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Francine's info;
name; Francine
nickname; The Philly Bitch
finsher; Extreme Drop [tombstone piledriver]
theme song; "Step Up" by Drowing Pool
roleplay number; 1
records [since reopening]; Win: 00 Lose: 00 Draws: 00
felt the drop; Amy Weber??
allies; I dont need friends...
enemies; Beulah, Desire
upcoming match; Francine vs Amy Weber Singapore Cane Match

managers; Paul Heyman [agent] & Eddie Guerrero [boyfriend]
handler's info;
my name; Amanda
age; 20
years efedding; hell about 4
aol screen name; amandadieselxxx
yahoo screen name; zviciousxbeautyz

Everything on this page is copyrighted to ME!! I made the layout, coded the layout and wrote the roleplay. I got all of the photos from Dont think about stealing my shit or I will hunt you down and cut you into peices. I am not Francine nor do I know her.

Scene #1
The Return Of The Philly Bitch...

After Francine's departure from The Xtreme Women's Wrestling Alliance a few weels before the company itself shut down was unexpected. Francine was alittle down in the dumps. She was backstage as a guest of paul at a few Smackdown Shows which is where she met her boyfriend. She wasn't aware of the reopening of XWWA until she got a call from her old ECW boss Paul Heyman. Paul talked to the XWWA owner Mizz Debra and got her to sign Francine again under the agreement that she has to keep Paul as her soul agent through her entire contract. Francine agreed, not minding having Paul as her agent. Look what he did for Brock Lesnar, The Dudleys and now John Heidenreich. She was told today about her match at the returning Pay Per View Divamania 3. Sitting in the living room of her home in Philadelphia, Francine is speaking to Paul Heyman via speaker phone.

'The Philly Bitch' Francine
Amy Weber?? [makes a funny face] Who the hell is that??

'The Wrestling Mastermind' Paul Heyman
I'm not sure but Mizz Debra told me herself about the match this morning.

'The Philly Bitch' Francine
Why can't I fight someone worthy of my time. I'v been a money maker in the XWWA for quite sometime.

'The Wrestling Mastermind' Paul Heyman
Francine dear I love you but in XWWA you've been pretty bad. Let's face facts here you haven't even won a title in the XWWA.

'The Philly Bitch' Francine
So? Are you trying to say I'm not good enough?

'The Wrestling Mastermind' Paul Heyman
Of course not Franny you just have to make a impact at Divamania.

'The Philly Bitch' Francine
That I will do, putting that bitch in the ring with me is like a pig going to the slaughter house....she has no chance.

'The Wrestling Mastermind' Paul Heyman
That's my girl well I will meet you at the arena tomorrow honey, have a good day.

'The Philly Bitch' Francine
Bye Paul.

Francine pushs the hang up button and sighs as she looks at the phone. She stands up and makes her way into the kitchen, she walks over to the counter and pours some Vodka into a shot glass, swallowing it down with one gulp. She stays still for a minute letting the liquor settle before she makes her way upstairs to pack.

Scene #2
What did you do with him.....

After the worst plane ride ever, Francine finally made it to Hilton Hotel in Phoenix Arizona. Francine is seen sitting in her hotel room waiting for Eddie to get back with the ice. Francine gets annoyed as she gets off of the bed and walks over to the door. She opens it to look out and to see if he's coming but as soon as she opens the door Beulah is standing infront of the door.

'The Philly Bitch' Francine
What the hell are you doing in front of my hotel room you freak.

'The Demented Witch' Beulah
It's good to see you to Franny, but I just wanted to let you know that Eddie said the ice machine wasn't working on this floor and went to another floor to get it.

'The Philly Bitch' Francine
Yeah right you probably put some spell on him you witch. Where is he Beulah?? Dont make me kick your ass.

'The Demented Witch' Beulah
*laughs* Yeah you couldn't do it in ECW, what makes you think you can do it now?

'The Philly Bitch' Francine
I kicked your ass a few times back in ECW and I'll do it again. What did you do with Eddie freak?

'The Demented Witch' Beulah
Chill Franny, he will be back in a few minutes. Why would I want to do anything to him anyway?

'The Philly Bitch' Francine
Because your jealous of me and would want to hurt me by kidnapping my boyfriend since you cant hurt me in the ring.

'The Demented Witch' Beulah
*shakes her head* First off I am not remotely interested in Eddie as I am engaged to Tommy, you know the man I stole from you. Second, I don't need a reason to be jealous of an ugly looking whore like yourself.

'The Philly Bitch' Francine
Ugly?? Please beulah your the one that looks like you stepped straight out of the trailer park along with your boyfriend Tommy Dreamer. By the way you didnt steal Tommy from me I dropped him like a bad habit when I realized he was nothing but white trash...just like you.

'The Demented Witch' Beulah
*sighs* You never do change do you Franny. Well I did my good deed for the month so I won't be talking to you anytime soon.

'The Philly Bitch' Francine
Please me from waisting my time talkin to you.

Eddie walks over with the ice and smiles at Beulah

'He Lies, He Cheats, He Steals' Eddie Guerrero
Thanks Beulah....mami what's wrong?

'The Demented Witch' Beulah
She thought I put a curse you on or something.

'He Lies, He Cheats, He Steals' Eddie Guerrero
[laughs] Are you serious Beulah??

'The Demented Witch' Beulah
Ask her, I am out of here. I need to meet Tommy to train for my match.

'He Lies, He Cheats, He Steals' Eddie Guerrero
Bye Beulah.

Francine just stands there in complete stupidity as beulah waves bye to Eddue, laughing and walks away.

Scene #3
The Night Before DivaMania 3....

