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[ACTION]The scene opens up. Where once again we are in the carpark, only this time the cameras are on.The crowd are waiting anxiously to see why the cameras are in the parking lot. Then a very noisy car engine can be heard, and the crowd no who it is already. Chants of "EDDIE..EDDIE..EDDIE" can be heard back from the arena. Then a nice orange and yellow 2-tone car comes into the picture. The car screeches to a halt. It is a convertible so Latino Heat: Eddie Guerrero easily jumps out of the car. He beats his arms on his chest and does his signature pose. The crowd are chanting louder now. Eddie goes to the back of his beautiful low rider and takes out his bag. He slams the trunk shut and hooks the bag strap over his right shoulder. He goes to carry on walking when he hears his name shouted. He looks round and he sees a man pushing a little kid in a wheelchair. They are being stopped from entering the parking lot by a securtiy guard. Eddie walks over to them. He shakes the fathers hand and looks at the poor kid in the wheelchair. The kid has a guerrero shirt on so he is obviously a fan. He looks at the security guard evily and the guard gets the signal and walks away for a while. [Worlds Greatest 'Rassler | Eddie Guerrero]Hey holmes, im sorry about dat joke of a security guard man. [Hank Johnson] Nah dont worry about it man, he was only doing his job. Im really sorry to be so rude like that man, but its just my son you see, he is such a big fan of yours and i just hoped that he would be able to meet you. Guerrero looks down at the disabled child. The kid looks up. He has a glisten in his eye, and appears to be smiling. Guerrero cant help but smile back.He ruffles the kids hair and laughs. [Worlds Greatest 'Rassler | Eddie Guerrero] Yah sure holmes. He looks like a great kid.