The small “interview” room, set up by Jeremy and Lita, is shown as the door opens and two large men walk inside. Being pulled along by the men is the blonde bombshell Trish Stratus. As she looks around the unfamiliar room she sees Jeremy Wilson sat at the small table in the middle of the room with a grin on his face. The two unnamed men sit Trish down and begin to handcuff her to the chair opposite Jeremy in the same way they had Stephanie McMahon. The two men become a little rough with her as she begins to squirm against them

Jeremy: Go easy on her!

Quick to jump to Trish’s defence, Jeremy stands up and pushes the two men aside, ordering them out of the room. He kneels down beside Trish and begins to unlock the handcuffs. While this is happening the two are too busy with each other to notice Lita walk in the room. Jeremy looks up at Trish and she smiles but they both jump in shock as Lita slams the room door maybe a little louder than is needed. Jeremy looks towards the direction of the sound and he cringes slightly as his wife watches him unhand cuff Trish.

Lita: Is there a problem?

Jeremy: Amy I don’t see a need to handcuff Trish. She wont go anywhere, im sure she will cooperate.

Trish: What is going on? Cooperate with what Jeremy?

Jeremy: We want to ask you a few questions about Scott

Trish: I don’t know anything, I swear

With the handcuffs now completely off Trish makes herself more comfortable in the chair. As she crosses her long legs her short skirt rides up her thighs a little. From Jeremy’s kneeling position right next to her, this extra skin doesn’t go un noticed by him. His eyes travel the length of her legs from hip to heel and back again. As he does this Lita makes he way behind him and with Trish blatant flirting she soon looses her temper. Taking hold of the back of Jeremy’s collar Lita pulls him back up to his feet in a rather painful way

Jeremy: Amy! What the hell?

Lita: Go sit down over there!

Jeremy makes his way to sit on the vacant chair but as he does Lita takes the handcuffs out of his hand

Jeremy: No Amy. Look she’s not going anywhere she doesn’t deserve this

Lita: And who are you to decide who is deserving of what?

Jeremy: I'm just saying. This is unreasonable, she isn’t going to make a run for it

Lita: Look Jeremy, you are either part of the solution or you are part of the problem. Its that simple, I can do this with or without you

Thinking about it for a moment and considering the idea of his wife left alone unsupervised with Trish he makes his decision. He raises his arms in defeat and Lita makes her way round to Trish and is about to place the handcuffs back on when she stands up from the chair and moves away. The two divas come face to face and lock eyes

Jeremy: Come on you two, lets just calm down

As if they cant hear Jeremy, the two divas continue to try and intimidate each other

Lita: Sit down

Trish smiles and shakes her head “no”

Lita: Sit you down before I put you down!

Jeremy: Amy come on, just give it a rest.

Lita slowly turns to face her husband with her eyes dark with anger and he rolls his eyes a little

Jeremy: Trish, come on love. Just sits down we only want to ask you a question or two.

Lita pulls out the chair a little and Trish sits down and leans forward on the table infront of her resting her elbows on it. She smiles sweetly at Jeremy and he smiles back. Lita is quiet as she slowly makes her way around the table towards Jeremy.

Trish: So how are you Jeremy?

Lita: Oh you have got to be kidding me!

Trish gives Lita an evil look before turning her attentions back to Jeremy and the sweet smile returns to her lips. Jeremy laughs a little and very casually leans back in the chair he is sitting on, resting now only on the back two legs of it. Trish winks at Jeremy and seeing this Lita places her hand on the back of Jeremy’s chair and pulls sharply. With quick reflexes Jeremy grabs onto the table and manages to stop himself from tipping over backwards. He looks at Lita seeming not impressed by her actions and Lita returns the same look in her eyes

Lita: Put your eyes back in head! I told you before your either here along with me or your not here at all!

Lita places her hands loudly onto the table and leans down making eye contact with Trish again

Lita: Where is my son?

Trish: I don’t know

Lita: Come on, we know Stephanie has him we just don’t know where. So tell me

Trish: I told you I don’t know! Are you void of hearing as well as fashion sense?

Lita: I swear to god if you don’t tell me where my son is I am going to cause you more pain in more fun and interesting ways than you ever thought possible

Jeremy: Come on Amy. If she says she doesn’t know, she doesn’t know. Lets just leave it

Lita shakes her head and then runs a hand through her hair out of frustration. As she does this Trish removes the jacket she is wearing to reveal a very tight low cut top, which as usual leaves nothing to the imagination. Jeremy’s eyes go straight to the low cut top and a small smile creeps up onto his face. Standing just behind him Lita raises her hand and hits Jeremy up the back of the head and he turns sharply in anger

Lita: Our son isn’t wedged in her chest Jeremy!

Jeremy rubs the back of his head as it begins to throb a little

Jeremy: you know what, you are fast approaching the line Amy

Lita: yeah and you just crossed it. Get out

Jeremy: What?

Lita walks over to the door and opens it indicating for Jeremy to leave

Lita: You heard me, get out!

Jeremy: You think I am going to leave you in this room alone with Trish?

Lita: You think I am going to give you a choice?

Lita sticks her head out of the door and yells something and moments later the same two men who brought Trish in stand in the doorway. Jeremy walks around to Trish and places a comforting hand on her shoulder

Jeremy: Listen Trish, I will be right outside, yell if you need anything okay?

Lita: Some time today Jeremy

Jeremy gives his wife a look that says a thousand words but Lita doesn’t move a muscle until Jeremy is outside and then she closes the door and turns to face Trish with a grin on her face. The blonde bombshell stands up to face Lita and is about to say something but is cut short by a hard slap from Lita. Trish’s head falls to the side slightly as a red mark appears

Lita: Where is my son?

Trish: How many more times? I DON’T KNOW!

Again Trish receives a slap across her cheek on the already tender spot from before


Trish: You stupid bitch, I don’t know!

Raising her hand again Lita swings for Trish’s cheek but sensing the way things are going Trish is quick to stop her hand in mid air and then while she is venerable Trish wraps her hands around Lita’s throat. Lita laughs and then coughs a little but her smile doesn’t fade

Lita: Go on then, do it!

Trish sees what she is doing to Lita and begins to loosen her grip and this makes the queen of extreme laugh even more

Lita: See that’s the difference between you and me Trish…

In one quick motion Lita has the tables turned and has her hands wrapped around Trish’s throat tightly. Lita backs Trish up until she feels the cool table hit her in the back and then Lita proceeds to bend Trish backwards with the pressure she is placing on her

Lita:…I have no remorse and am very happy to watch you suffer at my hands

Trish begins to scream loudly and the door flies open. The scene that greets Jeremy Wilson is not one he likes as he sees his wife chocking the life out of Trish Stratus. He runs forward and grabs hold of Lita by the waist and picks her up slightly so she is away from Trish who begins to catch her breath again. Keeping a tight hold of Lita Jeremy turns to the two un named men in the doorway

Jeremy: See Miss Stratus gets back to her hotel safely

The men nod and escort Trish out of the room while Lita yells and fights against Jeremy trying to get free from his grasp but he doesn’t let go until Trish is safely out of her reach. As Jeremy lets go of her Lita turns to face him with her face just painted in anger

Lita: next time you feel like getting hard over some blatant w*ore, do me a favour and choose one that isn’t helping to hold my son ransom!

With the comment obviously attacking Jeremy he is about to say something but doesn’t get the chance as Lita is quick to leave Jeremy’s side and exit the building. The scene fades to black as Jeremy runs a hand through his hair and curses loudly