It's few hours after Francine embarssing encounter with Beulah, Francine is seen laying in bed reading the autobiography of the nature boy Ric Flair....yeah everyone she does know how to read. Eddie walks out of the bathroom wearing a black wife beater and a pair of black sweatpants. He walks over and climbs in the bed next to Francine but Francine ignores the fact that he's even in the same room as her. Eddie trys to cuddle with her but she pushes his arms away,

'He Lies, He Cheats, He Steals' Eddie Guerrero
Mami are you still mad about being wrong earlier?

'The Philly Bitch' Francine
I just still cant believe you asked Beulah to deliver a message to me. You know I hate her why would I believe anything she says?

'He Lies, He Cheats, He Steals' Eddie Guerrero
I didnt know it would be that big of a deal, I just asked if she could tell you that i went to the next floor to get ice.

'The Philly Bitch' Francine
Like it would have killed you to come and tell me yourself.

'He Lies, He Cheats, He Steals' Eddie Guerrero
It would have been a waste of time when I just asked Beulah because her room next door. Im going to sleep you can finsh yelling at me in the morning.

'The Philly Bitch' Francine
Well I dont want to sleep in the same bed as you so your sleeping on the day bed.

'He Lies, He Cheats, He Steals' Eddie Guerrero
The Day bed [laughs] Your on a ego trip today huh?? Goodnight honey.

'The Philly Bitch' Francine
I dont think so your sleeping on the day bed.

'He Lies, He Cheats, He Steals' Eddie Guerrero
You telling me i got up early to fly from Kansas to Arizona and not be able to sleep in the same bed as my girlfriend?? [Francine nods] This is not right.

Francine points her finger at day bed on the other side of the room as Eddie gets out of the bed and walks over to the day bed. He climbs in the bed as Francine smiles and turns off the light as the scene fades.

Scene #1
Your a unfit mother...

Francine is seen walking down the hallway talking on her cell phone. She turns the corner and comes face to face with Desire. Francine laughs at her and goes to walk by but Desire blocks her way.

'The Spanish Seductress ' Desire
You've just come back, so maybe you didn't get the memo. But, uh at Divamania I will be the National Champion and well little jobbers like you should show some respect.

'The Philly Bitch' Francine
First off Im not a jobber I'v been in this company longer then you have, second I dont respect anyone but myself thank you.

'The Spanish Seductress ' Desire
[smirks] You may have been in the company longer than I have, but I'm held at a higher regard. I mean, I'm in the main event at Divamania while you''re...lucky to even be on the card.

'The Philly Bitch' Francine
Someone sure has a ego the size of Texas but it doesnt matter because it's not like you can actually beat Lana. I mean your a new mom arent you?? Shouldnt you be at home breast feeding Batista or something?? [smirks]

'The Spanish Seductress ' Desire
[thinks for a moment and smiles] That's actually not a bad idea but for right now where I am is fine. And what are you talking about? I've taken on Lana before and defeated her, the only thing was her title wasn't on the line then, it is now. Francine, I just had a baby two months ago and I'm still in better shape than you'll ever be.

'The Philly Bitch' Francine
[laughs hysterically] better shape then me?? Yeah fucking right Shelly...You will never look nearly as good as I. You may be fighting for the National Championship but it doesnt really matter when Lana walks out as the champion now does it??

'The Spanish Seductress ' Desire
[shakes her head] You're just as dumb as Lana is if you think she's going to defeat me. But hey, what can I say, this federation seems to be filled with ignorant losers. So let me school you, Francine, I look ten times better than you. You're old, dried up and disgusting looking. Oh and by the way, a tan isn't suppose to make you look the color of an orange.

'The Philly Bitch' Francine
I am not orange dumbass I have a olive color skin but speaking of tan you should get one seeing as how you look like a damn ghost. You know dark hair and pale skin dont mix.

'The Spanish Seductress ' Desire
You're an idiot do you know that? My skin color is perfect, it's the latina and irish genes that I have. And the only way your skin is olive color is if olive is the color orange.

'The Philly Bitch' Francine
You know it's really sad when you have nothing better to do with your life then to stand her and insult a woman that was just tryin to walk by.

'The Spanish Seductress ' Desire
Oh by all means, walk by. [she steps aside] I just wanted to school you on exactly who I am and exactly who you were....

'The Philly Bitch' Francine
I'v always known who you were....a tramp that doesnt know if you baby's father is a steroid freak or the so called "devil". You should really get a DNA test Shelly...I mean if you even have time to hold your child seeing as how you love to act like you dont have a child. You should be in digust with yourself you are a unfit mother you know.

'The Spanish Seductress ' Desire
[gets angry and stomps her foot] Don't you ever say something like that. I love my son with all my heart you fucking jobber. So, stay out of my business because it's of no concern to you. And I do know who my baby's father is, it's Batista bitch, get it right.

'The Philly Bitch' Francine
Oh did i hit a nerve shelly?? It's not my fault that your child is at home with a nanny when you come home twice a week to see him. I'm just telling you what noone else will Shelly your a unfit mother and a stuck-up bitch.

'The Spanish Seductress ' Desire
I may be a stuck up bitch, but trust me I have reason to be. But I am not! I repeat am not! An unfit mother. I'm a perfect mother and my son loves me to death!

'The Philly Bitch' Francine
And how would you know that when he's only what 2 monthes and your only home twice a week?? Yeah well when he gets older and hates you dont say noone warned you earlier Im just trying to help you shelly.

'The Spanish Seductress ' Desire
Fuck you! You don't know what you're talking about. [puts her bottom lip out] I'm a great mother and screw you and anyone else who thinks differently!

Desire pushes past Francine and storms down the hallway.