Champion: X-Treme Eclipse by Suicidal Dropout
{"Sensational" Patrick Wallace steals the Intercontinental Championship away from X-Treme Eclipse}

9. 5-Man Battle Royal:
#1 Contendership for the World Championship
Primetime C vs. Essa vs. X-Treme Eclipse vs. "Sensational" Patrick Wallace
Winner: Primetime C

10. 3-Way Match:
Essa vs. X-Treme Eclipse vs. "Sensational" Patrick Wallace
Winner: Essa

11. World Championship Match:
"The Madman" Steven Bell (c) vs. Primetime C
Winner & Still World Champion: "The Madman" Steven Bell by The Ultimate Madness

{"The Madman" Steven Bell kidnapped Essa. We discover that Primetime C paid him $300 to do it.}

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