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.:I Lay on my bed in my hotel room, a huge, sadistic smile covers my face. I smirk at the camera and giggle:.

~*The Beautiful, Kelly Fury*~
The reason why I asked one of the camera men to my room today…is simple. Ever since Aftershock I have had idiots running up to me asking me the question that is on everyone’s mind “Why have you made a deal with the devil himself”. The answer is simple…if I had to choose between God and The Devil to back me up, I would choose the Devil, purely because God would only try and take the calm approach to dealing with the problems ahead. The Devil…he wastes no time

.:I Sit up on the edge of my bed and smirk into the camera:.

~*The Beautiful, Kelly Fury*~
The Devil sees the task he has to do and he completes it without even thinking of the consequences. I know Vampiro is just like this, plus we both do have the same goal in our mind…to destroy Chelle. You all know the history behind me and Chelle, and it’s not the most…stable of relationships. Even though we spent our entire lives thinking we where sisters, Vampiro then revealed the truth that Chelle is in fact his daughter…his flesh and blood. That obviously was the start of the destruction of mine and Chelles newly built relationship. Her whole world crumbled down around her when she realised the truth, I was the one that told her once Vampiro told me…and I must admit it for the first time…

.:My smirk turns more sadistic:.

~*The Beautiful, Kelly Fury*~
I actually loved telling Chelle. Seeing the heartbreak in her eyes, was the best damn thing I have seen in my entire life. Chelle gets her kicks off in seeing other people suffer, now its time I see how that felt. Vampiro may be Chelles father, but he was also the one that took away Chelle and Adams unborn child. Of course, when I found out about the loss, I wanted to kill Vampiro myself…but now…I’m glad he did it. Can you imagine what it would have been like if there was a miniature Chelle or Edge running around…gross!

.:I Tilt my head to the side:.

~*The Beautiful, Kelly Fury*~
So I asked Vampiro to meet me in the parking lot before Aftershock…and our alliance was born. Chelle has been asking for this for a while, but the funny thing is…me and Vampiro are the only ones that actually have the guts to do something about it. Now I know what you are all thinking “But its only Chelle…you could defeat her yourself…you have done it before” as much as that is true, but when you mess with one person in the Union Of Darkness, the rest have to join in

.:I Roll my eyes:.

~*The Beautiful, Kelly Fury*~
Shame too, I would hate to have to mess up either Alexia or Trinity’s pretty faces. Edge or Orion…meh…I couldn’t care less about them. But there is one person

.:I Smile innocently as I look deep into the camera:.

~*The Beautiful, Kelly Fury*~
This person…people have also been asking questions about. The main one was “Didn’t you hear what he had to say to you”

.:I Chuckle:.

~*The Beautiful, Kelly Fury*~
Yes Travis…I heard every damn word you said and now I have to tell you something…if you think I’m really that gullible…you can think again. What exactly are you up too? Did you realise that the people in your stable are a damn joke…did you want to ignite our old flame…just as an insurance policy? Just so that you have one good fighter in your little team of morons? Sorry baby, but I have someone with skill backing me up now

.:I Lean closer to the camera as I smile seductively:.

~*The Beautiful, Kelly Fury*~
Don’t get me wrong though, to say that I don’t miss you…would be a lie. But after what you did…your going to have to try a lot harder to get me back…and even then there wont be any promises

.:I Put my hands flat on the bed and lean back a little:.

~*The Beautiful, Kelly Fury*~
But sweetie, I can promise you this. One hell of a show, so sit back and enjoy cause things are going to heat up around pHw, and maybe if you are a good boy, you will get a little bit of the action

.:The scene fades on the seductive look in my eyes:.

.:The next day I arrive in the arena wearing a trench coat. I walk backstage with a huge smile on my face. I enter a locker room:.

~*The Beautiful, Kelly Fury*~
Hello gorgeous

.:The cameras pan out to show Travesty sitting on the couch reading a magazine. He sets it to the side and stands up looking at me, I close the door using my foot as I walk towards him:.

~*The Beautiful, Kelly Fury*~
I thought I would drop by and say hello, after hearing what you had to say to me at Aftershock and all. Tell me…was it all true?

.:I tilt my head with a smile and a hopeful look in my eyes. He cocks his head to the side and looks around nervously:.

~*Mr Xtreme, Travis “Travesty” Thompson*~
Every word of it?

.:He responds with a slight hint of desperation. I smirk. I walk over to him and push him on the couch. I sit on his lap whilst facing him. I purposely move my hips up and down as I have a sexy smile on my face:.

~*The Beautiful, Kelly Fury*~
That’s cute honey…really. But…if it is true…then why did you DDT me in front of everyone, why did you shatter my heart into a billion little pieces? Was it all just to fit in with the Union of Darkness…who…for the record…aren’t very dark!

