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..: "The Charismatic Soldier" - EcKo :..

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:: Disclaimer :: Yo... This layout was created by Hollie; but, I slightly modified it a bit. Anyway... I'm givin’ Hollie credit! So… thanks, and stuff! :: End Disclaimer ::

[[The scene opens in the backstage area of the arena, in front of the interview backdrop. Standing in for Felicia Bell is interviewer, Mike Ocksmall. As the camera pans out, standing next to him is new comer, EcKo. As the crowd in the arena, watching on the titon-tron begin cheering, Mike Ocksmall begins the interview.]]

Mike Ocksmall
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Standing next to me is none other than the “Charismatic Soldier” himself... EcKo!” [[ cheer...]] “EcKo... last week, in your debut match here in the WWA, you faced none other than another debuting wrestler, Magnum. Sadly, for you, you came out of that match with a loss. What are your comments on your match, and what are your thoughts on Magnum?”

"Last week... like you said, was my debut match. And not only my debut match, but... my return match from a two month break. I’ll admit... I had a little bit of ring rust. And I’d like to congratulate Magnum on his win last week. But, Magnum... deep down inside... you know the better man didn’t win! And if you wanna’ keep flappin’ your jaws, claiming you’re some kind of legend... let’s step toe-to-toe and see who the real “legend” is!”

Mike Ocksmall
"With the past being the past... it’s now time to look into the future, and put your mind on your match. This week, on Warfare, you’ll be facing another wrestler who has just come out with a loss in his previous match. This wrestler I’m talking about is none other than Kareem Knight. He’s made a few comments about you being some kind of wanna-be thug, and you’re just, quote, acting hood. What are your thoughts on his comments?”

"Well, uhhh...” [[...smirks...]] “...I’ll admit... I did act all thug back in my BWF, VWF, and countless other federations. But, in my defense... those were all gimmicks I was paid to have. Back when I first began quote, “cutting my teeth” in the business... I started out like what I am right now, “The Charismatic Soldier.” Ask anybody who was in the WXCW... if they’re still around. Anyway... if that’s all you have against me, dude... that’s sad. You know what? Do me a favor... contact a writer... have him or her write up a speech for you, then address it to all of us here in the WWA. Give me some kind of an insult challenge. Give me something to leave me speechless! Hell! Shut me up for once! Nobody’s been able to do that in my entire career. You wanna’ try and insult me? Believe me... I’ll lash back at you ten times worse! I’ll make you regret even attempting to bad mouth me. You think I’m some kind of wanna’ be thug, white boy, huh? Well, let’s take a look at G.I. Bro here, shall we? Big, built, bald, missing a few teeth... hmmm... this might be a challenge here. Or will it? You know what they say... “the bigger they are, the harder they fall!” Well, in Carmello... Kareem... whatever’s case... if he falls, we might see a 9.5 on the rector-scale. Hey! Christmas is comin’ up soon! And I have just the thing for Kareem! What do you say to a lifetime supply of Turtle Wax? It’ll keep that bald-head shine that you got goin’ on there! But, in all seriousness, man... do you actually think you’re gonna’ beat me? I’ve taken on bigger gorillas than you, Kareem. You may have the size advantage over me; but, I’ve got the speed. Can you keep up with me? I don’t wanna’ wear you out! You’ve gotta’ be able to stay with me throughout the entire match. I don’t wanna’ have to carry your ass through our whole match! Even though I have a feeling that I probably will. I guess we’ll just see who walks out of this match with their arm raised in the air, won’t we? See you tonight Carmello!”

Mike Ocksmall
"Pretty strong words coming from EcKo, there. Now, EcKo... as the wrestling world is all aware of. We have lost one of our own... Eddie Guerrero. Both in the ring, and out of the ring... what are your fondest memories with Eddie?”

[[Seriousness comes across EcKo’s face...]]

"Eddie... Eddie was an amazing guy, in the ring and out of the ring. Out of the ring, he always had a way of cheering me up if I had been having a horrible day. In the ring, besides Ric Thunder... he’s been one of my favorite opponents.” [[...pauses for a moment, and fights to hold back tears...]] “...It’s just so hard to believe that he’s gone. Wrestling has truly lost a great one in the business. Eddie... I know you’re looking down on all of us in the wrestling business. And I know you’re probably looking at me... and I want you to know... this band I wear on my arm... it’s never gonna’ come off!”

[[The scene fades to black as EcKo walks off, almost in tears.]]

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