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(DM lays in bed resting his injuries and bruises from quite possibly the most brutal match ever fought in the UEF. DM might have lost the battle, but he felt like a winner, having made history being in the first ever Hardycore match and taking some of the biggest most painful bumps the UEF has ever seen has given DM a new found respect for his wrestling life and Hardy, but respect for Hardy doesn't overshadow the fact that DM still has one more shot at Hardy, April 28th 2002, Wrestle World 2, DM vs Hardy one more time for the one thing every person in the UEF dreams of having..the Ultimate Title. There have been many great champions, the more recognizable ones would be Podmaster and Shadowstorm, two men who revolutionized the UEF in a way no other fed has been. At WW2, DM plans to join those two men, though it will take him much longer to be considered a great like them, winning the title would put him on that road. As DM sleeps dreaming about winning the strap at Wrestle World 2 he is completely oblivious to the plot against him.)

***Another Movie Rip-Off?***

(Evil DM, a creature that has been tormenting DM and the lives of others for awhile now is in a dark chamber where even the mightiest of men would wet their pants when in here. Evil DM seems to be looking at someone but we cant really tell as the only light there is on Evil DM and its very dim.)

Evil DM: Recently I've been having some problems getting DM to open back up to me, mainly because he seems to be having some success without me in his life. But we need to change that, for you see DM's goals arent his goals, they are mine. The thoughts still lurk in his mind, and those thoughts are to wipe out that punk Chris Hardy at Wrestle World 2 and become the UEF Ultimate Champion. Now, if he goes to Wrestle World without me, then he might be able to accomplish MY goal, and we cant have that now can we? I need to be there, I need to be in him to make Hardy suffer, and the only way we can do that is by somehow getting DM to open up to me, but how?

Mysterious Voice: Why not try what we did last time, make him have a dream and when hes about to be the hero we strike him down, ruining his confidence allowing you to take him over.

Evil DM: That could work, we just need to find a way to find DM then catch him while hes sleeping.

Mysterious Voice: Leave it to me to come with with the ideas *claps*.

(Just then three flashlights appear down the hall from where Evil DM and the Mysterious person is. They come running down the hallway then flash the lights on their faces, its the three thugs Evil DM used to torment DM and his friends.)

Thug #1: You uh, summoned us?

Mysterious Voice: Yes, what I want you to do is...

Evil DM: *interupts* Whoa, why are you using these three pieces of trash? They out lived their usefulness.

Mysterious Voice: I say who and who hasn't out lived their usefulness not you so silence!! Now where was I? Oh yes, I want you three to find out where ShadowDM is staying, then stay and watch him til he falls asleep, after that let us know and we'll take over.

Thug #2: Gonna finally kill him boss?

Mysterious Voice: Not really kill him, just his confidence.

Thug #3: What do we get from this?

Mysterious Voice: If you succeed, you get to live, if not, then you'll be taking a trip from where I came.

Thug #1: *nervous and shaking* Detroit?

Mysterious Voice: *frustrated* NO YOU FOOL HELL!!

Thug #2: yea foo, Hell!

Mysterious Voice: Did I say you could speak?

(Thugs 1&3 try not to laugh while Thug #2 gets in trouble.)

Thug #2: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooo.

Mysterious Voice: Then why'd you open your mouth?

Thug #2: *scared* I...I....I....I....I....

(Suddenly in the darnkess they can hear the sound of someone getting out of a chair, then footsteps can be heard and they are getting closer to Thug #2, as they get closer the figure of a woman begins to take shape but theres not enough light to show us who it is.)

Mysterious Lady: When I ask you a question I expect an answer!!

Thug #2: I was just.....trying to make him realize his stupidity.

Mysterious Lady: No thats my job, yours is to keep your mouth shut and do as I say, got it?

Thug #2: Y-y-y-yes.

Mysterious Lady: Good, now get your ugly fat lazy asses out of my face or I'll take away your pizza money.

Thug #3: NOOOOOO!!

(The three thugs turn their flashlights the opposite direction and head out of the room leaving Evil DM and the Mysterious Lady by themselves.)

Evil DM: Idiots, I dont know why we hired them.

Mysterious Lady: We hired them to keep an eye on DM, thats the only thing they seem to be good at. Soon DM will be ready, and those "idiots" will be the ones to help us get DM and keep him once and for all.

***Do dreams come true?***

(DM is in the ring against Hardy wrestling, 60,000 fans are on their feet as DM and Hardy battle in the biggest battle of the year, Wrestle World 2.)

