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-:- So far things have been going okay for Destiny. She went back down memory lane, remembering the pain and suffering she went through in her life. This also reminded her of what she had now and how lucky she was to be alive. People tried to bring her down, to crush her spirits, to force her into thinking she was not something worth caring about. Then she met a few people along the way who forced her back into reality. Who showed her that life was what you made it, and without trying you wouldn’t get anywhere. Still, there were people trying to push their way into her shoes by trying to sike her out. Take Katarina. She first said that she had no problem with Destiny, but then went psycho bitch on her and started to call her names, nothing but a big breasted bimbo. People were always doing this to her, trying to wrap her mind around one thing before shaking the world up and harping on her like a swarm of bee’s harping on someone who tried to get into the hive. The scene opens in the hallway of the UWF where Destiny is sitting on a table talking to a dark haired female. The woman is someone the fans of UWF used to cheer for back when she was a member, back when Destiny and Glenn held the tag team titles. Chase Williams leans against the table and looks on as some of the males eye the two women. Destiny smirks and nods her head as Xavier walks towards them.

[+] Xavier [+] “Haven’t seen you around lately, where have you been?”

[xXx] Destiny ‘Princess of Pain’ Santini [xXx] “You know where I have been. I have been right here getting ready for this IC Championship match against both Carlito and Katarina, although why I am worried about it, I am not sure. Carlito hasn’t even said a word about this match, he hasn’t even been seen in this arena for a few days or so, and Katarina, her mouth is way too big for her head…I swear she’d swallow it if she wasn’t so busy talking trash about Carlito and myself.”

[+] Xavier [+] “I know what you mean, the people here all seem to have big mouths. Thinking that talking is going to get them everywhere but you and I know the truth. Talking gets you nowhere when you step into the ring. Words are just words when it comes down to it. How you win is by what action you take in the ring. By the way, you’re a very rude woman. You have been standing here with me for five minutes and you haven’t introduced me to this beautiful woman standing next to you.”

[xXx] Destiny ‘Princess of Pain’ Santini [xXx] “Only because you talk too much and wouldn’t let me get a word out, otherwise I would have introduced you to Chase Williams, former UWF Diva. And if it took you five minutes to say that, your incredibly slow.”

[$] Chase Williams [$] “She has a point Xavier, you wouldn’t let her introduce me, something about how words are just words and how win or lose, it stems from actions taken in the ring.”

[+] Xavier [+] “You know who I am? Never mind that…of course you know who I am.”

Destiny looks at him, smirking. As cocky as ever, which is exactly how she liked things to be. She didn’t want to hang out with people who though they were nothing, who were so wrapped up in how much they sucked and how much people were talking about them, that they never took the chance to live life and enjoy every moment they could. She used to be like that herself. She was always told she wasn’t good enough, that she would never amount to anything and all she was good for was sex and cooking, and even then she was lacking in bed. But that was Sean who said that, and truth be told she was a Goddess in bed, anyone who had been in bed with her would gladly get on his or her hands and knees and beg her for a moment or her time. Yes, her hands. She wasn’t a perfect angel and had experimented with females, just like she did with males. She wasn’t ashamed to admit it, because life was to be experimented with, enjoyed. People were supposed to have fun with life and with everything she had been through, fun is something she took enjoyment in.

[xXx] Destiny ‘Princess of Pain’ Santini [xXx] “Xavier, everyone knows who you are. You are the one everyone warned us to stay away from.”

Destiny smiles sweetly as Xavier shakes his head, smirking. She was a smart one. He whispers something in her ear before saying goodbye to her and Chase, and making his way down the hallway. She turns her head back to her friend and the two continue to talk about what they have been up to lately.

[$] Chase Williams [$] “So life has been going, rather shitty for you I hear.”

[xXx] Destiny ‘Princess of Pain’ Santini [xXx] “You hear right, and by the way, thanks for being blunt about it. People walk around me like I am made of glass, about to break at any minute. But for me, things have always been hard, you know? I am used to it by now, and there is nothing more that I hate then people sugar coating things for me because they think I am about to shatter at any moment.”

[$] Chase Williams [$] “You have known me for a long ass time. You know that I call things as I see them, and from what I have seen on television you have a long way to go before things are right and back in place.”

[xXx] Destiny ‘Princess of Pain’ Santini [xXx] “Your telling me. I don’t know where I came from, I don’t know who I am other then what I have made myself. I guess that’s all I am, what I made myself. I think…that’s all anyone is. You can be whoever you want to be. The first step in doing that though, is believing it yourself. I know who I am, I am Destiny, UWF’s very own IC Champion. But at the same time it feels like I don’t know who I am, you know? I don’t know where I was born, who the first person that held me was. I don’t know what was going through my parents head or how long it took for me to be born. It feels like, even though I am comfortable with who I am and I know who I am, there is still a part of me missing and I can only find that part when I find my parents.”

