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GCW Crimson Anarchy 2

Date: 6/2/03

{The show starts off with Fantastico's Ceremony with all the wrestlers standing on the ring apron. The bell sounds for 10 rings but Krazy Josh interupts before the final bell sound. Just Unstoppable, Ace, Marc Kold and Unbreakable attack Krazy Josh in the center of the ring, until Phantom, Dice, and Havok save the day and throw the bad out.}

#1 Contendership for the Tag-Team Championship
Marc Kold/Unbreakable vs. Phantom/Death
Winners & #1 Contenders: Marc Kold/Unbreakable with Superkick to Chair by Kold to Phantom

Winner gets Fantastico's Mask 24/7 Championship Match
Ultimo Astro vs. Airbourne
Winner & Still 24/7 Champion: Airbourne w/ Jagged Edge

{After the match, Ace runs out and nails a DDT for the pin to win the 24/7 title. Dice then comes out and plants the Wrap Around DDT for the pin. 3 Rounds comes out from nowhere and powers Dice down with the German Suplex. Phantom walks out and Spears 3 Rounds for the win. Ace gets back in the ring and nails a Panshot on Phantom to become the 24/7 Champion once again.}

24/7 Championship Match
Ace (c) vs. Dice
Winner & New 24/7 Champion: Dice w/ Wrap Around DDT

GCW Championship Match
"The Mastermind" Steven Bell (c) vs. Krazy Josh
Winner & New GCW Champion: Krazy Josh w/ Wings of Madness

First Blood Fate Championship Match
Adam Michaels (c) vs. Havok
Winner & Still Fate Champion: Adam Michaels w/ Massive Panshot

{After the match, Unbreakable & Marc Kold walks out and says that they want to have a match for the Tag-Team Championships right now. Adam & Airbourne then attacks both of them and pulls out Duct Tape. Adam wraps up Kold's hands, while Airbourne did the same to Unbreakable. They both take them out to Adam's car and throws Kold in the trunk and threw Unbreakable in the back of the car. They drive off down the road and throw them inside a Dumpster. Adam, Airbourne and "The Mastermind" Steven Bell gets up on the dumpster and challenges them a Tag-Team Street Fight Dumpster Match for GCW Adrenaline 3. The camera fades to black.}

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