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Real Name
-Kristina Stephanie Johnston
Marital Status-Dating
Date of Birth- 3/9/81
Hometown- Houston, Texas

- 5'6
Weight- 120 lbs
Hair- Blonde
Eyes- Blue
Build- Skinny


In Ring Attire
-Flare hip huggerz with a light pink shirt that reads the Princess of Hardcore on the front and Krissi on the back

Out of Ring Attire-Short black leather skirt, purple haulter top along with her past the knee black coat

Wrestling Style- Hardcore/Highflying

Theme Song-"Foolish" by Ashantai

-The lights in the arena all slowly start to dim and come back on flickering as pink and purple pyros start to go off as "Foolish" by Ashantai starts to play throughout the arena. Krissi's video then starts to play over the titan-tron as the crowd starts to go wild and cheer for her. Krissi walks out from the backstage area with a pair of hip huggerz on and a pink haulter top that reads Princess of Extreme on the front and Krissi on the back. She stops and smiles at the crowd and then walks down to the ring and climbs the steps then goes between the second and third ropes. She walks to the center and blows a kiss towards the crowd and waits for them to quiet down.

Finisher-  Krissi Twirl

Description-A backflip, followed by a round-off finished with a Twist of Fate

Bitch Slap

-Former Women's Champion


My name is Krissi or course I'm hoping by now most of you know that and I'm going to tell you about history in wrestling, well hell my history in life. You may want to know why I am the way I am and I'll tell you...When I was little my parents were the richest people in the town we lived in and I know you're thinking, we'll she's spoiled to hell, quite the contrary. My parents didn't give a shit about me or that the fact that I was alive. I mean, my father was a lawyer and my mom supposidly was a stay at home mother. My mom ruined our family and I've never been able to forgive her for being the way she was. When I was about 7 or 8 my mother started leading on a second life which only lead to disaster in my family, to the point that neither parent cared about my brother or me or for that matter wanted us. I basically was raised by our maid and that could explain my bad temper and attitude. My parents gave me money, but money wasn't enough, I wanted love to come with that money but that was never to happen. When I was about 14 years old I ran away to live with my best friend and boyfriend or so I thought who at the time was 18 and in college. It was just something that I had to deal with but his family wasn't very wealthy, but they had the biggest love for their son. I wanted just that so I figured if I set out for a dream of mine I'd slowly but steadily find someone that satisfies me. Well a few months after I ran off to live with him on my fifteenth birthday I broke up with him so that I could move on with my life. He just wasn't everything I thought he was, and I could no longer deal with him. Being 15 with no job and still in school wasn't very good for anything, but I made it somehow. I went through so many houses that it wasn't funny, it was just what I had to do to get where I am today. At my graduation I was ranked in the top ten percent of my class and was offered a scholarship to the school of my dreams, but I said no. I had a friend that was wrestling down in a Texas wrestling federation, so time to time she'd go down and perform in Mexico. Well I decided that that's exactly what I wanted to do, so I joined that federation and suprisingly in my first match there was a wrestler from HWA that was watching me closely. He promised me that I could get out of there and go with him to a bigger and much better federation, the HWA. Well, I went and was undefeated there and got what I wanted, people loved me, they didn't even have to know my name but they loved me. I went steadily from federation to federation with this love for others actually caring about me. I went through a couple relationships in the HWA but it just wasn't working, two guys that both cared about me greatly were fighting over my love which strangly I loved, I had never had anyone care about me so much they'd fight over me. So I learned a lot from being in the HWA and afterwards went through a few other federations namely XWA, HCW, and some others before I got an offer here in the IHW. I went from being rich down the drain steadily rising up and if my parents knew I was here, they'd say I'm a disgrace to the family name, but that doesn't matter to me anymore. I'm just here to be loved and that's mostly what people in the past can't understand about me. So, when you want to know why I am the way I am, I said it all there. It hurt, but how else am I supposed to get out of that? There's no way, so my depression and love of wrestling was how I got rid of my emotional pain. You may think I'm just some little stuck up girl or whatever you think, but trust me there's no way you can understand it to its fullest and you probably never will. But that's just a lot from the past...Let me tell you about myself now. I currently here in the IHW and I'm not planning to leave anytime soon. There was a point here in the IHW a couple of months ago where I was part of the NBK, but that's no longer to be. There's much to come here in my career and you'll just have to see and find out.
HCW-Hardcore Championship Wrestling

Diamond's Official Webpage

(c)  Fabalus-Diamond Industries Co.
This is the official webpage of Krissi.  Any reproduction of this material will result in a fine and the ultimate ass kicking!  All rights reserved.