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Get Ready TO be Stunned!

E.J. Stunner
HOMETOWN: Atlanta, Georgia
HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 245lbs
RECORD: 2/0/0
THEME:info goes here
QUOTE: "Get Ready to be Stunned!"
FINISHER: Stunn-A-Rama
DESCRIPTION: Sidewalk Slam
STABLE: S.E.X. | Sports Enterainment Xtreme
FED: Juggalo ChampionshXt Wrestling
TITLE: Stunned
PEOPLE USED: E.J. Stunner here
NEXT MATCH: Iono here
NAME: Will A.
AGE: 15
AIM: HOTlantaboi404
YAHOO: atlantaboi404
((Sitting there in an empty white room, it can be odd for some, wonderful for others. In spaces like this, it truly gives you time to think. To let you clear your mind and just focus on one thing at a time. Many people would use to chance to do many things like meditate, yoga, or if you are E.J. Stunner; then you use this time to think about two, not one, but two upcoming matches this Wednesday. Never in his career has the spotlight been on him so much. It's almost overwhelming, for some it would be, but for E.J. he takes it all in. He soaks it up like a plant soaking up water and sunshine. He turns all of the attention into energy. A lot of that energy is good while other...Well lets just say that you wouldn't want to be in front of him. He would run right over you like a locomotive. He is not one to just sit there and let you walk right over him. He's just not that type of person and to be honest, he never has been. In E.J.'s past he's had the chance to work with many legends, and as you can see, he still is. TTSA and Genuwine are just two of the many that E.J.'s been blessed to even be around. However, Wednesday is going to throw something new at E.J. A tag team match, okay so it's not new to him, but finally E.J. gets to team up with one of his favorite wrestlers... Dan Kage! E.J. has always looked up to Dan, seeing him as a role model. At times he even looked at him and said that Dan is the type of wrestler he wanted to be. Even though E.J. has had many dreams to come true, he is only beginning to become like Dan. However it's still not a bad start.

E.J. has been through a lot to make it this far in the wrestling business and in life as well. Many people doubted him when he said that he wanted to become a pro-wrestler. Family laughed in his face, friends told him to go for something real. But to E.J., this was real. This is how he wanted to life to go for him.. To E.J., it's not about the fame or the money, well sure that's part of it, but to him, he is filling a life long dream. He is now proving everyone wrong. Now he is laughing at his family the same way they laughed at him. When people gave up home for him, that's when he got tough. He wasn't going to take it and he didn't. Then when he finally got what he wanted, which was a chance to be a pro-wrestler, more things tried to stand his way. Yet once again, E.J. ran right over them. People tried to tell him that he would never amount to anything. That he would never last. But now, as you can see, E.J. has proven everyone wrong, family, the so called friends, and everyone else.

Today, E.J. is preparing for two matches that he's waited all his life for. Two matches that will mean so much to him. Two that could break or make him. Either way, E.J. will be doing what he loves doing, and that is wrestling. Finally E.J. is back. I know what you're saying.. "But he's been back for three weeks now." How true that is, very true, and since he has been back he has had three matches. Every single one he has won. Things are getting better and better for E.J. Matches are becoming more important. They are adding more stipulations. They are adding more competition. One thing that E.J. is looking forward to his the match against John Cena. He is thrilled about this one because if he wins, he will get a shot at the Triple Crown Title! Also on the same day as this match, is his tag match with Dan Kage against Ronald and Scurge Runik. E.J. is determined to not let Dan down. He is determined to give John Cena and William Regal a fair match, not holding back, giving it his all.. He wants to do so much but is this going to be more than he can handle? There's only one way to find out and we are just gonna have to wait and see next Wednesday on Murder Rap!

Waves crashing onto the white sandy beaches of the gulf coast, seagulls flying over head, making their presence known. Child and older alike walking along the beach, picking up seashells, trying to keep something as a reminder to this great time. Young ones playing in the sand building small sand castles, only replicas of the large ones found throughout the world. Surfing, parasailing, snorkeling, and so much more, there's no where else one would want to be. This is paradise. Even E.J. Stunner loves this place but there is one other place he would rather be, and that is in the ring. With a day slowly coming to an end with the sun going down over the beautiful ocean, E.J. knows that it is only getting closer to next Wednesday. He walks along the white beaches, wading in the water, just enough to get his ankles wet. Wearing a pair of blue shorts the waves splash up onto E.J., almost soaking him, but he doesn't mind he just smiles and keeps walking. The camera focuses in on E.J.'s eyes, you can tell there is something wrong. He is excited, nervous, and not sure to as what he has gotten himself into. E.J. looks into the camera and starts to talk. ))

((E.J. Stunner )) Returning to work can be a stressful thing, reliving past memories, some haunting.. some good; meeting old colleagues, some shake your hand, some slap you down; getting back onto schedule after being free from hassle; but one thing will loom over you as you step through those doors for the first time, the look in the eyes of everybody, the piercing glance that follows you along the corridor and into the room, that burning stare which reads simply... 'How long will he last this time?'. But then again, I suppose that is the same with any job, but in this industry, you have those extra worries. Always glancing over your shoulder, "what was that noise?", always wondering as you peruse the locker room, who wants to welcome you back and who wants to send you home; knowing that your next footstep could mean your last. Maybe that's just me? ...))

