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GCW Full Throttle

Date: 11/2/03

{The show starts off with Wrestling Inc. introducing everyone to GCW Full Throttle. They state that Airbourne will not be here today because of what happened to him last week. They then make the main event for tonight. Majestic vs. Wrestling Inc. in a Handicap Match.}

{The team of Ultimo Astro & Excelente Astro, Los Astros, are shown having an interview. Ultimo states that tonight, his brother, Excelente Astro, will take out his son, Rio Rojo.}

{Ultimo Astro's son, Rio Rojo, is shown arriving late. The Commissioner, Krazy Josh, is there to give him some heat. He informs him that he missed his chance to wrestle in a 3-Way Match for the Mexican Title, but gets a chance to do Color Commentary during the match. However, after that he will face Hydro one-on-one. Rio Rojo walks off in tears.}

1. Rio Rojo vs. Excelente Astro
Winner: Excelente Astro via Excellent Decapitation

{Ultimo Astro gets on the microphone and tells Rio Rojo to be ready for the Father vs. Son at Plunging into Sin 3.}

{Hydro is shown telling us that the name Hydro will no longer work. He is now Joey Delux.}

2. Bizarro vs. Joey Delux
Winner: Joey Delux via Delux Bomb

{Fantastico is shown having an interview. He slowly tells Josh to be ready for Plunging into Sin 3.}

{Majestic and "The Mastermind" Steven Bell bump into eachother. They have a staredown.}

3. Fate Championship Match
Krazy Josh (c) vs. Kaos Kidd vs. Ultimo Astro
Winner: Krazy Josh via The Possession

{Wrestling Inc. makes their way out for the Handicap Match. They appoint Airbourne's Partner, Kaos Kidd, to be the Referee.}

4. Handicap Match
Majestic vs. Wrestling Inc.
Winners: Wrestling Inc. via Termination
{"The Mastermind" Steven Bell pinned Majestic, therefore, becoming 24/7 Champion. After the match, Majestic wins back the title while Adam is too busy taunting to the crowd.}

{The camera fades out on Wrestling Inc. angry with Majestic.}



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