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GCW Fate

Date: 2/23/03

1. Tag-Team Championship Match
Adam Michaels/Kaos Kidd (c) vs. The Madman/Krazy Josh
Winners & Still Tag-Team Champions: Adam Michaels/Kaos Kidd w/ Kaos Sault to Krazy Josh

{After the match, Krazy Josh challenges Kaos Kidd to a match at GCW Shockwave. Not just a regular match, but a Hardcore Rules Match.}

2. #1 Contendership Match for the GCW Title
Krazy Josh vs. The Phantom
Winner & #1 Contender: The Phantom w/ Down with the Sickness

{After the match, Havok came out and attacked Phantom by locking in the Ankle Lock. Phantom's partner, Kid Dynamite, came out and helped Phantom. Both of them jumped out of the ring.}

3. 3-Way Partner vs. Partner Match
Adam Michaels vs. Jag vs. Kaos Kidd
Winner: Jag w/ Jagged Edge to Kaos Kidd

4. GCW Championship Match
Havok (c) vs. Kid Dynamite
Winner & Still GCW Champion: Havok w/ Full Force

5. Intercontinental Championship Match
Ultimo Astro (c) vs. Jag
Winner & New Intercontinental Champion: Jag w/ Swanton Bomb

{The camera shows World of Madness in the back drunk. Jag & Kaos Kidd walks up and disrepects them. Out of nowhere, Cyrus the Virus and Diamond Jack come out and attack Jag & Kaos Kidd, only to get brutally assaulted. Kaos Kidd then challenges them both to a match at next week's event, GCW Full Force.}

{At the end of the show, Havok comes out and states that he will take care of Phantom at GCW Shockwave. Phantom makes his way out and nails the Down with the Sickness on him. He then makes it clear that the GCW Title will be coming to him.}

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