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Roleplay Guide

Check your roleplay for spelling or grammar mistakes
A roleplay with a bunch of misspellings not only looks stupid, but it makes your wrestler look bad. You might be meaning something else, but because you worded it wrong, or spelled something wrong, they got a different message from you, and might cause you to look like a fool.

Have a good subject for your roleplay.
When you babble on and on about many different subjects in one roleplay the reader tends to get lost and eventually loses interest. If you begin lose a reader's interest, you begin to lose matches. You should make your roleplay transition properly,between subjects, to keep the reader's attention.

Create a scenery for your roleplay.
Be creative with your roleplay. Make it like you are in the locker room, at your home, or anywhere you want. Adding scenery to your roleplay helps the reader understand where you are, what your mood is, what your attitude is, and in a nut shell, who your whole wrestler is. Remember this is a roleplaying game, you can do anything you want. Since this is also wrestling it is somewhat assumed that your roleplaying is what you would see on television. If you don't create a scene, I would feel like I'm staring at a black screen.

Don't make too many roleplays for an upcoming match.
Once again, when you make too many roleplays for a certain match or too many in succession, the reader begins to lose interest in you and your character. Save that roleplaying ability of yours for another day. If you use up all your new ideas in one day the next day your roleplays will most likely all sound the same because you have used up all of your good ideas!

Don't hurt another wrestler or federation employee in your roleplays.
First of all, this is not a way to make friends in a federation, and second, you are basically breaking the roleplaying code. Many feds already state when you join that if you attack another wrestler in your roleplay you will be fired from the federation in definitely, but if you want to take the chance go right ahead. But don't expect to win any matches. If you want to hurt another wrestler in your roleplays do it verbally, and make a fool out of them.

Find your opponents weak spot.
Many a wrestler are tempormental when you arise certain subjects in your roleplays. For example, if your opponent once lost to a pathetic jobber, feel free to mention that in one of your roleplays, make him feel stupid, make him get angry, because all the anger will only hurt his ability to make a good roleplay against you and will cause him to make mistakes. The key to roleplaying is out speaking your opponent and i guarentee you, if you hit a weak spot of theirs, you will definitely do it.

Don't be afraid to be a heel
It is great to have the crowd on you side but how are you improving your skills by using only crowd favorites. If you have ever noticed, while watching professional wrestling, it's the heels that control where the majority of the storylines lead.

Practice, practice, practice
Do you think anyone has become an E-Fed legend over night? I don't think so. The only way to get better at roleplaying is by doing it! The more practice you get, the better all around e-fed wrestler you will become!