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Welcome to Extreme Outdoor Wrestling's website. Join us every Sunday for WzW Reborn.-------------Current EOW World Heavyweight Champion: Incarnation!!!

Last night the three remaining true EOW superstars, C.J. Scott, Incarnation, and Mad Mosher took a trek north to begin their training in the world of professional wrestling. We here in EOW wish them the best of luck and hope to see them on the independant scene someday.

For those of you wondering if EOW is in fact dead and gone, the rumors are only half true. While EOW doesn't exist as a seperate entity, it does exist as a faction in another Upstate NY backyard fed. After trimming the fat, pun intented, EOW's core consists of Incarnation, C.J. Scott, Mad Mosher, and our beloved ref and commish, Jeff "The Storm" Kaiou. Also included are EOW developmental talent Erik Scott, OGC and occassional appearances by D-Unit. There was even a breif appearance my Madame Mosher (aka: Iraq war hero Marissa Strock). So have no fear fans EOW will always be here in some form or another.
C.J. Scott-Owner