FJ: My god ladies and gentlemen this has been quite possibly the best match of the year, even better then NiD's Hardycore match!

JD: My main man ShadowDM has been putting up an impressive battle over Hardy but the pin falls are tied and were counting down to the final minutes of this match.

FJ: Hardy now with two massive right hooks to DM's jaw that send him back into the ropes, you can tell both of these men are dead tired as Hardy kicks DM in the gut and hits DM with a Rear Naked Chokedrop. Looks like Hardy wants to put an end to your good friend DM.

JD: I've said it once and I'll say it again no one not even a Jackass and keep my main man DM down for long. Hardy picks up DM and tries for a DDT but DM counters with a Double Leg Takedown and drops a huge Leg Drop on Hardy.

FJ: DM picks up Hardy and sets him up for the DM Effect but somehow Hardy manages to escape and hits a Neckbreaker Drop on DM.

JD: Hardy trying to keep my main man from his first ever Ultimate Title reign climbs the turnbuckle and jumps off connecting with a Moonsault and a cover...1...2...KICK OUT! WOOO!

FJ: Hardy backs up and signals for the Hardy Hit as the counter is at 10 seconds! DM gets up and turns just in time to dodge the Hardy Hit and hits Hardy with THE FICKING MOVE!! Cover 1..2...3!!


Jenny Williams: Ladies and gentlemen your winner and NEW UEF Ultimate Champion! ShadowDM!!

(DM drops to his knees in the ring holding the title against his chest looking almost like hes crying, the fans whether they like him or not are cheering and celebrating along with him. DM has done it, he has won the UEF Ultimate Title, he is now the #1 man in UEF and one of the greatest the UEF has ever seen...then he wakes up. DM jumps out of bed after hearing some noises outside and realizes he was just dreaming. DM sighs wishing that it wasn't a dream and walks over to his big screen tv hoping he doesn't trip over anything cause its hella dark. DM feels his way over to his tv then turns it on, the brightness of the tv forces him to shield his eyes for a few seconds, thne he begins flipping thru the channels seeing if theres anything good on. After a few seconds DM stops on the "Sci-Fi" channel where they are showing a marathon of the infamous "Godzilla" movies.)

ShadowDM: *laughs* Man I feel sorry for the poor bastard who watches this crap.

***5 minutes later***

(DM is sitting at the edge of his bed with a big bowl of popcorn and some sodas watching Godzilla like its the greatest work ever made. DM's room is dark except for the tv being on, you can see that DM has some very visible bruises and cuts from his NiD match and his Tag match.)

ShadowDM: Man I never knew Japanese people could talk English but move their mouths like they are speaking their own language!

(Its also obvious hes taken more then a few bumps to the head. As DM becomes hypnotized by the movie the three idiotic thugs make their way up to DM's house hoping hes asleep.)

Thug #1: Is it me or are we doing jobs for free now?

Thug #2: We have no choice, the boss will kill us if we dont.

Thug #3: I thought our boss was the guy in the hood with the ugly face?

Thug #1: I guess theres some things that need to be kept a secret.

Thug #2: Shut up you morons! If the boss finds out were sitting here and not doing our jobs we'll end up in a shallow grave!

(The thugs get out of their car and sneak up to DM's big house. A look of disapointment appears on their faces as they see a light coming out of DM's room. They slowly sneak up to the window and notice hes shoving popcorn in his mouth and glued to the tv screen.)

Thug #3: Wow! Godzilla is on! I love those movies! I remember this one movie where Godzilla and this giant moth guy thingy were fighting and...

Thug #2: *interupts him* SHHHH! DM will hear you if you dont shut your fat ass up.

Thug #1: Well hes eating and watching tv, that always puts me to sleep, lets hope that works on DM.

Thug #3: But what if he doesn't fall asleep? He seems pretty focused on watching Godzilla.

Thug #1: Then were just gonna have to resort to forcing him to sleep.

Thug #2: You mean....

Thug #1: Yep, knock the poor bastard unconcious.

***Evil DM & The Mysterious Lady***

(Evil DM and The Mysterious Lady are taking a walk down a darkened hallway that seems to be apart of an abandonded warehouse just a few short miles from DM's house. Evil DM has his head lowered with his hands behind this back and the Mysterious Lady walks beside him, her body is in view now. Shes wearing tight black leather pants that hug her hips and show off her thighs, on her top all she has is a tight black leather tube top that shows off her 36C cup breasts and her milky soft skin, her face though is hidden in the shadows.)

