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The Facts:

Kaos is one tough customer indeed. Flying through the air like a bird is just one of his great abilities. He has taken it to the wrestlers of the DOD, with spectacular matches against Nightmare & Menace, and others. He captured the U.S. Title from Rikishi fair and square at a House Show back before RIYH, and has held it ever since.

Starting off as Stone Cold, he shocked many by how Xtreme he was in the ring. Swanton Bombs and Moonsaults are just a few of the moves of his aerial arsenal. Many think that backyard wrestling is all fake, but Stone Cold proved them all wrong, when he fell from the top of a 10 ft. ladder while trying a Swanton Bomb at a House Show, defining backyard wrestling as it is today. No, it's not a bird or a plane, it's just Kaos flying through the air completing a perfect Swanton Bomb!