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The familiar scene of an old irish pub opens up as the camera appraoches the bar where The Ice Girl is shown sitting with a pitcher of beer infront of her, already three quarters empty. Beside the pitcher is a near empty glass with foam all over the inside of it. After drinking the rest of the contents in the glass, the diva pours herself another drink bringing the pitcher to a near empty stance. After pushing it towards the bartender, Flourisa finishes the entire glass in a single motion. Once finished, Mage slams the glass back down onto the bar and wipes her mouth as she looks over at the busty young barmaid. Obviously jealous because....her ability to pour drinks? The Ice Girl eyes her for a little while before turning away to find another lusty woman sitting not too far away from her looking over in her direction. The brunette doesn't take her eyes off of Flourisa even when she takes a drink from her wine glass, or even when Flourisa rises up from the stool and heads into the washroom not too far away. Once inside, the lady approaches the mirror and comenting on what the woman could be interested in. After making several references to her sexual abilities, Flourisa smiles as she exits the room and takes her seat back at the bar where she is soon joined by the woman from across the same bar. After taking a seat, the woman looks at Flourisa (so much now, that she seems lesbian) with wide eyes and a look of admiriation. Finally, after a long while of waiting, the woman finally speaks up.

Woman: You're Flourisa? Flourisa Mage?

Flourisa nods knowing exactly where this is going. And she's looking forward to it as much as any other would. The woman takes another long drink, again not looking away from Flourisa. After damn near finishing her glass, the woman extends her hand.

Catherine: My name's Catherine Mable. And I love what you do.

Flourisa, knowing she would be praises for her destructive nature (and anyone who thought differently has a sick mind) shakes Catherine's hand.

Flourisa: Well, I do crush a few skulls upon occassion. Nothing too big.

While hearing that, Catherine seems to be getting a giant rush at the sound of destruction. Flourisa laughs a little as she goes to take a drink from her...empty glass. Once he realizes that it's empty, Flourisa shouts out to the bouncy barmaid(and I'm not talking about her walk, I thank you very much) who quickly grabs a hold of the glass and refills it.

Catherine: You know, ever since I left my last wo..I mean, man, I don't know if you've heard of her. Jenna Hunter?

Flourisa sets her drink down rapidly now, not expecting the conversation to go this way. She let's the woman continue, though.

Catherine: Well, she doesn't matter right now. Anyways, after she left the sport, I needed to find a new destructive force. I tried getting acquainted with a WWE Diva for some time, but that didn't go to well..

Flourisa nods a little, trying to hide the fact that she doesn't give a rats ass about Catherines past. Instead, she watches as Catherine takes another sip before continuing on.

Catherine: Where was I? Oh ya. So then I heard about a new destructive force on the rise. Someone who didn't give a rat's ass about people or her own well being. I heard her name and decided to find out more.

Flourisa: So thats when ye came here?

Catherine shakes her head as she takes another sip before going on.

Catherine: No, I found out she was the exact opposite. Flourisa, a little shocked by this, continues her drink as Catherine continues on and on about all the people she's met trying to find a new destructive force. This goes on for hours and hours. Each diva for some reason turns out to be a disapointment. After a while, The Ice Girl fuinally butts in and speaks for the first time in hours.

Flourisa: What about men? There are plenty of them out there.

Catherine: Oh, don't get me started about my experience with trying to find a tough man. I've went down that ally, that's why I want a diva to be wit, I mean..manager of.

It turns out, Catherine has just let out a warning, and a true one at that. Because now Catherine is going on about her experiences with trying to find a tough man. It turns out, that most of them ended up being women with long hair. And that for the ,ongest time, she thought Jenna was a guy. Well, this goes on for a lengthy while. Eventually, it goes to the closing time and Flourisa is glad to get out of the bar for once. But finds that Catherine is following him continuing the conversation. After a few blocks of listening to her, Flourisa finally picks up the pace and begins running away with Catherine is pursuit. Finally, after a lengthy run, Flourisa finds himself far away from Catherine. Thankful, Flourisa turns around to find Catherine on the other side of the street looking for her. Knowing what will happen should she catch up to Flourisa, the diva turns and runs away. But the sounds of his steps catches the ears of Catherine who sees her and continues chasing him down. After another long run, Flourisa finally finds herself alone and away from Catherine. Slowing his pace to a calm and quiet walk, Flourisa carefully makes her way back to her car outside the bar. Standing by the driver side door, Flourisa looks around as she quietly opens it up and steps inside. Once the door is closed, Flourisa quickly locks it and lets out a sigh of relief.

Catherine: This is a pretty tough car. Not like those other tough cars I've seen.

Flourisa looks over and turns on the roof light to see Catherine sitting in the front passenger seat carrying on about her experiences with finding tough cars now.

Flourisa: Alright girl, it's time for you to leave! I wanted to enjoy my night, and think about my big match this week. If you want to start a cat fight, not in the sheets, THEN GET THE HECK AWAY!

Catherine, who sort of looked up to Flourisa now runs away, and actually lets out sobs that sound like shes crying. Flourisa just shakes her head, and drives off.