Satan is not a superhero!
" PCW's Superhero"
Hurricane Helms
Wat's up wit' dat!?

DATE: Sunday 8th June 2003.
ROLEPLAY TITLE: Satan is not a Superhero!
NEXT BATTLE: Hurricane Helms Vs. Kane
CIDIZENS/SUPERHEROES/VILLAINS USED: Hurricane Helms, Molly Holly, Brock Lesnar.
RECORD: 3 Supervillans Defeat, 2 Battles Lost, 0 Draws

This roleplay was written by ALBI! DO NOT STEAL THIS LAYOUT OR RP( or if you want, try. I've disabled the left click)! If you want to use this RP Layout speak to ALBI at Although I have tried to moderate my language, this has not always been possible, if you are not happy or offended by that sorta thing then DONT READ IT! This rp is not ment to offend anyone except the characters it is aimed at and not the controllers. If you want to Feedback on this RP then feel free to e-mail me. I Give credit to and Enjoy the RP everyone!

What an even Smackdown! was,.

..:[What a Smackdown! A great show, we saw Shawn Michaels come back to Smackdown! after screwing Triple H last week, Scott Steiner defeated Brock Lesnar and The Rock, a missunderstanding between Kane and RVD happened next, Kane took offence. But the match was next, RVD wiped Kane and Goldust and advanced in the tournament. Chris Jericho advanced in the tournament aswell by beating The Undertaker and Raven. With help from Shawn Michaels, Maven defeated Triple H and Tajiri later on. Next, Matt Hardy, Sting and HBK but the Pain, Brock Lesnar came out to destroy all three of them, and advancing in the tournament. Then, the main event, Kurt Angle made Cena tap out as he made it through to the final, Hurricane didn't even get pinned. The Smackdown card is up, Raven and Edge will face NWA and John Stamboli and William Regal in a triple threat match. Shawn Michaels will face a debuting Chris Benoit with Triple H as the special timekeeper, next, Kane and Hurricane face off to crown the first PCW champion since the rebirth, mask on a pole match for the Intercontinental championship. The two semi-finals are with Maven, Chris Jericho and Brock Lesnar with Brock Lesnar definately favorite. Next, a match tighter than Manchester United, Kurt Angle, Rob Van Dam and Scott Steiner. The winner? We'll find out soon]::..

..::[The scene opens up in a big road full of many people, some happy, some upset, some big, some small, but, they're still people, no matter what kind of phisical aspect they have, of course, some are really beautifull, some are really ugly, but it doesn't matter. They're still humans, and they're still, "innocent cidizens" as Hurricane would say, the road has got no cars and is so full that they wouldn't fit in St. Peters. We see that there is a circular road that is on the outside of some grass, in the middle there is a great big stadium with the words "Estadio Bernabeau", what a beautifull stadium it is, all white and absolutely huge. A big coach is parked outside with the words "Real Madrid F.C", the players have probably already entered, another one has the words "F.C Barcellona", and it's also empty except the driver. Many people take their tickets out as they walk upto the beautifull stadium. They enter and give their ticket to the guards who let them in, we then see a person with green tights, a brown jacket, a brown hat, could it be? The Hurricane is here to see the match?! He walks up, the guards ask for a ticket, he takes one out, without talking and enters.

Real Madrid's Home
Estadio Bernabeu

As he enters, he sees 80,000 strong fans cheering their heads off, with big banners like "Real Madrid" and others. The teams come out to train, after 10 minutes they go to to the their halfs, the ref checks the goals. As Real Madrid kick off, the players pass the ball around, we see the Hurricane merge around in the crowd, he gets up, and walks down to the food stands, suddenly, we hear a sound that goes "Someone's In Jeopardy" and Hurricane pulls out a weird kind of gatdget, it looks like a cell phone, it's green and has a little lens, a picture is there with a photo of Brock Lesnar, with the words "The Brockster" underneath, Hurricane does a big jump, puts his hands out and presses a green phone button and starts talking.

..::["PCW's Superhero" Hurricane Helms]::.. Hello, Brockster. Are you in jeapordy? Has your posterior backside been bitten by a ferocious homosexual crocodile? Are you Hurri-OK?...OK, Hurripartner, I shall be there quicker, not quicker....OK! OK! I'll bve there soon!

..::[Hurricane puts the phone back in his "Hurripocket" and jumps in the air and runs really fast in no particular directions, we hear "Hey Hurricane!", it's Brock, he has a white shirt and white trousers with white handbands]::..