[$] Chase Williams [$] “What if they don’t want to see you? Or if you don’t find them? You know there is laws about things like this. If they wrote a contract that would block them from letting anyone know who they are, your not going to find out. Your lawyer said he couldn’t even get the names because of that very thing. There may be a time when there is absolutely nothing that can be done.”

Destiny looks at her friend and nods her head. She thought of that to, that something like that contract would block her from knowing who her parents are. But she had to know. She couldn’t be stopped, no matter how much time and pain and suffering it took for her to find out. This was who she was. She had to know.

[xXx] Destiny ‘Princess of Pain’ Santini [xXx] “Anyways, how are things going for you since you left UWF? I mean, we’ve talked a few times and such but I’ve been so busy and your not exactly bored either.”

[$] Chase Williams [$] “Heh, you can say that again girl. I have been busy working the forensics unit in Denver, and attempting to find a federation worth joining. I have signed applications and been accepted and such, but then I get to thinking about it and change my mind. You know how things are in this business, if you don’t train while your gone, then generally your not up to par when it comes time to step into that ring once more. If I come back to this business, I want to be sure that I can still kick ass like I used to.”

[xXx] Destiny ‘Princess of Pain’ Santini [xXx] “Shut the hell up woman, you know that no matter how much time you take off from this business, your Chase Williams. You could kick anyone’s ass without having to try very hard…well, anyone who isn’t me anyways. You know I could take you.”

Chase laughs and shakes her head. Destiny still hasn’t changed, in all the time they had known each other she was still as cocky as ever. And she was allowed to be, she had overcome more obstacles in a year then most people had in their life times.

[$] Chase Williams [$] “So what is going on with you? I hear you have a match for that little title your holding onto to tightly. What’s that all about?”

[xXx] Destiny ‘Princess of Pain’ Santini [xXx] “Hell, you know what its about. Carlito decided he wanted to use his rematch clause and take me on for the title. So far he has kept his mouth shut, which I am rather proud of. He’s probably too busy trying to get bird away from that nest he calls hair, that he doesn’t have time to say anything about this match. And you know what he’ll say when he hears I said this, ‘that’s not cool’. Talk about extremely predictable. I was hoping that, when I found out this match was made, he would give me something to work with. That he would finally be an opponent who tried to win. But it has been a while since the match was made and he still hasn’t said a word about it. I bet you anything we’ll hear something from him in the next few days. He’ll probably cough out a few promo’s right before the match takes place, saying he knew about the match all along and isn’t worried because he has the win in the bag.”

[$] Chase Williams [$] “Well you know, he’s probably more busy worrying about Carlito’s Cabana ratings now that Katarina has her own talk show. You know most people would love to see a woman, a beautiful woman, talking then they would a clown. You cant blame him for being worried about that. Then again, why anyone would want to listen to those two ALL the time is beyond me.”

[xXx] Destiny ‘Princess of Pain’ Santini [xXx] “Yeah, that’s true and all. But this is one hell of a big match. This is a title match and if he’s just going to ignore it, then why did he ask for the damn rematch? “

[$] Chase Williams [$] “Maybe he just wants to get his hands on your tight little ass. Any man in his position would gladly let you pin him.”

[xXx] Destiny ‘Princess of Pain’ Santini [xXx] “Good Lord woman! How deep in the gutter is your mind? Although now that I think about it, you have a point. Not every woman could look as good as I do and kick ass at the same time. It takes talent…and time and practice. Something I have worked on for a while now.”

[$] Chase Williams [$] “Cocky little bitch, you are.”

[xXx] Destiny ‘Princess of Pain’ Santini [xXx] “To which I am entitled. I have done many things in my time here, beat many people and I have climbed to the top of this federation. I only have a few more steps before I am the top person in this federation, and not just the top female. Its like a chain, you work until you complete one link in the chain, then you do another and another then before long, you have a whole chain which you can use to beat the hell out of anyone who gets in your way. People think I am nothing but a pretty face and they will learn that I am more then good looks and a great body. I am a woman who will fight until the last breath escapes her mouth. I am a woman who will push everyone else to their limits, and above. Katarina says she is going to make me be proud of how I fight in the ring this week. I am proud of how I fight in the ring. Every single time I step out there, I put my all into every single move I make. I have pride, dignity and a general love of this business that no one but me could understand. I have fought through hell and high water to get where I am today. I have not had things easy, I have not been in matches where people lay down and I simply pin them for the three count. I have been in matches where I have walked out a bloody mess. Where I have been carried out. I have been pushed to my limits before and I have overcome everything that was set against me. I don’t need to go on about what I have done.”

