(The CWF camera’s come back after the commercial break with Michael Cole and Taz sitting at ringside getting ready to go live with Vengeance and the announcers begin the broadcast by telling you each match including the main event and all the under achiever matches on the Card)

The Poindexter Michael Cole: Hello and welcome to the first ever Vengeance. We are here live and we are ready to see all the great events and occurrences this night has to offer and all the matches we may come to see. The fans in attendance are ready and so are we. Now Taz take it away and let us know what matches we have in store.

The Real King of Thuganomics Taz: WOW Mike we have a real blockbusta for you tonight and the fact is each match has its own little piece of history in the ring. The matches are as follows we have a match that is in regards to the athletes have two of best athletes ever to step fourth in a ring with Rob Van Dam against The Cerebral Assassin Triple H. That match will be for the United States Championship, in a Street Fight. In the second match of the night we have a cage match between The Future Randy Orton and The more experienced Shawn Michaels. The matches each have their part of history and this match is no different. In the third match of the evening we have none other than Test in a finisher only match against Matt Hardy. Now that we see these two athletes fight we finally get to see who the real heart throb of the CWF really is. In singles competition and maybe the only match without a background we have Above Average Mike Saunders against Sting. In a match for the European Championship we have a two out of three falls match with each fall Cole being different and this match pits some of the best know how wrestlers in our business with Buff Bagwell versus Our Olympic Hero Kurt Angle. These matches and more coming up but right now I have word from the back saying a special someone has just arrived and we have a camera man and Josh Matthews in the back to tell us who this man is.

(The camera goes back to the back and shows Josh Matthews standing there with non-other than the King of Testicles Test.)

The Tough Enough Pitty Case Josh Matthews: Test, I had word that you requested this interview time to tell us something that has been bothering you since Tuesday night. That night you fought 3 other men in a Finisher Only match which you lost after being pinned and hit by the Buff Blockbuster by Buff Bagwell. That match was said by many to be on the most entertaining of the night and you have been wanting to talk to your fans and the organization for quite some time, so here is your chance.

The Best Looking Wrestler Test:Well first of all Matt……

The Tough Enough Pitty Case Josh Matthews: Umm my name is Josh..

The Best Looking Wrestler Test: I know what your name is. So anyways Matt, I really think you should have won Tough Enough instead of that good for nothing Maven or even that smart guy Chirs Nowinski. But onto facts and parts of the match on Tuesday Matt. You see when I was part of the match on Tuesday night I went in with a instinctive advantage being as good looking and as physical gifted I am. Now I also went into that match thinking all I had to do was hit one of my finishing moves whether it was the Big Boot of the Test Drive. Now I am going to do something for all the fans of Test out there and show you that I am undefeated here in the CWF. Now role the footage.

(The camera shows the events of this past Tuesday at Smackdown (The match form Tuesday comes on the air and whos the exact footage of Test hitting the Test Drive on Batista then getting hit by the Buff Blockbuster by Buff and losing the match.

(The camera then goes back to Josh Matthews and Test)

The Tough Enough Pitty Case Josh Matthews: What’s the point Test. That is exactly what happened on Smackdown and you lost. I don’t see what you are trying to prove.

The Best Looking Wrestler Test: Well Matt, you obviously weren’t watching that closely. You see that footage of me hitting the Test Drive on Batista right?

The Tough Enough Pitty Case Josh Matthews: Yes I did.

The Best Looking Wrestler Test: Exactly and the name of the match was a Finisher Only match which means I do not have to pin my opponent to win. What I did was celebrate the victory that I already had, are you staying with me here Matt.

The Tough Enough Pitty Case Josh Matthews: Yes I am Test but the fact is that maybe you should have won the match but you didn’t and that’s the fact. The point has to be made that you did lose.

The Best Looking Wrestler Test: Well you starting to piss me off Matt. The fact is that I am still undefeated and will be undefeated for as long as I am here in the CWF. Now I know your name is Matt….

The Tough Enough Pitty Case Josh Matthews: My name is Josh Test, how many times do I have to tell you this…..

The Best Looking Wrestler Test: OK alright Josh, but you remind me of this other Matt guy I know I believe his name is Matt Hardy and I think I have to face him tonight. But Matt seriously I know you have been announcing and helping me out with this interview but I am beginning to think you are getting angry with me and kinda want me to leave you alone.

The Tough Enough Pitty Case Josh Matthews: I am getting angry because My name is Josh. And yes I do want you to leave me alone and I have had it with………

The Best Looking Wrestler Test: Shut up and hold the microphone right up to my face before I stick the microphone straight up your ass. You see you do a lot of talking kinda like Matt Hardy. He talks a lot of crap and he speaks with confidence and I am beginning to see you are getting angry with me do you like Matt Hardy Matt.

The Tough Enough Pitty Case Josh Matthews: Well yes I do like Matt, I think he is a very extraordinary athlete and I really don’t think you stand much of a chance tonight….

The Best Looking Wrestler Test: Are you a bit of a M’fer Matt. Well I got news for you I am actually leaving right now to dig up some real exclusive dirt Matt and maybe just maybe you will become Testicle Follower.

The End

OOC: Hey guys this is my roleplay. If you have any questions or comments,leave a message on the OCC board. Thanks alot. Drew

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