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Just the facts

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Important Note: The players of this game are not the actual wrestlers nor will we ever claim that we are to the general public or out of character (OCC) This is a Role Playing Game (RPG). Please note to avoid any conflict or confusion. Most of the players have disabled annoymous posting. So to comment on something that you have read on our journal you must have an account and be signed in.

If you are interested in playing a character please contact us. Like we said the more the merrier. Only thing Characters are determined on a first come/first served basis. There are many characters that are not taken and are deamed up for grabs. If you have any questions please contact the maintainer. Also once you have your journal set up please add Jeff Hardy

Basic Rules I know! I know! Rules are a pain but we need to have some. We wouldn't want this turning into crazytown, would we?

A. Everyone gets along. This is a game. If you have any questions or problems contact the maintainers. We want this to be as friendly as possible.

B.The "wrestler(s)" that you play are your characters. That means you have complete creative control over whatever happens to them. No one will critize or make statements to you based on what you choose to do. This is a game so have fun with it. If you have an idea for a storyline and need to use other characters please contact them via e-mail or instant messanger to explain the details and get thier permission to use them.

This game is meant for fun.. We work very hard to make it as fun as possible. So enjoy and please check the list to see who is taken. ~~Please note: We are not associated with any of the characters we portray. We do not know them and we will NEVER claim that we are them outside this game~~

Character that are taken.