Jennifer has been having alot of problems lately, its not her relationship with her new boyfriend Stan Jeter but it's with her own body. She's ben getting real sick and has gained alot of weight which isnt like Jenny at all. She couldnt come up with any other explination for this other then she might be pregnent. She knew if she was it wasnt Stans, It would be Davids which cause alot of problems. She made a appointment with her doctor for a pregancy test and her friend Scarlet went with her. They're sitting in the examination room, Jenny is sitting on the examination table with Scarlet sitting in a chair next to her.

Jenny: I'm so glad you came with me Scarlet....I couldnt bare to tell anyone else about this.

VermillionOptics: Well you know I wasn't going to let you come here all by yourself. So no need for thank you's girl.

AmAnDaDiEsElxXx: I just hope this is just a really bad virus that makes you sick and gets you fat at the same time. [she smiles]

VermillionOptics: [She laughs back with her.] And what are you going to do if its not being sick but you are pregnant, wouldn't that involve with school?

AmAnDaDiEsElxXx: Of course it will be I couldnt think know.

VermillionOptics: I know... well we are going to find out. So no assuming things just yet. We will hit the road when we get there.

AmAnDaDiEsElxXx: So what's been going on with you? Still having guy problems?

VermillionOptics: What can I say, I haven't really moved on from it. But I really only have myself to blame for it. Then again... he did get married. I don't know how much I like that.

AmAnDaDiEsElxXx: He got married? Wow where the hell have I been...who did he get married to?

VermillionOptics: Some girl named Serenity... I never really met her too much. She would come around because get this. The whore was Darrren's sister, Darren is the lead singer of the band. Who knows if they had something going on while we were together.

AmAnDaDiEsElxXx: I totally forgot he was in a band but I have heard alot about that Darren guy. His friend Johnny knocked up my friend Fiona and left her to go get married to some girl.

VermillionOptics: All these guys are involved some how, they are all disgusting pigs. [Shaking her head.] I feel bad for your friend, she would of known what she was getting herself into. I hate picking up a magazine and reading about them.

AmAnDaDiEsElxXx: I know I mean it's like not only are they all around our town but all around the country too! m so glad I got lucky with Stan he's such a good guy...

VermillionOptics: How is that going, I'm glad you finally found someone. The two of you must be happy that if this is true. That you two will be having a child together. AmAnDaDiEsElxXx: That's the problem....the baby wouldnt be his.[she looks down] I was seeing this guy before him but it didnt work out.

VermillionOptics: Oh... that's terrible. [Not sure what to say at first.] What are you going to do... I know it must be pretty tough to have a child from someone you aren't with any more.

AmAnDaDiEsElxXx: I'm just gonna have to tell Stan and hope he understands it wasnt planned and that I love him more then anything. All got his hope now...

VermillionOptics: Hey he seems like a really great guy. I am sure he is understand and if he isn't... Well there is still more guys out there, you know?

AmAnDaDiEsElxXx: I cant even think like that right now...I already lost the other guy and I did love him. I cant lose Stan it would be way too much for me right now.

VermillionOptics: If you don't mind me asking.. [Hesitant at first.] Who was the other guy that you were seeing. At least do you plan to tell him his is the father.

AmAnDaDiEsElxXx: His name is David...[she looks at Scarlet, she couldnt tell her it was the mayor] I met him at school but I'm gonna have to tell him. VermillionOptics: Oh well I haven't seen him, but yeah... If he wants part of the child's life at least its there for him to let him know you arent' taking that away from him.

AmAnDaDiEsElxXx: Your right....

Before she could finsh her sentence the doctor walks in. Scarlet and Jennifer look at him with concern looks on their face as he walks over to Jenny.

Docotr: I got good new....well i hope it's good news.

Jen: What is it Doctor?

Dcotor: You are indeed pregnent.....almost 3 months now. Im suprised you didnt notice by now.

