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Scott Structure Interview from 04/05/02

Chuck Gorman: Hello FPW Fans, Chuck Gorman here and today I will be interviewing Former FPW Champion and UHI member Scott Structure. Thanks for being with me today Scott.

Scott Structure: No problem, It's about time this website gave "The greatest FPW Champion of all time" a chance to voice my opinion.

CG: Well, we do have a message board on the site.

SS: Boy...Don't get smart.

CG: Sorry. Okay, first question. Since early 2000, you have had a on-going rivalry with current FPW Champion Swink the Shocker and it is evident that you hate him. Where does this come from?

SS: Plain and simple, this guy is a punk! I have never liked his attitude and his arrogance. He is a quitter and he can't wrestle. He has the FPW title around his waist right now and it makes me sick. Everyone knows that I was screwed out of my FPW Title. Kurt Zamora, who is a wrestler, not a referee, made the three count and it should not have counted. Shocker should be stripped and the FPW Championship should be once again placed around my waist, where it belongs!

CG: Will you atleast be getting a title rematch?

SS: I made this company, and if the idiots in the back don't have enough sense to give me the rematch, then I truly feel sorry for FPW and the fans of FPW. But right now, there is one man I am focusing on. I have beat him before and right now, me and him have a big problem. Nobody, and I mean nobody messes with the UHI and when One Man Chain Gang attempted to murder Trailer Trash in their Last Man Standing match, that just pissed me off. One Man Chain Gang chokeslammed Double T ten feet down in that cement pool and Double T is lucky to be alive. One Man Chain Gang didn't have to that. He didn't have to attempt to kill Trailer Trash. But he did anyways, and he will pay. Right here, Right now, I am making an official challenge to One Man Chain Gang for the next show, "Battle Lines Drawn". And since he's a chicken, I will add a little more incentive for him. I will give him the choice of what kind of match we have. He can pick any stipulation he wants, and I promise I will agree to it. I just hope that pyscho can read.

CG: Well, this interview will be going on the site immediately, and I'm pretty sure OMCG will answer your challenge.

SS: I sure hope so, because I can't wait to inflict some pain on that attempted murderer.

CG: Scott Structure, How is your health?

SS: What kind of stupid question is that? Would I be making challenges on this stupid website if I wasn't 100% healthy. I am in perfect health you moron. Just look at my physique, little Chucky Gorman, I could not be any stronger. My arms are huge, my legs are huge, I am in the best physical shape of my life. It's as simple as that. Next Question!

CG: There has been rumors about which UHI member if any is dating Miss Jennifer behind the scenes. Can you shed some light on the situation for everyone?

SS: Ha Ha, the question that everyone wants to know. Well I will tell you this. She is dating one of us, but I am not telling you which one. And it's probably the one that everyone least expects..That's all I'll say about that..

CG: What do you think about the new commisioner of FPW, Zach Kiper.

SS: I truly feel sorry for this guy. He just stepped into something he will not be able to get out of. At the last show, Dog, Trash, and I gave him a nice warm welcome, UHI style. He tried to step into my business by making himself ref in my match and also making it a non-title match, and he of course paid the price. And if he ever interferes in UHI business again, we will inflict more pain onto him than he has ever felt.

CG: You have said many times that you constantly get offers from opposing wrestling companies to come work for them. Is this true?

SS: Are you calling me a liar?

CG: Well I....

SS: Shut your mouth right now! I have no reason lie. It's no secret that I am the top draw in this company. To tell you the truth, my phone is ringing off the wall everyday with offers from around the globe. And what do I do? I stay with FPW and that is because I am loyal and this company needs me. And how do they repay for my loyality? They screw me out of my FPW Title. I gotta say, I'm a little hurt, but not suprised. This company has been trying to screw me for three years now and it finally happened. I just feel sorry for all my opponents because they are the one's that will feel my pain and feel my anger! Now, I have had enough of your questions. This interview is over.

CG: Thank you very much Mr. Structure.

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