Don't even think about using this layout!!!!!!!!!! ~.~::EndDisclaimer::~.~
Ebony Heart music hits around the arena as the fans get up and cheers for the bombshell. She hops out from behind the black curtains as they begin to cheer more. She's wearing gold hotpants and a gold bikini with some black pumps. She walks down to the ring and gets in. She does some poses for the fans as they begin to take pictures of her. She then gets a microphone and begins to speak...

§~§ Ebony Heart §~§
Now I have a match on Smackdown with Terri Bor-hoe for the womens championship. Now Terri Bor-hoe I noticed alot of things about you. First off your not only non-talented but your also a sleazy little hoe. That's why im going to start calling Terri bor-hoe. Because the name speaks for itself. You shouldn't even be the womens champion. You probably laid on your back for a shot at the title. Im not even going to get started on how bad I hate you. If I let my mouth keep on going you won't like it. But what the heck everyone hates you. Now how stupid are you terri. Ebony is so ugly and stupid! Ha! You are the dumb blond hoe. And I know you don't think you look better than me! Don't make me laugh! I was a model and I have been on more magazine covers than you will in your life. I mean you might be on one on friday. W.O.W Magazine. Headline: Terri Bor-hoe loses to Ebony Heart for the EWWF Womens Title. That's exactly what's going to happen too. You know what Terri. I have dreamed of becoming the womens champion, and I always knew I was destined for greatness. You see, Terri is just a big piece of trash. It is a waste of my time to face her. She says she is talented, but that does not mean nothing to me. You see, I possese what few women do especially blonds, intellegence. While Terri is blowdrying her hair, or shampoing it, I will be the one who will have gold on my waist at the end of the Smackdown, and no one is going to stop me. Terri Bur-hoe, just as your name suggests, A hoe shouldn't carry the womens champion. Sleeping with men to get to the top isn't "talented", or sexy. It proves that you are a jackass. Now thursday, in the center of the ring, all you people will witness the dawn of a new era. As I plant Terri Bur-hoe in the center of the ring, and as the ref slams his hand down for the three count, you will be witnessing greatness, and that I will gurantee! You know what I am pretty much ready for it, I am getting in great shape, and I am ready and willing to do whatever it takes to win this title. To win this match, shit, you just don't know what I will do. Terri your title reign only lasts because I allow it to, because I am the only one that can take it from you. Your days as undefeated EWWF Womens hampion are numbered, and the days of you being a defeated and title-less hoe are among you.(Crowd Cheers). Thursday I will start my steak, against a big named woman, being you Terri. There is no question, and it's really obvious that I am not playing around here. I am not joking, or pulling anyones strings... I'm just telling you the facts of what is going to happen in just a few short days when we step in the ring. Here you are the champion, THE DIVA, the one girl that alot of people want to be, and yet deep down inside you are just a bitch that got lucky on a few occasions. Don't get me wrong you are indeed a worthy opponent, someone that will make it big in this company but when it comes right down to it.. I am the better woman and we will see in a few days. Your career is pretty much in my hands, and that title of yours will be in my hands aswell. Face it, get used to it, it is as simple as that girl. I will walk into Smackdown on Thursday and beat your pathetic ass from one side of the ring the other. And then come to the ring the next day, the day after and for as many days as I please as the Womens Champion. Weither you like it or not, thats how it is, and if you don't like it......So What!!! Now Im a DIVA : Devestating, Intriguing, Vivacious and just plain all that! Remeber it! Now hit my music!

Ebony Heart Drops the mic and smiles at the camera and the fans as the jump off hits. She gets out the ring and begins walking up the steel steps and backstage as the scene goes to black.

Don't even think about using this layout!!!!!!!!!
Ebony Heart