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..: “The Franchise Soldier” - EcKo :..


          EcKo's Entrance Theme          
- Fat Joe - "Safe 2 Say (The Incredible)" -

Just Blaze you a rebel on this beat nigga! Uh!
"Once again back is the incredible..... the incredible"

Stop the presses I'm back! Cook Coke that is
Crack, ain't been gone before a week
And still the fiends line up for blocks till it ain't no space
Pile high to the top of the Empire State
CRACK!!! (echo : CRACK!!! CRACK!!! CRACK!!!) Once again so you know it
Ain't been this much hype since that Nas and that Hov shit
Coke spit, the fo' fifth chrome spit
Doe getter since I was small, no better than yours
Truly just check the suicide doors
Thirty inch grill and that black mink floor
Lookin back I did the shit to death
I guess I ain't killin it this rhyme I'm here to raise the dead
I'm here to raise the stakes this time it's ten mill
Supply the sink ill, ship five and then build
And I'm - Joe Crack BX finest
Do rewind this Terror Squad behind this

I got the streets on smash, niggaz on the corner watching me roll past
The bitches they all gasp saying!
"Once again back is the incredible" (dammmn right!)
"The incredible..... the incredible!"
I got the heat on blast, love the seats reclining on that mean G4
Cause down in New York they saying!
"Once again back is the incredible" (dammmn right!)
"The incredible..... the incredible!"

Dope man dope man, I got that coke man
Brother Joe man the king of the streets
TS we incredibly credible like Stun said
It was inevitable the metal was 'gon bump heads
And you know that K go chop chop chop
In broad day right in front of the One Stop Shop
I'm from Misery Boulevard, right across the street
From I Hope You Die Place, in school study the crime rate
That's when it became apparent to me
That the pimps and hustlers be apparent to me
I plead innocent your honor
I'm just a product of the streets, product of some beef
Product of that Cappadonna Armani three piece
Problem is when I win, my team eats
But wait, just think the opposite of that
You'll be starin down the opposite side of them gats nigga

I got the streets on smash, niggaz on the corner watching me roll past
The bitches they all gasp saying!
"Once again back is the incredible" (dammmn right!)
"The incredible..... the incredible!"
I got the heat on blast, love the seats reclining on that mean G4
Cause down in New York they saying!
"Once again back is the incredible" (dammmn right!)
"The incredible..... the incredible!"

Yo! Now have you ever felt the metal to your melon, it just cock back
Ask for the money and drugs, say you ain't got that
Where the cops at? prayin that they comin
Just a few seconds your brains be layin on your stomach
On my waist you know I got keep that oven
For ya ginger bread pie ass niggaz the heat's running on high
Joe Crack I - bake the cake and serve you niggaz humble pie

I got the streets on smash, niggaz on the corner watching me roll past
The bitches they all gasp saying!
"Once again back is the incredible" (dammmn right!)
"The incredible..... the incredible!"
I got the heat on blast, love the seats reclining on that mean G4
Cause down in New York they saying!
"Once again back is the incredible" (dammmn right!)
"The incredible..... the incredible!"

[[The scene opens in the interviewing station, located in the backstage area of the arena. Standing in front of the camera are the interviewer, Josh. And none other than the “Franchise Soldier” himself, EcKo! Finally realizing they're on the air, Josh begins the interview]]

“Interviewer” Josh
"Good evening, fans! I am standing here with one-half of New Found Power, hoping to maybe get a couple of questions in, if time permits! So, EcKo... we are only hours away from possibly the biggest Pay-Per-View in the WCWF. What are your thoughts on how the evening might progress?”

"To tell you the truth, Josh... I could care less. All I care about is Mr. Thursday Night and myself walking out of here the new Intercontinental Champion, and the new Heavyweight Champion of the World!”

“Interviewer” Josh
"What would you say your partner’s chances of winning the Heavyweight Title tonight might be?”

"Chances? There are no chances he’s gonna’ win! It’s a proven fact! If you’re wanting to stand in the way of Mr. Thursday Night, then, prepare to lose! There’s no “chances” he’s gonna’ win! It’s a proven fact! At the end of the night, prepare to crown a new WCWF Heavyweight Champion!”

“Interviewer” Josh
"EcKo, tonight, as you’re well aware, you will stepping into the ring with “The Iceman” himself, Frost. Are you at all worried that you will be walking out of here tonight with a loss?”

"Wow! You really are looking for an ass kickin’... aren’t you?”

“Interviewer” Josh
"I really didn’t mean anything by it, EcKo. It’s just another one of my...”

*cutting Josh off* "...stupid questions? Yeah... that’s what I thought! Now, I’m gonna’ give you one more chance. Ask another question!”

“Interviewer” Josh
"Coming into this match, what is your game plan?”

"’Eh... still not great. We’ll work on that. Alright, Josh? My game plan is simply this... dishin’ out one hell of an ass-whoopin’ for ‘ol pubic head! If he wants to come out to the ring, and bore the crowd with his gay jokes, and other crappy humor he learned from Jerry Seinfield, then he can go ahead and do it again tonight. ‘Cuz, tonight, I’m all about kickin’ some ass! There’s two reasons I came here tonight. To kick ass, and chew bubble gum! And I’m clean out of bubble gum! Too bad for Frost!”

“Interviewer” Josh
"Well, here! I have some gum!”

[[Josh lowers the microphone, and begins digging in his pant pocket. He pulls out a package of Juicy Fruit, and pulls a stick out, and holds it out for EcKo to take. EcKo stares at the stick of gum, then back up at Josh. As if saying, “You’ve got to be f*cking kidding me!” Realizing he’s made a stupid mistake, Josh raises the microphone back up to EcKo.]]

"God damnit, Josh! You are about five seconds away from an ass-kickin’ yourself! I’ve got a great idea! You just stand there, look stupid, and let me do the talking, mmmk? Tonight, Frost is walking into that match with a snow cone, probably, and his Intercontinental Title. And tonight, he will be walking out with nothing but a concussion! Cherish your last moments with that Intercontinental Title, Frost! I’ll tell you what... polish that title up for me while you’re in you locker-room waiting for our match. And you know what? Go ahead and pry your name off the bottom of that belt. And stick EcKo’s name on it. Ya’ know? Speed the process up a little bit! Because if you actually think you’re winning the match tonight... you’re a lot dumber than you look! But, that’s just stating the obvious! But, you’re also really funny, that's what's so great about you, Frost! Thinking I’m a washed-up loser, and how you are so much better than me because you have gold around your waist! That’s really funny! Considering you didn’t do sh*t to get the title. And for the simple fact you’re a third-rate loser, carrying the second most important title in the WCWF. That’s what I find hilarious about you, Frost! Tonight, you’re gonna’ be stepping into the ring with a first-rate wrestler, who’s all about kickin’ ass and takin’ names! Think of it this way, Frost. Tonight, I’m gonna’ be the teacher, and you’ll be the student with a bit of a learning disability! Once you step into that ring, you’ve just entered “Kick Ass 101” with Professor EcKo! Prepare to get an F minus, minus, minus, minus! Class begins at about nine’o’clock tonight! Don’t be late!"

[[EcKo then turns around, and walks away. The cameras focus on Josh’s confused face. The scene fades to black as Josh puts a stick of Juicy Fruit in his mouth.]]

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:: Disclaimer :: Yo... This layout was created by a little cry-baby bitch; but, I slightly modified it a bit. Anyway... grow the fuck up, and deal with it! :: End Disclaimer ::