(( As the sun quickly goes down E.J. begins to walk away from the ocean. He heads up the beach and towards a large white house. The camera follows E.J.'s every step. Stunner makes his way up the stairs which leads to the deck on the back of the house. The scene quickly fades to a commercial for juggalo hair care products.

After a couple of odd commercials and a few promos by other JCW superstars, the scene quickly focuses on the JCW parking lot. All seems quiet until a black Dodge Ram comes speeding in. The passenger, being none other than E.J. Stunner gets out of his truck quickly carrying a black duffle bag. He heads towards his locker room to drop off his bag and grab a beer. After that he starts walking towards the backstage area. He gulps down the beer then throws the can down. 'Bodies' by Drowning Pools blares over the sound system as the lights dim and lasers beam from side to side like always. The fans are standing on their feet, screaming their heads off awaiting E.J. to walk out.. Just then he does! The crowd gets louder and louder as they catch a glimpse of E.J. He smiles as he slowly walks to the ring taking up all the energy. E.J. makes his way to the ring and rolls in. Once he is back on his feet he rips off the white shirt he was wearing and tosses it into the crowd. E.J. flexes his muscles and the smile on his face gets even bigger. Soon after, he motions for a mic and the announcer tosses him one. The arena goes to a dead silence as they wait to hear from one of their favorite stars! ))

((E.J. Stunner )) Boy oh Boy. It looks like I have gotten myself into a little match. Against John Cena and William Regal! I have already proven to William Regal once that I know what I am doing in the ring. But I also know that he will put up a fight just like Cent. This is one match that I cannot wait for. All hell will break loose on Wednesday Murder Rap. Three of the best all in the same ring, wow, what more could you ask for? Being that I am back here in JCW, I didn't expect to make it so far in such a short time. I am thankful for everything I have gotten and I know that this Wednesday will be one hell of a day! Coming into this match with three wins under my belt is making me feel wonderful. Also for both of these men I have a huge amount of respect for. Sure Cena is nothing more than an over confident person, but then again I have to look and see who has the belt. Even though that may be the case, it's going to stop me from beating him down into the hard canvas of the ring. Earlier I heard you talking smack here in this very spot. But that's okay, I don't have to come out here and talk all that junk. I can just show you everything that I have in the ring Wednesday. However, that's not me, I am just like you John, cocky but we both have a right to be. Man I don't have anything against you, cept for the fact that you are running around like you own the place. I started out here with respect for you, but that slowly went away, but there is just a bit left for you. But when I step in the ring, all that is going to go away and you are just going to become another one of my little bitches. When me and my mates beat on your ass, that was just a start of a new storm. Well that storm is going to explode soon, only one thing is going to be different, well two actually. First off, I am going to be alone in this one, no team members helping out, no one to be there by my side. But that's okay, I know that I can take you down with one on one. But that's not going to happen either, because now I am at my second point.. William Regal will be joining in on the fight. That's three men who all just about hate each other, brawling it out to see who belongs on top. ))

(( Stunner brings the mic down as he gets a huge smile on his face. He walks around in the ring looking up into the crowd reading some of the signs that the fans are holding up. The smile gets even bigger, getting more and more pumped up for this match. E.J. raises the mic to his mouth as he stops walking and starts back talking. ))

((E.J. Stunner )) Ya know, just standing here I just thought about something.. This Wednesday I am not going to hold back. I am not going to sit there and get a beating, this time around, I will be giving the beating on both you and Regal. The fuck what if I break an arm or leg. This is going to be one of the biggest matches ever and I be damned if I am going to sit back while you two try to kill one another for that belt. I am going to be right there giving it my all. Not stopping until I get even closer to seeing the Triple Crown Title. John, you better be enjoying it while you have it, because I can make promise you that it's not going to be yours for much longer. Soon you will see it around my waist, in my hands, and there is nothing you can do about it. Sure you and William can try, but do you honestly think that it's going to be enough to bring down the beast? In the past I haven't given it my all or as much as I should of. But this is a new E.J. This time around I am not going to stop, I am not going to waste time, I am not going to sit back and watch you'll have the fun. I will be the one laughing and I will be the one with the gold.. Also, I am fucking sick of everyone bringing me down because I have not had any gold in my time here in JCW. Well that's not what's important to me, well I should say it wasn’t important to me... Until lately, Im not sure what it is, but it's like I'm a new person. This new E.J. is not going to stop, not for one second. He will keep going and going. I have taken a lot of heat for not having a belt. So soon, very very soon, everyone will see E.J. with gold. Then maybe everyone will back off. Do you know what it's like to not have a good record? No, because you guys have either kissed ass to make it this far or you have gotten it unfair. Me on the other hand, I have worked everyone fucking minute, sure maybe I have taken the long way around, but that's how I wanted it. I wouldn't of had it any other way. I wanted everyone to see that E.J. could and would make it. For everyone that has ever doubted me or may still be doubting me, well that's fine, but this Wednesday everyone single of you will see a new force. A new force that cannot and will not be stopped. E.J. will walk away the champ in this match as well as my other one.. ))

