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(The camera fades in as you hear what sounds like a car door closing. As the camera comes in clear you see Enforcer walking away from his patrol car with the lights still flashing. He starts to walk up the stairs to Deviate's six story mansion. Once at the door he rings the doorbell and you can see the lights from his car flashing on the glass that surrounds the door. Deviate's butler answers the door and tells Enforcer to enter. Enforcer looks back at the camera man and says you coming or not. The camera man follow Enforcer in and butler closes the door behind them.)

Butler: Master Deviate will be with you in a minute. So please have a seat.

Deviate: (Walking down the grand staircase which is in the middle of the entrance way) Hey man whats going on? How you feeling?

Enforcer: I'm feeling great. I came over to tell you that I checked out the line up for this weekend and we have been given a match with the Ladies of Self Destruction. It is a ninja weapon of your choice match.

Deviate: Man thats great. Those two don't stand a chance against us. When we are done with them they will look just like 49 1/2 cent all crippled and laying up in the hospital.

Enforcer: Yeah you got that right. So what weapon are you going to use? I'm going to those two sets of stainless steel nunchucks that I took from that karate dojo that I raided while I was in the LAPD. These things are great. I have been training with them on the side just in case I ever needed to use them. Check this out.

(You see Enforcer giving Deviate a demo of his skills with the stainless steel nunchucks. He looks a little like Bruce Lee.)

Deviate: Fuck! Thats awsome. I think I'm going use that five foot Bo staff that I have in my gym out back. I can not wait until I can crack that Bo over one of those stupid bitches heads.

Enforcer: This match is going to be a cake walk. Those little girls will not know what hit them. Who do they think they are messing with?

Deviate: I don't know. (He looks at the camera and taps on the lense) Hey Ladies of Destruction you know you cann't beat us, so why don't you two do yourselfs a favor and stay at home where you belong. This way Enforcer and I won't have to mess up your pretty little faces. Because when we are done with you there will not be enough make-up in the world to cover up the welts we're going to give you.

Enforcer: (looking at the camera man) O.K. it is now time for you to get the hell out of here. We have some trainning to do now. (He starts walking toward the camera man spinning his nunchucks.)

(The camera man is forced out the door and Enforcer slams the door shut. The door just tapps the camera and the lense cracks a little. You can see an X made from the cracks on the lense. The camera then fades to black.)