VermillionOptics: [Not sure what to make up of it as she looks at Jenny.] Well you know doc, you always gotta make sure of things like that first.

AmAnDaDiEsElxXx: That's very true, Jenny your free to go. Just make a appointment at the desk in 2 weeks so we can see how the baby is coming along.

[hardly holding back tears] Ok doctor thank you.

He nods his head as he walks out of the room. When the door shuts Jenny bursts into tears, holding her face in her hands.

VermillionOptics: Oh Jenny... [Heading closer to her rubbing her back trying to calm her down.] Why are you crying?

AmAnDaDiEsElxXx: I dont know how Im gonna tell Stan this....or David. I'm so young Scarlet....I thought I wouldnt have kids til I was married but look at me. Knocked up by someone who doesnt even care about me just like all these other girls my age in the world today.

VermillionOptics: Don't say things like that, you can't think of this being a mistake but a blessing. I know you feel things are hard, but things will get better, I promise you.

AmAnDaDiEsElxXx: [she looks over at scarlet and smiles] You sure know how to make people feel better in really shitty situations. [she gives her hug] I'm so thankful to have someone like you as a friend.

VermillionOptics: Hey, we manage to keep each other's head out of water. When we need it, so don't worry about it. You are going to be a great mother in fact.

AmAnDaDiEsElxXx: [she smiles] Well I know that Scar duh! I love kids and now Im gonna have my own. If Stan doesnt understand oh well me and my baby will make it.

If you ask me he looks like the type that will understand. He is always there for you, its great you found someone like him to make you completely happy.

AmAnDaDiEsElxXx: Yeah but I dont know if he's gonna like living with two pregnent women. He just let my friend Fiona move into the guest house cause she's 6 months and he didnt want her to be by herself.

VermillionOptics: Oh wow... see, how great of a guy is that. Aren't you pretty lucky you found someone like that?

AmAnDaDiEsElxXx: Yeah I am and I love him alot but its not his's gonna kill him.

VermillionOptics: It isn't your fault, this is stuff that happened before the two of you got to gether. This is something that he has to understand.

AmAnDaDiEsElxXx: Yeah you right....[standing up, grabbing her purse] He's gonna have to understand or we'll never get anywhere.

VermillionOptics: [Following her as they start to head out of the office.] Just be straight forward with him. Let him know how much you love him, you know?

AmAnDaDiEsElxXx: Yeah....I just need to stop thinking so bad about everything. This is wonderful thing but I look at all the bad things about it.

VermillionOptics: It's just that you are surprised, its natural. Things must of not been that well with the other guy huh?

AmAnDaDiEsElxXx: Not at all....I was very stupid about that whole thing and I now I see how he really is.

VermillionOptics: [Shaking her head.] I'm sorry to hear that, your a great girl. I don't know what type of man would try and take advantage of you.

AmAnDaDiEsElxXx: He was just so nice and gentle with me then after a while I just felt like he was using me.

VermillionOptics: You don't need none of that.. I know it hurts to think about that. But I know you, your a strong girl.

AmAnDaDiEsElxXx: I sure hope Im strong enough to get through all of this. [they make it outside] I guess I should get home and tell Stan about this. I'll call you later to tell you what happened.

VermillionOptics: You make sure you do that. [Brushing her hair back.] Take care and I'll see you later.

AmAnDaDiEsElxXx: You too....thanks for everything.

They hug before going their seprate ways.

The time had came that Jennifer finally decided to tell David that she was pregnent and it was his. She looked at herself in her rear view mirror of her car, wiping the tears from her eyes as she opened the door. She straighten her shirt out and grabed her purse from the backseat. Making her way up to David's office, she wasnt sure if he was in but she had to do this face to face. A few minutes later she got of the elevator and walked alittle down the hallway to the door with his nameplate on it. She sighed as she knocked gently and looked down at her stomach, which was pugging out alittle. You can hear footsteps on the other side, they appeared to get louder. A sign that someone was coming to open the door. The door opens slighty as David looks to see who it was, he saw Jennifer's face and was stunned to see her there, opening the door all the way as he looked face to face with her.