(( Stunner is now pumped up and a little pissed after talking about some stuff that he didn't want to bring up. The smile that once graced his face has been replaced by a very mad look. He starts to walk around again, faster and faster, trying to blow off some steam, but he it doesn't seem to work. E.J. draws the mic back up to his mouth and starts to talk in hateful tone.. ))

((E.J. Stunner )) This week is my week. Ronald, Scurge, John, and William, all fucking four of you better hope I calm down a little before Wednesday or there will be hell to pay. But wait, that's not going to help, nothing is going to help. I am going to stop at nothing this week to make it on top. I am going to crush bones and kick ass. No doubt about it. Now Regal, I am not worried about you too much, but I am going to keep an eye on you. I have seen what you can do. Impressive, but that is nothing compared what is going to be unleashed on your ass at Murder Rap. You think you have what it takes to make it in JCW? You think you can handle the best? Is that what you are thinking Mr.Regal? Well, I guess we will fucking find out wont we? Ya know, one of my biggest qualities is respect. John has already lost his. You.. Well you are on your way. Sure you might not care about it, but to me it is a big thing. But I don't give a shit. I know what I want and I know how to get it. E.J. always gets what he wants and this time, he is going to stop at nothing until he gets it.. I want it dammit, I want it so bad that I can taste it. Maybe that's just my tic-tac, but whatever. I have never wanted anything so bad in my life as much as I want the triple crown title. To me, that is just one of the biggest things here in JCW. So many great legends have held it and I want to be one of them. Nothing would make me happier than gaining that. Trust me William and John, when you want something so bad, you will not quit. You will fall under pressure. Instead you will keep driving forward, at whatever cost it my be. ))

((E.J.'s mood been up and down throughout the time he has been out here. If you didn't know him, you would swear that he is bi-polar. Unlike the last two times E.J. has stopped talking, he is not walking around, in fact, he is very still. But he can see that the crowd is getting pumped up as well. They begin to chant "E.J.- E.J.- E.J.- E.J.- E.J.-E.J.- E.J.- E.J.- E.J.- E.J." A smile once again is on E.J.'s face, knowing that he is loved by so many, but hated by so many too. E.J. thinks to himself about where he has been and where he is now and he can't be more happier. But moving back to the reason why he is out here, he starts back talking into the mic. ))

((E.J. Stunner )) Regal, Regal, Regal, dude, what the hell is up with you? You walk around strutting like some damn chicken. Then to boot, you have that awful gut that hangs over your tights, man, if you travel over to L.A. they have doctors that can help you with that. It's called a tummy tuck, and trust me man, yah gotta get one. It makes me sick to look at it. And to be honest with you man, last time I was in the ring with you, I was scared I was going to get slapped in the face by it. Ugh, but moving along here. William, I have already showed you once that I am better than you. As did John Cena, but I do give you credit, you have made it this far. However, it's going to be very short lived, kind of like you if you don't start working on the gut.. This is going to be very interesting, hell, I am very proud to be facing John... Not so much Regal, but you have to take whatever they throw at you. Wednesday is going to be a day that both of you will never forget. No one will be able to forget the fact that E.J. came out on top. Maybe you could say that I'm the wildcard in this match. I know that very few people believe in me, but that's ok, I don't really give a damn. I will show you John, Regal, and everyone else just what I am made of. Then maybe, just maybe, I will get some credit around here. Good luck to you John and William, I don't be the one to say I told you so, but I told you so..But you've been warned, I will not back down, I will not quit, I will keep going until there is blood flowing onto the canvas and bones are heard snapping into. This will be the fight to the death, but it's going to be Cena's and Regal's funeral...Not mine! ))

(( E.J. throws down the mic and goes over to the right turnbuckle, then climbs up it. He flexes his muscles and smiles big. He hops down and rolls out of the ring. While making his way up the ramp towards the back, he stops to sign a few autographs and to pose with a few lucky fans. The arena is all hyped up after what E.J. has said. Soon after the autographs and photos end, he continues to walk up the ramp and heads off to the back area as the scene fades to black.

Will E.J. make it past the Triple Threat match on Murder Rap? Will he live up to everything that he has been preaching? Can he truly become the Triple Crown Champion? Keep watching Murder Rap and Wreckage in the next couple of weeks to find out.

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