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Grape Soda, Doughnuts, and a #1 Fan

[Thursday morning a few miles from the Madison Arena, outside a Dunkin' Donuts, a teenage girl in a wheelchair and her mother exit their car. As they approach the ramp from the sidewalk, a 2003 Porsche 911 GT2 pulls up, parking on the ramp.]

[The mother walks up, the middle aged man exiting the car]

Mother: Hey, that is not a parking spot! My daughter needs to get up that ramp.

Man: Thats your problem, lady. I will park where I damn well please.

[As the man turns and walks off, Shadow and Trin witness what is happening as they exit the Dunkin' Donuts.]

Shadow: Here take this, doll.

[Shadow hands Trin the box of doughnuts and can of grape soda, and walks over to the sports car. Cracking his knuckles, Shadow leans down and begins to push the car off the ramp. Giving that it's parked on a slope, the car begins to roll back in to the street and right in to the path of an oncoming semi truck.]

Shadow:There we go, darling.

[As Shadow pushes the teenage girl in the wheelchair up the ramp, the man who owned the car heard the crash and runs, racing by towards the wreck that was his car.]

Shadow: So, what's your name?

Girl: I'm Sara, and I know who you are. You're Shadow.

Mother:Thank you so much! I must say that jerk got just what he deserved.

[Trin comes walking over as Shadow kneels down, talking to Sara.]

Shadow: So Sara, are you coming to see Adrenaline tomorrow night?

Sara: No, they are sold out. We can't get tickets.

[Trin and Shadow exchange glances, and Trin smiles at Sara.]

Trin: We will get you tickets Sara, I promise. That is,if it is OK with your mother.

Sara: Please, Mom!

Mother: Oh, I guess it will be alright.

Sara: YAY!!! Thank you, Trin! Thank you, Shadow I am a #1 fan of both of you.

[Sara gives Shadow a kiss on the cheek.]

[Shadow stands up and Trin whispers in his ear.]

Trin: You're blushing, tough guy.

Shadow: I am not! I am just red from pushing that car out of the way.

Shadow: Since you're our # 1 fan Sara, I offically name you the first member of my Legion of Darkness.

[Shadow and Trin mount his Harley, say goodbye to Sara and her mother, and drive off.]

[The screen fades to black.]

[Friday night outside the Madison Arena, standing in the production truck, Shadow hears part of a local newscast.]

Reporter: A local man is being charged in conjunction with a traffic accident when he left his 2003 Porsche 911 GT2 parked in a local shopping center. It rolled out on to the street into the path of an oncoming semi truck yesterday morning. Luckily, no one was hurt. A mother and daughter who witnessed the accident said the man had parked on the handicap ramp, which they were trying to use. Apperently, he had not put on the emergency brake. It sounds to this reporter as if this time someone got what they deserved.

[Shadow smiles, and turns his attention to the screen showing Ogre's Interview.]

Shadow: It is so simple! Why did I not think of it before?

[A production assistant walks into the truck.]

Production Assistant: What are you doing in here?

[Shadow turns and faces the man.]

Production Assistant: Oh Shadow, I did not know it was you.

Shadow: Do me a favor and go get a camera crew. Tell them to meet me in the parking lot in five minutes.

Production Assistant: Sure thing, Shadow.

[As the production assistant exits the truck Shadow, stands there smiling.]

[The screen fades to black.]

[Sitting on his Harley in the back parking lot, Shadow is eating a glazed doughnut and drinking a grape soda as the Camera Crew sets up.]

Camera Man: OK Shadow, were ready.

Shadow: Well, it seems I got myself a triple threat match tonight against Ogre and Jack Griggs.

[Shadow takes a drink of his grape soda and looks at the camera.]

Shadow: First, to Ogre. That redneck is enough to prove inbreeding is not just sick, It is wrong. What do you call the woman who gave birth to you, Ogre? Mom or sister?

[The camera crew try to muffle their laughter.]

Shadow: I heard you say I am a sissy, that all I do is bitch and moan. Trin this, and Trin that. Trin knows who wears the pants in this relationship. She is my bitch, and she knows how to moan.

[Standing off to the side, Trin blushes and smiles.]

Shadow: By the time this match is over, I'm going to make a bitch out of you Ogre, and you will be moaning in pain. Maybe I can find a dress for you to wear also. I'm sure all the fans out there would enjoy seeing that.

[Trin and the camera crew bust out laughing.]

Shadow: Ogre, you disrespect the great fans of the MWA. I went through a lot to get here, to give the fans everything I got, and as long they will accept me, I will be here to entertain my Legion of Darkness. Speaking of which, my # 1 fan is sitting ringside tonight, and I want to give a shoutout to her.

[Shadow places his fist over his heart.]

Shadow: Love ya, Sara!

[Shadow picks up a doughnut and takes a bite, swallows, and continues speaking.]

Shadow: Now Jack Griggs, I caught a few of your matches at some Indy shows, and you have great in-ring skills and abilties. You are a great athlete Jack, and I have the upmost respect for you, but when we step in that ring, I will hold nothing back.

[Shadow wipes some crumbs from his face.]

Shadow: It is like this, Jack. I came here to make a name for myself and win some championship gold. I will not let anyone stand in my way.

[Trin walks over behind Shadow and wraps her arms around his neck.]

Shadow: Speaking of gold, Trin and I are thinking that we may attempt to become the first intergender tag team to hold the MWA Tag Team Titles. Isn't that right, Trin?

Trin: That's right babe, but first you got to win that Hell Title.

Shadow: That's what I plan to do. I know a lot of you fans consider me an engima because you do not know much about me, or my past. Also, a lot of you have been asking me "Where were you Friday night when The Canadian Crusaders kissed your woman?" Well, I was on my way here, but was stuck in a huge traffic jam.

[Trin looks at the camera and mockingly sings.]

Trin: My boyfriends back, and there's going to be trouble...

Shadow: See boys, I know Trin and Sierra kicked your ass good, but this is a matter of honor to me. You disrespected my woman and now you're going to pay.

Trin: I'm his bitch.

[Trin sticks her tongue out at the camera.]

Shadow: When you disrespect me, you better be ready to back those words up with a fight. When you disrespect Trin, you better have your life insurance paid up. Soon, I will get you boys in the ring and when I do, I got a special match in mind. Survivor and Killer, huh? More like dumb and dumber.

[Shadow takes a bite of his doughnut and gulps down his grape soda.]

Shadow: This is America, you Canadian pussies. There are three things you do not do. One, you never take another man's grape soda and doughnuts. Two, you never mess with another man's bike. And finally, you NEVER EVER touch another man's woman. Welcome to America, boys. Hope you enjoy your stay, for I promise you it will be a short one.

[Shadow grabs Trin pulling her around, and into a deep passionate kiss, then looks directly into the camera.]

Shadow: GOD BLESS THE USA!!!!!!!!!

[The camera stops rolling and the screen fades to black.]

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