Jennifer Rink
Listen I know I shouldnt be here but we really need to talk...its serious.

David Bron Fontaine
I wasn't kicking you out. [Holding the door.] You can come in, but I was on my way home, what's serious that you had to come here and tell me.

Jennifer Rink
[she walks in and sit in one of the chair] This is so hard to say but....Im pregnent.

David Bron Fontaine
[Looking shocked and stunned, she has gotten straight to the point.] Did you say that you were pregnant?

Jennifer Rink
Yes thats what I said, I see your in a rush to get home to your family so I will get straight to the point. Im pregnent and Im keeping it...

David Bron Fontaine
Okay... [Surprised, he didn't know what to say.] And where does that leave me, if anything. I don't know what to tell you. But I.... I can't do this right now.

Jennifer Rink
[she stood up and laughed] You cant do this right now....I cant do this right now ether but Im not gonna kill our child. I'm not asking for your help or support, I just thought you'd like to know is all.

David Bron Fontaine
I do.... But people can't find out about this Jennifer. My wife, the press, just everyone and its something I can't have with my job. I didn't mean it in a way to upset you.

Jennifer Rink
Listen dont worry about Im not gonna tell anyone and you wont even have to see the baby when its born because Im with someone and hes willing to be my baby's father.

David Bron Fontaine
Its not that I am willing to be the, I AM THE FATHER. I want to be there for my child, I wasn't there for my three other kids. And I'll be damned if I have another man who is probably a boy to play father.

Jennifer Rink
Oh I see you want to be a father but try to keep my baby a secret? I dont think so David, [she rubs her stomach] Dont worry about us will be just fine, why dont you just worry about your job and your family.

David Bron Fontaine
Why are you always going back to that when you knew how I felt about you. You are the one who wanted to end this, not me. Don't you remember that or did you FORGET?

Jennifer Rink
No I didnt forget but you knew why I ended it. I wasnt going to wait around for you to leave your wife so we could be happily ever after. You didnt care enough about me to be with me so I found someone that will. He adores me and I love him more then anything.

David Bron Fontaine
You think I wasn't willing to live it all, you act like its that god damn easy! Its not, I don't want to lose my job people will see what I did and you know what. Shouldn't be standing here explaining things to you, you women always believe what you want.

Jennifer Rink
[she stood there as calm as can be as she smiled] Noone asked you to explain anything. I'll be leaving now and please dont try to reach me because I will just ignore you.

David Bron Fontaine
[Surprised by her attitude.] I have every right to play a parent as much as you do.

Jennifer Rink
Yes you do but not if your going to see the baby in private and never tell anyone about it. Im sorry but my baby isnt gonna live wondering why they cant go anywhere with daddy.

David Bron Fontaine
You don't even look at things from my point of view if this gets out, what would happen to me. Its not because I don't want to be there but I have to think about myself. My own kids I would be hurting if they knew what I was doing when I claimed to be working.

Jennifer Rink
You know you've been talking this whole time and the only thing I'v been hearing is What about me? What about my happiness and our child's life? Of course that doesnt matter because this will hurt "your" family and "your" job. Your such a self-centered asshole, I cant believe I never seen it before.

David Bron Fontaine
And you aren't being selfish about what you think you deserve? Yes maybe you should of thought about things before you got involved with me then huh?

Jennifer Rink
Your always the victim arent you David? Did I force you into having sex with me all those times? No you claimed you loved me and wanted to be with me but that was all bullshit! Your whole life is bullshit! But dont worry noone has to know about what we did or what the result was because from this moment on this baby is Stan's not David's.

David Bron Fontaine
Then go! There is the door, leave! You know I don't need to stand around and hear your shit a moment longer. I cared about you, but that is the keyword, "cared."

Jennifer Rink
[she simply walks to the door and opens it] Goodbye David... [she takes one last look before walking out]