
 Versus: Two other Teams - Stipulation: Ring Wars Title: nWo Brutality nWo International, WoW Trivia

now Career Record

06 - 01 - 00

nWo Career Achievements

Wrestler of the week (#1) nWo Brutality Champion (current)

Enforced Upon!

Kevin Bishop : Shaun Craven : Adam Payne : Weltmiester : The Franchise(x2) : Christian Wright(x2)


Alone it seems...

So I'm on my own in this am I? Is no-one else in my team gonna lift a finger or rear their heads to the public eye? To make this event something memorable? 

: the dark.

S C E N E 1

|¤| The dim candlelight casting light around the dreary underground room. Shadows dance a macabre dance around the room loitered with filing cabinets, desks and the like. It was the kind of place where night and day did not was always in the thick of night in the dusty old catacomb. No light dared to journey this low under the ground, neither did was the perfect kind of place to be the dark. 

Standing tall casting a steady shadow on the wall to his left with candle on his right is The Enforcer. Carefully fingering through the brown dossier he had received last we saw of him. The camera pans round from the view of his back around to see the concerned sort of look firmly across his face as he reads one of the many sheets, scanning it for relative info before pulling out another and repeating the process. He raises his head a little as we can see his sleepy eyes staring forward...the same sick smirk that we see time and time again curls up onto his lips slowly infecting the rest of his face... |¤|

« ¤ | The Enforcer | ¤ »
Deaths...Different Bodies...Murder...what the fuck is this guy? He's nothing human that's for enigma to say the least...but what exactly is he?

|¤| He looks back down at the papers as the smirk clears from his face as he flicks through them once more...the ominous sound his cell-phone strikes him and he digs his hand into his deep pocket and pulls it out answering it. |¤|

« ¤ | The Enforcer | ¤ »
I'm on it...Jesus Christ give me a fucking chance. I'm looking at it as we speak...

|¤| There is a brief pause as the person on the other line speaks... |¤|  

« ¤ | The Enforcer | ¤ »
Well I'm halfway there so to speak...I mean I know he's not...

|¤| There is a brief pause once again as The Enforcer has been interrupted or so it seems. |¤|

« ¤ | The Enforcer | ¤ »
Well there ain't a hell of a lot here y'know...and say when the fuck are your boys going to get that information on Ichy. So much for him busting out like you said, the prick is locked up in a boot...and for I care that's where he can stay...personally I'm convinced that he's nothing more than human...

|¤| A pause once more... |¤|

« ¤ | The Enforcer | ¤ »
Fine I'll keep on him...but Christ if you want this guy then give me go ahead to fuck up those tazer pricks...if you want him so damn bad I'll get him for you. I want an excuse to go at those tazer happy twats...y'know I really do hope they have a go at me this week. I'm not a vulnerable fucking fool like the rest they've tazered...

|¤| A pause ensues... |¤|

« ¤ | The Enforcer | ¤ »
No I'm not preoccupied I just have a mere vendetta against these fools...

|¤| The voice on the other end of the phone is heard... |¤|

« ¤ | Unknown Voice | ¤ »
Don't carry vendettas...we don't care about those fools...what we care about is Ichy and if there's not enough in that dossier to bring to light then go and find some fucking information...I don't care where...I don't care how...just do it.

« ¤ | The Enforcer | ¤ »
Fine! I'll finish hunting for this fucking information but your boys had better get more on Ichy! I want some results...and shit man...I got a big event this week...

« ¤ | Unknown Voice | ¤ »
Do I sound like a give a hop to it!

|¤| The Enforcer frowns as he brings the cellular device from his ear  and hangs it up...if there was one thing he hated it was orders from an incompetent fool. Information didn't just punch you in the face as you were walking down a took time and effort to obtain. This prick thought it grew on trees...what a sad mistake. The Enforcer re-pocketed his phone before slamming his fist down hard into the table. |¤|

« ¤ | The Enforcer | ¤ »
Why is it so fucking hard! Why!? Fuck sake...I'll bet none of these other fools have to put up with this shit! Johnny Vain is stepping off airplanes and meeting his goddamned wife while small-talking with his manager. It all seems so fucking easy for simple...

|¤| He pauses while he calms down. |¤|

« ¤ | The Enforcer | ¤ »
It almost seems as if I didn't even phase the redneck with my racist slurs...that's what perhaps makes him a threat...I can call him whatever the fuck I want...verbally insult him into next week...but at the end of it all. He's only out to make a living. A normal guy, doing a normal job expecting a decent wage. But of course that is where his downfall lies...he's simply a 'normal' man...with some determination of course but he is like the rest...nothing special...cannot compare to me in any sort of way...

|¤| A few creases appear in The Enforcer's brow as he frowns hard. |¤|

« ¤ | The Enforcer | ¤ »
But he is a normal cowboy redneck...with talent. And again however much I bitch at this loser he isn't going to be isn't going to affect his performance in the slightest...and hell...he did what I couldn't do...he beat Quake. So maybe this fool is some threat...maybe he does cut the mustard and actually have me admitting that he is going to be trouble...but what he'll never be is intelligent...I can run rings around his mind...and perhaps...perhaps that is what I will do...but for now...I have bigger things to attend to...

|¤| He fans his fingers as he holds the dossier of info. |¤|

« ¤ | The Enforcer | ¤ »
I've got to see what I can can go and dig up...because unlike the rest of the fools I'm against like...Seth Raide...who can lie around in his dank and decrepit house crying about whatever the fuck he likes...or B-Pac who is firmly set on the fact that his woman is crazy...I think its a look in the mirror ol' B needs...because it seems he's a little preoccupied...a good shower and shave would do B good...and to get rid of that ho and concentrate on the match!

|¤| The Enforcer laughs softly. |¤|

« ¤ | The Enforcer | ¤ »
But of course that will never happen...Wishing for many of these fools to give me a decent fight is pointless...but then again I do have my own matters to attend to...

|¤| The Enforcer blows out the candle as the room plunges into darkness as the scene fades out. |¤|


Word Count: 1,200

Comment: Craaaap....better to come

OOC: Good luck to all!!!