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GBT's History Page

GBT was orphaned at the age of 10. He spent 3 years on the streets of El Paso, until he met his teacher and mentor, Jung Shee (Grandmaster) Lo Pang. Lo Pang saw something inside this rough-and-tumble youth. He took the young man, now age 13, under his wing. He spent the next 5 years training him, teaching him the ways of Bak Fu Pai (White Tiger Kung Fu).


The White Tiger credo is:

Respect your country, respect the people.

Respect your Shi Fu, respect all martial arts.

Learn righteous, learn magnanimous, learn Kung Fu.

If you are able to accomplish the art, be humble.

A master of the art does not abuse his knowledge by using it wrongfully.

If a person is not a righteous person, he must not be taught even if he offers

you ten thousand ounces of gold.

If he is a relative and is not righteous, he may not be taught.

If he is a relative and is righteous, he shall be taught.

If you are able to learn Bak Fu Pai's Fist and Staff, it may look like a useless

rock, but treat it as a brick of gold.

GBT struck out on his own at age 22. Lo Pang remained his teacher, although now at a slower pace. After years of intensive study, GBT was now a master of the White Tiger system, but had no trade skills. He felt he had to repay Lo Pang, although the Grandmaster never asked for payment from young GBT. Starting at the bottom, GBT worked his way up from fry cook to General Manager at a fast food place. After attaining the General Manager position, GBT realized there was no future in fast food. He worked various jobs for the next several years, not all of which were legal. He crossed the country several times, always keeping in touch with Lo Pang. He finally started his own Martial Arts school, and started teaching the White Tiger System.

At age 29, GBT ran across an open tryout for an independant wrestling federation: World Fantasy Wrestling. During his tryout, he was spotted by then-owner, Lito Kruz. Lito signed GBT to an immediate contract. He was booked in his first match 2 weeks later, and promptly lost to another rookie - Alexander Blayze.  From that point on, GBT dedicated himself to being the best wrestler the world has ever seen.  Since that day he hasn't stopped training.


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