" PCW's Superhero"
Hurricane Helms
Wat's up wit' dat!?

DATE: Sunday 1st June 2003.
ROLEPLAY TITLE: Hurritournament
NEXT BATTLE: Hurricane Helms Vs. Kurt Angle
CIDIZENS/SUPERHEROES/VILLAINS USED: Hurricane Helms, Molly Holly, Brock Lesnar
RECORD: 3 Supervillans Defeated, 1 Battle(s) Lost, 0 Draw(s)

This roleplay was written by ALBI! DO NOT STEAL THIS LAYOUT OR RP( or if you want, try. I've disabled the left click)! If you want to use this RP Layout speak to ALBI at Although I have tried to moderate my language, this has not always been possible, if you are not happy or offended by that sorta thing then DONT READ IT! This rp is not ment to offend anyone except the characters it is aimed at and not the controllers. If you want to Feedback on this RP then feel free to e-mail me. I Give credit to and Enjoy the RP everyone!

PCW's 1st event was great, great show, as V 1.0 defeated the Superhero Hurricane Helms in a battle between two great cruiserweights, Rob Van Dam made his return to PCW aswell, defeating Chris Jericho. Kurt Angle returned to PCW aswell, defeating Tajiri and Christian. Sting had an easy match against the Undertaker and Goldust and walked out winner. John Cena defeated Triple H in a great match as the rapper came out winner. HBK debuted in PCW knocking The Rock and Raven out in the main event, as PCW went off the air, HBK stood high. The brackets for New Blood are also up. Stone Cold Steve Austin will face Eddie Guerrero, Brock Lesnar and Scott Steiner will face off again this time with The Rock in the mix, Rob Van Dam, Kane and Goldust face off in another triplethreat match. Raven, Y2J and the Undertaker face eachother in the other match with Raven still recovering from a sweet chin music by HBK who faces Matt Hardy and Sting, in the main event, Hurricane Helms, Kurt Angle and John Cena go to battle, the Underdog will definately be Hurrican Helms, but he can always come out on top. Cena and Kurt Angle will be there to win, no playing, who will come out on top?.

..:[The scene opens up in a room, normal, lockerroom, quite plain, TV, locker, couch, ect. the door opens and a black figure enters the room, followed by another, one lamp is on, the first one turns it off, the shadows are very dimly lit and we hear something like a crash and "ok! I got it, let's go!", the door is opening and closing, the two run out, the corridoor is lit much better as we se the two figures have hoods, they are Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Hass, Hass has the new Hurricane Helms comic entitled "Hurricane beats the Olimpic Champion", they are running and they run into Hurricane Helms who is talking to Molly, something about a new comic book, Hass covers the comic with his jacket and speaks to Hurricane]::..

..::["The White Guy" Charlie Hass]::.. Hello there Hurricane, having fun? Laid yet?

..::["PCW's Superhero" Hurricane Helms]::.. Quite pleasantly! Happened about twenty-five years ago, anyway, my pleasent cidizens, Hass and Benjamin, what good deeds have you been upto?

..::["The Black Guy" Shelton Benjamin]::.. D'uh...we were just..err..gettin' com...

..::["The White Guy" Charlie Hass]::.. Comdoms, 2 dollars for 3, bargain!

..::["The Black Guy" Shelton Benjamin]::.. No, Charlie. We were just in his room gettin' co..

..::["The White Guy" Charlie Hass]::.. Comdoms, Kurt's wife doesn't want a kid...

..::["The Black Guy" Shelton Benjamin]::.. No, I mean..yeah yeah! Dat it.

..::["The White Guy" Charlie Hass]::.. Well, we godda go. C'ya later Helmso.

..::[They walk off as Benjamin starts reading the comicbook and Hass mutters, "dorkster", the cameras go back to Helms as he enters the locker room, he screams]::..

..::["The Faithfull Sidekick" Molly Holly]::..Jumping jorkers, Hurricane! What happened?

..::["PCW's Superhero" Hurricane Helms]::.. A evil doer, from the dark of Peeseedub, they entered this very room and they did the disgusting task of..STEELING MY COMICBOOK!

..::["The Faithfull Sidekick" Molly Holly]::..Dastarly deepers, Hurricane, there's only one thing to do now!

..::["PCW's Superhero" Hurricane Helms]::.. To the Hurricycle! ..::Scene::..
They run at full speed to the parking lock, jump on the Hurricycle but Brock Lesnar appears with a comic book, Hurricane doesn't notice.

..::["PCW's Superhero" Hurricane Helms]::.. Brockster! They stole my comic! Hurry, we must get them!!

..::["The Pain" Brock Lesnar]::.. They gave it to me when I told them that I was make pancakes of them.

..::[Michael Cole runs up to Hurricane, he looks at him, gasps for breath and talks.]::..

..::["PCW's Little Urk" Michael Cole]::.. Cena is unable to compete, it's just you vs. Angle, a quick word?

..::["PCW's Superhero" Hurricane Helms]::.. Kurt Angle, an evil doer above all. Cheap ways, Cidizen Cole, cheap ways made him a winner but I will, tonight, make him the real loser that he is, Cidizen Cole. I am just, I am a superhero, I, with The Brockster and Mighty Molly shall defeat, for Pee See Dub, the evil trio of Team Angle. Should it be easy, should it be hard, Cidizen Cole, it doesn't matter. I, shall defeat and I shall destroy evil, because Justice ALWAYS prevails over evil. Should Team Angle try to interfere, Brockster and Mighty Molly shall be here. And Cidizen Cole, a good match should it be, the winner shall be me! 1996 Olimpics, well done. But this is PEE SEE DUB! Not the '96 olimpics. Triple Threat Tournamant, I shall prevail over the Pee See Dub, with or without John Cena, justice will indeed prevail! So, Stand back Team Angle...


Cidizen Cole, I must ago. Goodbye, Cole.


..::[Hurricane and the others leave and as we see them enter the locker room we hear "LOOK WHAT THEY'VE DONE TO MY COMIC!", the cameras fade, who will prevail? Justice or Evil? Find out on SMACKDOWN!]::..