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APRIL 2nd RESULTS The newbies were out in force Friday night, starting with a tag match featuring former Playmates Angel Boris and Danelle Folta battling the team of Thora Birch and Mena Suvari. It was the athletic Playmates who took command early with the stronger, heavier Danelle driving Suvari back into the ropes, doubling up the blonde with a series of knee lifts to the belly, and then planting her with a pair of body slams. Folta then tagged in Boris, who pulled Mena to her feet, sent her for the ride, and flattened her with a high cross body on the way back. A hook of the leg might have finished things right there, but Thora broke the count with a boot to the back of the head. That brought Danelle back into the ring, but the referee cut her off and forced her back to the corner, while Birch put the boots to the downed Boris. By the time the ref turned around, Thora was back in her corner and Mena was crawling toward her for the tag. With the tag made, Birch pulled the dazed Angel to her feet, rocked her into the ropes with some knife-edge chops, and then sent her for the ride. On the way back, Angel was hit with a knee to the belly that sent her into a flip. Boris crashed hard to her back and lay dazed on the mat. While this was going on, Mena had snuck around the outside of the ring to the opposite corner, and, as the cover was made, grabbed Foltas legs and pulled her off the apron. Danelles head smacked of the apron and she fell, stunned, to the floor. Inside the ring, Birch dropped a knee across Boris chest, hooked the leg, and got the three count for the win. The second tag bout saw singers Beyonce Knowles and Kelly Rowland battle actresses Gwyneth Paltrow and Winona Ryder. This one started a bit slowly with a few quick tags and very little action. That changed when Beyonce tied up Gwyneth and hit a nice vertical suplex. Paltrow was slow back to her feet, and Knowles hit a boot to the gut and a DDT before hooking the leg. Only Ryders interference via an elbow drop across the back of the head stopped Beyonce from getting the three count. The referee quickly chased Ryder and both Paltrow and Knowles were slow to rise. It was Beyonce, however, who got the tag first. Fortunately for Paltrow, she made the tag just seconds later. Rowland and Ryder charged into the ring, but Winona ducked a clothesline attempt from the taller woman and took her to the mat with a pretty drop toehold. Ryder then hopped on her opponents back and applied a nice reverse chinlock that had Rowland in more than a little pain. Kelly, however, was strong enough to work her way to the ropes and force a break. When Rowland pulled herself up on the ropes, Ryder attacked but caught a boot to the gut and a pair of European uppercuts before being sent for the ride. Winona ducked a clothesline on the way back. On the return trip, she went for a high cross body, but Rowland caught her and kept her balance, going right into a power slam. That brought Paltrow into the ring, but not for long. One nasty snap kick to the chin later, and the staggering blonde was tossed out of the ring. Rowland then headed to the top rope, but Ryder was already staggering to her feet. Kelly, though, timed it perfectly, hitting a flying back elbow that sent Winona down hard. Rowland then rolled up her dazed opponent and got the three count for the win. A pair of tall brunettes made up the next bout as veteran Angie Harmon battled Playmate newbie Cara Michelle, and, right off the bell, Harmon took the fight to her less-experienced opponent. Angie hit a boot to the gut and three elbows to the back of the head that put Cara to her knees. A knee lift to the chin sent her to her back, and Harmon bounced off the ropes, dropped an elbow across the chest, and hooked the leg, getting an early two count. Harmon kept the pressure on, pulling Cara to her feet by the hair and hooking her up for a vertical suplex. Michelle, though, countered with her long arms and hit a nice inside cradle that had Angie less than a second from being pinned. Both women bounced up quickly, and Harmon charged, but Cara ducked a clothesline, slipped behind her rival, and hit a pretty drop neckbreaker than had Angie quivering on the mat. Michelle might have won it right there with a cover, but, instead, she hauled Harmon to her feet, whipped her hard into a corner, and followed with a charging clothesline against the turnbuckle. When Cara stepped aside, Angie crumpled to the mat like a felled tree. Michelle grabbed an arm and pulled Harmon to the center of the ring, and then applied the triangle choke, wrapping her long legs around Angies throat. Harmon struggled wildly for freedom, but Caras legs were too strong. Finally, gasping for air and beginning to lose consciousness, Angie tapped out her submission. A blonde-brunette battle was next with newbie Dalene Kurtis battling veteran Kristen Davis. This one started a bit slowly with several tie-ups and very little action. That changed when Kurtis managed a side headlock off a tie, but Davis countered beautifully with a back suplex that dazed the younger blonde. Kristin bounced to her feet and was ready with a series of right hands when Dalene made it back to her feet. Kurtis was rocked back into the ropes, doubled over with two knee lifts to the belly, and then hooked up in the front facelock. A DDT was certainly coming, but the blonde countered perfectly with a back body drop over the top rope that sent Davis crashing to the floor. Kurtis shook the cobwebs quickly and rolled to the outside, pulling Davis up by the hair and nailing her with a series of right hands before a hard Irish whip into the ringside steps. Davis crumpled to the floor and stayed down as Kurtis rolled back into the ring to break the count. The blonde rolled back out and waited for Davis to struggle to her feet before landing a boot to the gut and a bulldog on the concrete. Dalene rolled in again, breaking the count just in time, before going back out and tossing Davis, now busted open, into the ring. Kurtis then pulled Kirsten into a sitting position and applied the straight jacket. Kristin struggled for freedom briefly, but both bloodied and in severe pain, she eventually screamed out a submission. With the newbies finished, it was time for an interesting match between a pair of veterans, as blonde Jessica Simpson battled redhead Alyson Hannigan. It was Hannigan who got off to the fast start, rocking Simpson back into the ropes with a series of high kicks to the face and chest and then going for an Irish whip. Jessica, however, blocked the move by holding the ropes and then surprised Alyson by scooping her off the mat and body slamming her over the top rope to the floor. Hannigan hit hard and stayed down as Jessica gathered herself and rolled to the outside after her opponent. Simpson landed a couple of kicks to the head and then pulled Hannigan to her feet and whipped her hard into the security barrier. The blonde rolled inside to break the count and then back out to pull Hannigan to her knees by the hair. Alyson, however, responded with a pair of uppercuts to the belly that doubled Jessica over and a nasty jawbreaker than left Simpson down and woozy on the concrete. Now it was Hannigan who rolled in to break the count before going back outside to toss Simpson back into the squared circle. Jessica got slowly to her feet only to take a boot to the gut and a DDT. And then, with the blonde down and hurt, Hannigan applied $y$r _Eꕛ)>ji=y5:HneYn?IN4,]ݺ[GwǏ}kpFl4 MЏZJ{lYG`竒@Z7-uÏwMߚP$^ mkL iL5E8k97)\h;,l{=֎ծ["p:dywOFUPbQ]i`x*,BMԴ´.~e5#:z؍mm?iׁfVpԄmڷM)A2E9{7Gu6}nix*JRMDʼggUU٧LFLBipx!ׇ麜0=޴2|X9):ۚS{")jtX|:#C >j~>j7^[