Evil DM: *turns his head slightly so he can look at The Mysterious Lady* Think the fools can pull thru?

Mysterious Lady: *shrugs* Knowing their lives are at stake I'm sure they will.

Evil DM: Tell me, why is it you are after DM?

Mysterious Lady: *laughs alittle* We have some unfinished business to take care of.

Evil DM: What kind of buisness would that be?

Mysterious Lady: *sounds annoyed* Your starting to sound like those worthless thugs, asking too many questions.

Evil DM: I'm sorry, I'm just trying to understand why you want to make a mans life so miserable.

Mysterious Lady: Thats just it, we've been making eachothers lives miserable since the day we first met eachother. Everyday we'd always do something to eachother that with time, would just grow to the point where we'd just about kill eachother. Then one day, we went our seperate ways, he went to the UEF looking to get away from me and I went to another place to prove to him that I'm better then people think I am. After awhile I realized that I was going no where, and DM was going straight to the top, and I cant have that.

Evil DM: Whys that?

Mysterious Lady: Cause it would prove that hes the better person in this game, and I dont want that. Thats why I've enlisted your services, if he cant focus, he cant succeed.

Evil DM: *laughs an evil laugh and lowers his head once again* It has been fun making his life a living hell, but it seems that when things go my way, something...or someone ruins it.

Mysterious Lady: I know of this, but no longer worry. Vic can no longer bug Jory with the spell I have casted over Jory, and Christina is gone from the UEF, leaving Jory at a very weak state, not to mention his passion to win the Ultimate Title is enough power to allow you to achieve your goal thru him. Soon he will be ours, and soon his success, will be MINE!

(Evil DM and the Mysterious Lady disappear into the darkness of the hallway getting ready to unleash their evil upon the unsuspecting ShadowDM.)

***ShadowDM vs Three Thugs***

(Time, moves fast when your having fun, moves very very slowly when your bored. In the thugs case, its not moving at all. It seems like it has been forever since they started spying on DM and not once has DM taken his eyes off of the tv.)

Thug #1: *yawns* Guys its been waaay too long since we started this.

Thug #2: *looks at his watch* Its only been 10 minutes.

Thug #1: I'm a very impatient man, we'll sneak in, knock him out, then notify the boss that hes sleeping.

Thug #3: Oh fine! Lets just try not to kill him this time ok?

Thug #1: yea yea, lets go!

(The three thugs sneak to the back of the house making sure they arent detected and pull out a lock pick kit. Thug #1 takes out a small lock pick and gently slides it into the door knob and fiddles around with it for a few seconds. Suddenly the door clicks and the thugs enter the back of the house.)

Thug #1: *whispers* You got the club?

Thug #3: *whispers back* Yes, I do.

Thug #1: *whispers* Good, lets get this done.

(The thugs sneak their way over to a long hallway where at the end of it lays DM's room. The thugs tip toe down the hall making sure they make the least amount of noise as possible. They tip toe over to DM's slightly open door and listen to the Godzilla currently playing for alittle bit then open it alittle more to see DM. DM has left his bed and the bowl of popcorn is on the floor with the popcorn scattered all over the bedroom floor. The thugs walk over to inspect the mess when we see DM creep out from the darkness hovering above Thug #2.)

Thug #2: What the hell? Where is he?

Thug #1: *looks towards the bedroom bathroom* Maybe hes in there, lets go.

(Thug 1 and 3 make their way towards the bathroom not knowing DM has Thug #2 in a Sleeper Hold gradually making him go unconcious. The two remaining thugs walk into the master bathroom and notice DM is no where to be found.)

Thug #3: Damn, where in thee hell...AHH!

(Thug #1 turns to see DM grab Thug #3 by the throat and Chokeslam him down to the floor. DM looks up at Thug #1 with an evil look in his eye causing Thug #1's knees to shake.)

ShadowDM: What the hell are you three ficks doing in my house?

Thug #1: Um....*tries to come up with an idea*....we've come to see if you'd join MADD.

ShadowDM: *sighs and tries not to laugh* MADD eh?

Thug #1: *nervously* Y-y-y-yes sir.


Thug #1: Well I uh...have been drinking?

ShadowDM: My ass your drunk! Get your skinny ass over here!

(Thug #1 falls to his knees with his hands together like hes praying to God and wetting his pants.)

