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Welcome to Distortion!

Above this text is a picture of a EBWF superstar/diva. Now, this is how the game goes:
Purpose: Guess the superstar in the distorted image.
How to play: In the OOC board will be a subject marked "Distort". That's where you guess who the superstar/diva is. Along with your guess, you place an amount of up to $500. You don't have to bet on this, you can just guess if you want.
Updates: Every Thursday is the due date for guesses. Upon Thursday, an image of the superstar/diva will be placed beside the distorted image and the results will be made.
Jackpot: The jackpot is a hard thing to achieve. In order to get the jackpot, you must be the only one to guess correctly. The jackpot gives you one half of the total winnings. Including if you are the only one to guess. Meaning you would only win half of what you bet. ie-You are the only one to bet with $200. If you win, you make only $100. So you just lost $100 because no one else guessed with an amount.
Who can play: Anyone can play the game. But only roster members with money can actually do the betting. Those who don't bet, or visitors, will only gain self sastisfaction from winning(the rules for Jackpot are still in play for this).
All bets/guesses are final: All bets and guesses are final. Just like the title informs. If you just guess, you cannot put a money amount to it. If you bet, you cannot increase the bet.
Clues: For every superstar/diva that has been distorted, three clues will be given to help out with the guessing. No more, no less. No hints, no "what's the first letter?". Nothing. So the following are the clues for this particular superstar/diva:
1) Two People
2) Were in a match at KODM
3) Big name match
Now guess!

Last weeks results:
Johnny Wisdom wins this one, but with no bet, he only wins...THE JACKPOT! This week's jackpot is $200. This week, it won't be so easy.