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Three words, 8 letters, 1 meaning 381 The L Factor

Rebecca Callaway

Becky was born a the oldest of her mothers three children. She had a pretty normal child but grew in to a beauty with a hell of a beast like temper. She is a bitch but not the only one she knows. Becky The oldest of the group almost like a big sister to some. She for the most part is the one always giving others advice on their relationships and helps them out with their problems. She seldom ever asks for any on hers. She is married and all though people don't understand why she and her husband are married at the age they are she knows in her heart why she chose him. Love the only thing that is her weakness in others eyes.

Gregory Bucchi

Greg is the second youngest male in the group. He is best friends with Sean they did everything together before Sean got married. He is cool with Becky but normally spent much time with his best friend Sean before she came in the picture but now she is like the advice column that he doesn't have to write to and can just ask. Greg is the kind hearted. When compared to any movie character it would be Dom from Fast and the furious. He is loyal to his friends loving but keeps his guards up and stands up for his people and would do anything for them.

Keith Hurly

Keith Hurly the quiet one with the rebel past. He has lived harsh realities and seen many things no one should have to. He tries to keep his past as sperate from his present as possible. He loves Sasha and cant stand the fact that Sasha and Lenny are still friends. All though he has never met Lenny face to face he doesn't intend to. He gave Sasha an oath not to fight but when it comes to Lenny, Keith worries that maybe Sasha and Lenny's past will revive itself and he will be left looking on the out side. He refuses to give up Sasha or lose her love to the old one before him. He would stand his ground for her any day and do anything for her.

Leonard Abernathy

Lenny is the Ladies man of the group. All though he flirts with anything he for the most part is respectable to woman Unless he is close friends with them. All though the ladies man he has a heart and has been threw loss of his own in his day. Not as cold as he claims to be he can be a sweet person and does have a heart. Most of the time he has a front to protect himself from getting hurt or getting to close to others. But some times he is a great friend. He is best friends with Bobbie and looks to her as a friend and all though she is married he still likes picking on her. Lenny is also attempting to be friends with his ex-girlfriend Sasha Lawler the one love that is known of that he had let go years ago

Patricia Crinsaw

Patty is best friends with Becky. Patty is a bit of a tom boy all though single from numerous break ups she is looking for that special someone weather it is a guy or girl she isn't picky. She has dealt with everything and seen many terrors in her life. From her aunt being raped and murdered when she was 7 to the loss of her father before she turned 18. She has death with many heartaches including that of family and love. One thing that has always stayed true is her friendship with Becky. They have been friends since they were in kindergarten. They don't think of themselves as friends but more so family. They argue fight and get violent at times but in the end they are still their for one and other.

Sasha Lawler

Sasha Lawler is the youngest female in the group. She used to be with Lenny. Lenny is actually how she came to meet Becky. The two of them didn't get off to the greatest start in fact the two of them hated each other for about a half hour. Of course Lenny's doing. But after they got past the chick fights they became best friends. Sasha and Becky remained friends even after she and Lenny split. Sasha now has a new life new look and a new love. She is with Keith and actually has repaired her damaged heart and replaced it with a heart of another's. She is still trying to be friends with Lenny with the combinations of her boyfriend not liking Lenny that well but tolerating him. She tries to keep the two separate from one and other to avoid conflicts and fights.

Sean Gerald

Sean Gerald the eldest guy in 381. He is married to Becky. He loves Becky with all his heart and found his soul mate early in life. He was the youngest in his family and seen as the baby but with his friends he is seen as the friend the support. Sean for the most part is the only one who doesn't gossip but ends up hearing it all from his wife. Who seems to know everything about everyone and all of their darkest secrets. Sean is closest with Gregory his best friend for years they are like brothers and just as close as two brothers including the occasional spat of words. He is said to be the sweetest one in the group for his kindness towards others even those he doesn't like or know.

Tia Pinkerton

Tia Pinkerton a few months younger than Becky is a girl from down south. She was born in the great state of Texas and as it is rumored everything is bigger in Texas including Tias heart. She is the most lovable person ever. She can be flirtatious and is friends with Becky because of her bitch likeness. She competes for dominance of the field of friends but one of the kindest souls she met caught her eye. Greg Buchie right now its just a crush but hopefully one day she and his vibe can hit it at the same time. Tia is a charmer at times with her sweet southern accent she trouble at times but its all good because of her friends that help her out when she needs it.

Lissa Barnett

Lissa Barnett is the youngest child of her family. She and Becky have been best friends since they met back in 7th grade. Before Lissa had met Becky no one thought she talked at all. Once Becky and her became friends it was obvious that she was a talker and quit a perv. She and Lenny have a lot in common. Lissa has never had a problem being open in front of her friend and only those who are around the group. Other wise she is as quiet as a mute.

Savanna Patheon

Savanna has known Becky since they were in the second grade. They fell out of touch till recently when Elise started going to the same School as Savanna. Savanna and Becky used to be as tight as sisters till Becky moved. Savanna has a younger sister. Savanna is the most caring innocent person that anyone would ever know. She isn't crass rude she doesn't swear. Savanna plays the drums in a Christian band and has a heart of gold. Often being compared to Mel from Jossie and the pussy cats it isn't that far from the truth. A blond drummer who some times doesn't get all the jokes but laughs just the same.

Elise Callaway

Elise is Becky's younger sister. She looks up to her big sister but some times can't help but antagonize some of the people in the group. Though she feels left out by coming in to what she deems her sister's "perfect life" She wants to adjust it to fit her being there as well. She loves her sister very much and likes some of her friends. She tolerates her brother in law Sean and deals with his friends. She seems sweet an innocent but looks can deceive. When she is mad it is best not to get in her way or anger her because her wrath is just as bad as her sisters if not worse. She is her own individual and has her own mind. She also likes games and causing mayhem to certain people. She used to be with Chase Hunter sort of her first love no one knows why they didn't work out because even Lenny thinks they look like they belong with one and other. Elise is single now and has remained friends with Chase

Chase Hunter

Chase Hunter is a somewhat tormented bad ass. He used to be with Elise and was friends with Becky before Sean was around. He is friends with Becky. All though he wont admit it he still has a bit of a flame for Elise. He has moved on and can be considered Elise's partner in crime at schemes. The two of them work together often to pull pranks and do somewhat seemiling evil things. They get together a lot and on some levels Elise is the only person who can relate to that anger that he has because it is the same that she herself carries. He has been single since Elise and he ended with a couple flings here and there all meaningless never quite comparing up to he and Elise's relationship.

The Story