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GCW Full Force

Date: 3/23/03

1. Kid Dynamite vs. A.D. Christian
Winner: A.D. Christian w/ Falling from Faith

2. Adam Michaels/Jag vs. Madman/Krazy Josh
Winners: Madman/Krazy Josh w/ Nightfall from Madman to Adam Michaels

3. Diamond Jack vs. Ultimo Astro
Winner: Ultimo Astro w/ Ultimate Destination

4. Fantastico vs. Cyrus the Virus
Winner: Cyrus the Virus w/ Virus Effect

{Adam Michaels makes his way out and announces that he has brought back the 24/7 Title. Referee Billy then quickly rolls up Adam in a schoolboy and gets a 3 count. Jag runs out and attacks Billy by nailing the Jagged Edge for the 3 count. Krazy Josh runs out from the back and hits Jag with a vicious DDT for the pin. Adam Michaels sees his opportunity and nails Josh with a Quesadora Reverse DDT for the pin. Marc Kold comes out and hits Adam with Hell Frozen Over for the 24/7 Title. Cyrus the Virus makes his way out and nails him with a Hip Toss for the win. Kid Dynamite runs behind Cyrus and rolls him up for the 3 count. Diamond Jacks hits the ring and nails Kid Dynamite with a knee to the face for the count. The Madman runs out and plants Diamond Jack with the Nightfall for the 1-2-3. Referee Billy rolls up Madman to become a 2-Time 24/7 Champion. J.W. (Cyrus the Virus & Diamond Jack's Manager) nails Billy with a Suplex for the win. Krazy Josh gets up before J.W. can get away and nails him with a Powerbomb for the 24/7 Title. Josh then runs from all the GCW Wrestlers leaving as the 24/7 Champion.}

5. 24/7 Championship Match
Krazy Josh (c) vs. Marc Kold
Winner & Still 24/7 Champion: Krazy Josh w/ Help from Just Unstoppable
{During the match, Jag runs out and knocks out the Referee. Him and Adam Michaels brutally attack Marc Kold. They throw Krazy Josh on him for the win.}

{At the end of the show, Adam Michaels nails Marc Kold with the Styles Clash. Followed by the Jagged Edge from Jag. Adam and Jag informs Marc Kold that at GCW Impaled 2 it will be a Just Unstoppable Gauntlet Match. If somehow Kold defeats Jag, he will go one on one with Adam. The camera fades to black on Adam and Jag raising each other's hands.}

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