.:He rolls his eyes and looks back down to his magazine:.

~*Mr Xtreme, Travis “Travesty” Thompson*~
Kelly, if there's one thing you've known about me, probably better than anyone else, is that I love shock value. You know that I care about you. You know that you're my main love right now. I did what I had to do to cement myself as a major player here. And it worked, if you haven't noticed.

.:I nod and slide off his lap. I look around his locker room before looking back at him:.

~*The Beautiful, Kelly Fury*~
I hope you realise, it won’t be easy to win me back

.:He laughs out loud and shakes his head.:.

~*Mr Xtreme, Travis “Travesty” Thompson*~
It was hard to get you in the first place. But I managed that. I'm sure I can get you back. You know that you belong to me just as much as I know it.

.:I smirk at him:.

~*The Beautiful, Kelly Fury*~
But tell me something Travis…how much do you want me back?

.:With that I slide out of my trench coat, all that I’m wearing now, is black bra and panties:.

~*The Beautiful, Kelly Fury*~
I bet you want me right now don’t you? Just to make wild passionate love like we always did…am I right Travis?

.:His magazine falls out of his hands as he stares at my body.:.

~*Mr Xtreme, Travis “Travesty” Thompson*~
Like only we could...

.:He licks his lips.:.

~*Mr Xtreme, Travis “Travesty” Thompson*~
It's not too late for that, ya know?

.:I step towards him again smirking:.

~*The Beautiful, Kelly Fury*~
You’re right…you know…it’s not too late…

.:I lean towards Travis and softly speak into his ear:.

~*The Beautiful, Kelly Fury*~
But I guess you should have thought about that before you decided to make a new name for yourself

.:I pull away from him as I grab my trench coat from the floor and slip it back on:.

~*The Beautiful, Kelly Fury*~
Sorry Travis, I guess its time you learnt a little thing or two about me. I don’t like to be made a fool out of. So I’m returning the favour to you

.:I button up the trench coat again and lean towards him one last time:.

~*The Beautiful, Kelly Fury*~
I bet you are regretting it all now though, giving up this body…this love…for your fame

.:He shakes his head:.

~*Mr Xtreme, Travis “Travesty” Thompson*~
I haven't given it up entirely, Kelly. And if you walk away from this...from're letting it go.

.:I laugh right in his face:.

~*The Beautiful, Kelly Fury*~
Don’t think I haven’t thought about that, to tell you the truth, my heart is screaming don’t go…but my mind is telling me to leave, hell it’s telling me to run away as fast as I can. You want to make a name for yourself? That’s fine, I'm doing the exact same thing, or didn’t you realise that me…Vampiro and your old Union Of Darkness buddy, Ciero, have started a new alliance. An alliance that won’t be pushed around by you UoD bastards. You might have thought my so called sister was crazy…but baby…you aint seen nothing yet!

~*Mr Xtreme, Travis “Travesty” Thompson*~
From what I recalled, you're crazy as hell in bed. But we deter from the point. This isn't about the Union of Darkness nor is it about your new alliance. This about you and I and rekindling a love that we know was a mistake to let fade. A love we both hold. So, though your mind is screaming to run away, follow your heart this time and stick with me. For love's sake.

.:I think for a moment…then I slowly shake my head:.

~*The Beautiful, Kelly Fury*~
What’s the point Travis…you weren’t thinking of love when you did that to me…so why should I now?

.:With that I slowly turn and leave his locker room:.

.:Later that night, I’m in my hotel room. I sit on my bed wearing my silk nightie. I sigh:.

~*The Beautiful, Kelly Fury’s Thoughts*~
What is he doing to me. I don’t need this right now…love? He only knows what love is because he has lost it. He had me once, I’m not going to easily forgive and forget. Especially not to someone who actually hurt me, not only emotionally, but psychically. I have to focus on my match this week. I’m facing my new ally Vampiro in the Highway To Hell tournament. If I win this tournament, then I will go on to face Brandon for his World Heavyweight Championship. Something…which I don’t really want, but Brandon has a big mouth and no one has been able to shut it. Sure I have faced him in the past and I have lost, but if I win this tournament, that wont be the case. I will do something no one has been able to do lately, and that’s defeat Brandon

.:I get up from my bed and walk around the room a little:.

~*The Beautiful, Kelly Fury’s Thoughts*~
But in order to do that, I must defeat Vampiro first, to then proceed to the next round. How can I face my new ally? He is already weary of me, not trusting me. I know he thinks that this is all a trick, for me to somehow screw him over. I can honestly say that its not. But how can I prove that to him? I will not lay down in this match to prove it…he is just going to need to start trusting people a bit more!

.:The scene fades:.