[$] Chase Williams [$] “Hell girl, I know you better then anyone knows you, well…maybe not Jimmy who by the way is looking damn sexy as always…but I know what you have been through. You have not had it easy, you have been through so much and you know how hard it was to get where you are. I know you have the dignity, the determination, the passion and the aggression to go into this match and walk out the IC Champion. Katarina, she’s bullshitting herself trying to make herself believe that she has something you don’t. she doesn’t know you Des. She doesn’t know the pain you have been through, the hell you have been pushed into. And she doesn’t know the lengths you have gone to make it where you are. She can say all she wants about you but the fact is, she doesn’t know you. She doesn’t know how you truly fight in the ring because the last time she was against you, she sucked. Plain and simple.”

[xXx] Destiny ‘Princess of Pain’ Santini [xXx] “Your right about that Chase, she doesn’t know me. Does not know about all the things I have been through and yes, some of it has been made public but not every single detail has been mentioned. The last time I was with Sean, I described it, but the other times I was beaten, raped by him and his friends, the time he stabbed me in the stomach for not having his fucking dinner cooked perfectly, all that has not been gone into with detail. Again, you wouldn’t know just how bad things were unless you were there, in my shoes being pushed around like a rag doll. I wanted to die, Chase. I almost took my own life three times…but you know what I did. I pushed through it all, I reminded myself ‘Destiny, your better then this. Things will get better.’ and they never did. Things always got worse but I put up with the shit for fear of my own life. Has anyone here been through what I have? Been so fucking scared that you would die, that you slept with a knife under your pillow? I don’t think anyone, not even Katarina, knows the hell I have been through and she has the audacity to sit here and talk about self pride and dignity.”

Chase wraps her arms around her friend, giving Destiny a hug. She went through so much and kept it all in. Things are now finally coming out, things no one ever knew of. It was clear that she had snapped. She was no longer the sweet Destiny she had been when she arrived. She was pushed to the limit of keeping things in and all she wanted to do was let it all out then forget about it. But that was easier said then done. Forgetting a past like hers was something people in her shoes rarely ever accomplished.

[$] Chase Williams [$] “You know you have this match Tiny, this is something you have worked on for a long time. You didn’t joined UWF when you did to walk out a loser. You’re a winner. You have done more here then most people have in their life time, and that is something to be proud of. You have achieved so much in your life after such a painful past, that what you are about to go against seems like a piece of cake to you. Your gonna hear people say that the past is just that, the past. But you know better. When someone goes through what you have, it is something you learn from and carry with you through the rest of your days.”

[xXx] Destiny ‘Princess of Pain’ Santini [xXx] “I know what you’re saying, and I am still haunted by the memories of the past. I want more then anything to get over it and live life like things were normal, but it is so hard Chase…I could never just forget the past because it taught me that life is something to cherish. Take every second and live it like it was your last because it very well could be. And this week I am going to fight like this was my last match. That I had everything to lose. I am going to step into that ring and show everyone that I am a true champion. Katarina can talk all she wants about how she is the prime example of a champion, how she deserves it and how she is going to work her ass off to win it. She can gab, gossip about how much dignity she has and how talented she is and how proud she is. I couldn’t care less, but lets see how truly proud she is when she steps in the ring. Lets see just how hard she is willing to fight and how far she is willing to go to walk out the champion. All the talk she has done, its just that. Talk. Her words are not going to kick me in the face or throw me into the TB. I want her to cut the crap, stop the talking and if she has what it takes to beat me in the ring, I want her to show me. I want her to prove that she is what she says she is because all I hear now is bullshit.”

[$] Chase Williams [$] “eh, don’t worry. She will keep talking about how great she is and how she is the prime example of a champion. Nothing you say will get her to stop although I am sure many people wish she would. You are just going to have to go in there, show her and the rest of the world what you are made of, and kick ass like I know you can. You have this match, all you need to do is step into that ring, and show the world what you are made of. Winning is your destiny. Being the best you can be, is your destiny. Its all up to you girl, and you need to show them that your taking your spot at the top of the latter and there is not a damn thing anyone can do about it but cry and complain, and even then, that wont do them any good because you wont be around to listen to it.”

Destiny smiles and hugs her friend before letting go and leaning against the wall, still sitting on the table with her IC Championship belt over her shoulder. She watches as some people walk by, nodding at her as the scene fades to an ending.-:-