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* The camera shows a black hummer pulling into the arena in Montreal Canada. Shawn Winters steps out and grabs his bags from the back. Stacy and Torrie both get out as well and also grab there bags. They all head towards the D-Generation X locker room. They get there and open the door. Shawn Michaels is sitting in the chair watching some old matches on Tank studying them. Shawn, Torrie, and Stacy drop there bags in the corner. *

Torrie - Hey Shawn where is Torrey?

HBK - Oh she went to get some coffee.

Stacy - Oh really well we should go find her and talk to he rbaout our match tonight with Angel and Victoria.

* Torrie and Stacy leave the locker room. *

Winters - So whats up man? You just get here?

HBK - Nah me and Torrey have been here for awhile. So you ready for tonight?

Winters - Oh yeah you know it! Tonight is going to be a huge and I mean HUGE night for D-Generation X! (Laughs) I cant wait till our theme hits to start off the night! I just cant wait!

HBK - (smiles) He wont see it coming will he?

Winters - Hell no he wont! He has no idea what is about to go down! No idea!

HBK - I heard about Ryan Shamrock dissing you earlier...

Winters - HA! What a joke she thinks she is so damn hot and shit! Hell she is so damn flat that you can never tell if she is coming or going!

HBK - (laughs) Yeah I know...she is just an ironing board! (Laughs)

Winters - She is just a wannabe! She is just like every other women in the world..she wishes that she could be with me! (Laughs) But sorry Ryan but you don’t have much to bring to the table if you know what I mean!

* Both men laugh. *

HBK - Man I have been here watching Tanks matches and my god I am about ready to fall alseep! His matches are boring!

Winters - How do you think I felt? I had to wrestle him in an Iron Man match for an hour!

HBK - Yeah I watched that match! That was a good match but only because you were in it! (Laughs)

Winters - (smiles) Yeah well Tank isn’t much to worry about just like we will show him tonight! The Thrillaz are not going to be around much longer after we are through with them!

HBK - Yeah I know! So what about you? You got Triple H tonight? You study him at all?

Winters - HHH please?! Triple H is nothing compared to me and he never will be! He has always wanted to be the man in the WWE but to be the man you have to beat the man and actually he has never beaten either of use so he is not “The Game” and trust me he is not that damn good! I will prove to him tonight that he cant bring shit! He has nothing on me! Nothing at all! I cant wait to just beat him down in that ring!

HBK - He has got no chance in hell!

Winters - Nope not at all!

* The camera cuts away. *

Shawn Winters Hit List
Steve Corino Tank
Joey K Shawn Cash
Mimic Y2K
Phoenixx Donavon Maxwell
Vince McMahon Stephanie McMahon???
Angel McMahon Stone Cold Steve Austin

Name - Shawn Winters   Height - 6 ft   Weight - 233 lbs   From - Atlanta Georgia   Finisher - Pandamonium and Elite One