Thug #1: *crying* Please dont hurt me! I've got a job, a house, kids, a girlfriend, man I've even got a wife on the side.

ShadowDM: Shut up! God your pathetic! Look at you! Soiling yourself all over my bathroom floor! I'm gonna hurt you n...

(DM falls to his knees then face first to the floor unconcious. Thug #1 looks where DM used to be standing and sees a two barely standing friends of his with clubs in their hands.)

Thug #2: *trying to wake up* DM is right, you are pathetic.

Thug #3: *leans against a wall wincing from pain* God that guy is good.

Thug #1: *gets up and grabs a towel* I was just distracting him and waisting time so you injury prone idiots could take advantage.

Thug #2: Right, and I'm the Pope!

(Thugs 2 & 3 laugh as Thug 1 cleans himself up.)

Thug #1: Shut your ficking mouths and call up the boss, its time for their part of the job.

(Thugs 2&3 continue to laugh then exit the bathroom allowing Thug #1 to clean himself up further. Thug #2 makes the call back to his boss on his new nifty cell phone.)

Evil DM: *calmly* Yes?

Thug #2: Sir, DM is ready.

Evil DM: Good, is he in his bed?

Thug #2: No, he wouldn't fall asleep so we had to take some desperate messures.

Evil DM: Hmm, well done. We shall be there in a few.

(Evil DM hangs up the phone then turns to the Mysterious Lady with an evil smile on his face.)

Evil DM: Time to roll.

***Evil always prevails***

(A few minutes have passed and like Evil DM said him and The Mysterious Lady are at DM's residence. The thugs have placed DM on his bed and tied his wrists and ankles to the bedposts. Evil DM and the Mysterious Lady look down at DM both with smiles on their faces.)

Mysterious Lady: Well done, you get to keep your lives...for now.

Thug #1: *wipes the sweat from his forehead* Thank you.

Mysterious Lady: SHHH! The moment has come.

(The Mysterious Lady leans over DM and runs her hand down his cheek.)

Mysterious Lady: We are together once again DM, its good to see you again. But now, instead of you getting the upper hand, it will be me who walks out of this room with the victory and this time this victory will change both of our fates for a very long time.

(The Mysterious Lady looks towards DM's tv and sees Godzilla destroying buildings and killing Japanese people who can amazingly talk english and Japanese at the same time.)

Mysterious Lady: Godzilla huh? *turns to Evil DM* make it happen.

Evil DM: *nods* Your wish is my command.

(Evil DM's firey red eyes close as he lowers his head and begins to shake alittle. The thugs watch in disbelief as a light shoots from Evil DM's hands and goes into the unconcious body of ShadowDM. Evil DM stops shaking then looks back up at the thugs with the firey red eyes.)

Mysterious Lady: Our work is done for now, *looks at the thugs* you three stay here and keep an eye on him, make sure that when he wakes up hes right where we want him.

Thug #3: Ok, lets go order some pizza guys, we may be here for awhile.

(As the three thugs leave for pizza The Mysterious Lady and Evil DM disappear into the shadows leaving their mark on DM whos eyes begin to twitch, which means only one thing, hes dreaming.)


(ShadowDM, not knowing that hes dreaming, finds himself in a very dirty alley way. people are screaming all around him and running for their lives. DM watches all the people run then grabs someone by the arm and whips them around, its a Japanese fellow running for his life.)

ShadowDM: Whats going on here?

Japanese guy: *moves his lips like hes speaking Japanese but its comes out as English* FICKZILLA! FICKZILLA!

(The man pulls himself away from DM and continues running.)

ShadowDM: Fickzilla? What the hell?

(Just then DM hears a loud BANG and CRASH from behind him. DM turns around to see, is it? Yes! Its a Power Ranger!! A disgruntled one at that!)

ShadowDM: *laughs* Give me a break! Its a friggen Power Ranger people!!

(The Power Ranger aka Fickzilla looks down at DM and starts walking towards him. Noticing that this Power Ranger isnt work for Zordon DM turns to run but cant. He looks down and sees that somehow the concrete from the street has wrapped itself around DM's feet making it impossible for him to leave on his own. DM looks up at the Power Ranger *looks like the first red ranger from the first power ranger series* Who pulls out his Power Ranger gun and aims it at DM. Will this be it? Will DM's fate be sealed by a Power Ranger whos had too much Jack Daniels? Stay tuned for part two.)