..::["The Pain" Brock Lesnar]::.. Hey, why did you tell me to come here?

..::["PCW's Superhero" Hurricane Helms]::.. Hello, Brockster. Are you in jeapordy? Has your posterior backside been bitten by a ferocios homosexual crocodile?...Ok, I will be there soon...Ok, of course...I'll be there quicker then a Hurri-...OK! OK! Don't worry.

..::[Hurricane turns the weird gadget off, jumps and runs in no particular direction. Suddenly, we hear "Hey Hurricane!", it's The Pain. He walks up to Hurricane and talks]::..

..::["The Pain" Brock Lesnar]::.. Why did you tell me to come here?

..::["PCW's Superhero" Hurricane Helms]::.. I need to talk to you about Kane, he believes that Satan is a Superhero, it can't be possible, as the only real superhero, along with the Green Lantern, am I! Kane, is like all red, red hot inside, evilly red, like a devil, killing all, close and far, he is upset, inside of him, he cannot take it, he knows he's evil, but, he cannot change to an innocent cidizen, becuase he believes that he should not be accepted, so he chooses to go ahead, continue, evilly and ever so evilly, he continues to kill innocent, loving, caring cidizens. He shall be the one to lose, as Hurricane, along with just, prevails always, with no but, and no if. I, Hurricane, shall prevail, with the help of Mighty Molly, who is not here, and the strong, sidekick, Brockster.

..::["The Pain" Brock Lesnar]::.. I thought I told you to cut this Brockster thing out, and I'm not even your sidekick, hell, I don't even know if I wanna be your partner, so cut this damn Brockster thing out!

..::["PCW's Superhero" Hurricane Helms]::.. Ok, Brockst..Cidizen Brock, I shall stop, you know, that Hurricane always prevails on the evil, disgusting faul race of evil doers, you and Hurricane, we shall be the best, now, Kane, you already beat him, he was easy prey for you, as he shall be for me. As in every family there is one, there is the evil "Storm" Sarah in my family, an evil doer. And there is one in his, that his him, Kane. He believes Satan is a superhero, and he is wrong, I am the superhero. Not him, not Satan just me, Hurricane. As you know, Cidizen Brock, I am a Superhero of much tecnique, which gives me an advantage, my agility allows me to run faster, helping me fly. And Kane? He is too heavy to be a superhero, too ugly to become a superhero, he is not fit to be a superhero, he can only be an evil, supervillian, like many in this federation, not only that but he dares insult my intelligent with his disgusting ugly voice? How dare he? He should not, he dare not! I shall show him my wrestling tecnique and make sure he never forgets it. With his red flames, he thinks he's scary? Scary he is, but he doesn't scare me! What does he think he can do? Walk down to the ring and try and scare people with some flames? Well, I'm sorry, it's not that easy. I shall not be intimidated by these things, I shall stand tall, as superheroes always do. Jail? That's a compliment for your evil disgusting intimidating actions, if you think that the Intercontinental Title is going to hell with you? Then dream on, mask on a pole, if I must touch that disgusting piece of scum to get the title, shall be it. But you shall have the worst part, a beating by me and even Brockst...Cidizen Brock. We shall trionf, as justice ALWAYS does. Kane, better go back to hell, as I'm here to win, to get that damn Intercontinental Title! Don't worry, you will regret it, your face will be redder than a chilly pepper, blood, that is what your face will be.

..::["The Pain" Brock Lesnar]::.. *Yawn* Are you still talking? Come on, get out of here. They've just scored.

..::["PCW's Superhero" Hurricane Helms]::.. Ok, but wait, Brockster. So, there you have it, Kane, Red Hot Machine? Ha, you shall suffer as you never have suffered, not even when you were small, when you were a kid, the Hurrifans will witness a beating, that you've never ever recieved. Kane, do not come to the ring tonight, I reccomend that you do not come, as you will save a beating, and I shall save energy. Kane, you're finished, not much left to do. It's not like, you can run, hide this time. While Steiner and Brock fight it out, if you run, I get the mask, so don't worry it's easy for me. You have two options, be beat to death or just run away, never be seen again, forfeit. As the loser you are. I shall triumph, I repeat. Kane, it's over. Hurricane Helms and Cidizen Brock shall triumph as we always do. So, Kane...


..::[The crowd start cheering as another goal is scored, Hurricane and "Brockster" go back to watch the match. So, on Sunday night? Who will win? Will it be Hurricane or Kane? Find out tonight!]::..