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Site Last Updated: July 24, 2002

I'm back! Well, I've been back for 3 days already, but who cares anyway. I'm currently hard at work on our website which should launch within 2 weeks. It's looking pretty good, so for those of you with doubts, please shut up. Don't expect any updates to this site until I launch the new one. I will have by then updated all of the sections and will be adding many new pics and lots of info. The emails have been streaming in about how to get your PS2 online and running by August 28th, and I've got to tell you, people have all sorts of problems. But no need to worry, because I am here to help. I just bought my router off of Amazon which I will be hooking up when it comes in, and that will be the end of my preparation. By the way, the rumors that have been flying about SOCOM & the Network Adapter being delayed are FAlSE! I called Sony and GameStop, and they both said there are no delays for the game. Take a deep breath, drink some pop, and keep waiting.


Member Updates: -The clan is full with 10 members and 2 reserves.
Online Setup Revisions:
Image Updates:
Q&A Mailbag Updates:
Misc. Updates: -Approximate launch date for new site: 2 weeks

© United Seal Alliance 2002. All Rights Reserved.