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[Deatrin Ulrich Theme song]

[Silverchair - No Association]

The Camera opens up to see Deatrin and Spawn in the Lockerroom talking. the camera zooms in to see what's happening.

Deatrin; Man, what a hell of a day I've had, man.

Spawn: Oh yeah? what happened?

Deatrin: Well, first I woke up early this morning. I don't usually...I hate mornings...mornings are such a drag, but I woke up, and I wanted some breakfast, so i went to the store to pick myself up a few things. Y'know...eggs bacon, some sausage, some bread for toast. I was hungry. Anyways, I get to the counter to pay for all this shit, and I find I've got no money in my wallet.

Spawn: Damn dude, that had to suck. so, what did you do?

Deatrin: Only thing I could do, I left the stuff, and started back home. Since the store was only a few blocks away, I walked there, so I walked started walking home. As I was walking back though a stroke of luck happened, and I stumbled upon a $20 bill just lying on the ground. Now I'm not one to steal, so i looked around to see y'know...if there was anyone around who might of dropped it. since there wasn't, well, I considered it mine. So, I went across the street to the diner that was there, and got me some breakfast there. that was cool.

Spawn: that doesn't sound so bad. what happened after that?

Deatrin: I didn't say it was a bad day. Just a hell of a day. Anyways, so, As I'm going back home from the diner, I meet up with an old pal of mine from school. You might remember him. Remember Robert A.?

Spawn: Name doesn't ring any bells, sorry.

Deatrin: It's cool. just thought you might remember. He's cool. anyways, we got to talking about what's happening now, and I told him I'm in the profressional wrestling business, and he almost flipped. says that's been his dream, and i stole it from him, so he hit me one. The bastard didn't realize that i could take a hit, and deal one right back, so knicked the bitch out cold, and Left him laying there. poor fool, but he deserved it.

Spawn: He. I guess he did. If he wants to fight, he better be able to take some shots, too.

Deatrin: You got it. So then, I get back to my place, and just as I walk in the door the fucking phone rings. So I rush to it, and say the usual "Hello!" greeting, and my mom's voice answers on the other end. I won't go into detail about what we talked about, but conversations with my mother are never pretty. Hell, I didn't even think she had my new number, but somehow she found me. Whatever.

Spawn tries to hold his laughter in, but can't help but start laughing.

Deatrin: It's not THAT funny.

Spawn: You're right. you're right. sorry...sorry. so, what happened after your mom called.

Deatrin: Well, not much happned for a while after that. but you know how Bored i get when I'm at home, so I decided to pick up my workout gear and head to the gym.

Spawn: right...right. So, anything happen there?

Deatrin: More bullshit, but I'll tell you about it anyway. So, I'm using one of the weight machines, right, and I'm actually just about done, when this big guy comes up, and says it's his turn for the damn machine. Which pissed me off, cause he could see there were quite a few other machines open that he could use. I told him this straight out, and he tell me "No! this is my machine. It's one I always use. Now hurry up and finish." Now I was starting to get really pissed. Seems this little fuck had claimed this machine, and he wasn't going to take no for an answer. Well, I decided to ignore the little prick, but he wouldn't have none of it. He grabbed me by the front of the shirt, and tried to make me move. Now, you know damn well, that's something you just don't do with me.

Spawn: Right, especially when you're already pissed off.

Deatrin: So, I flip the sumbitch over my head, and stomp on his a few times for good measure. But then management has to come out. and The bastards see what has happened. They get the story from everyone, and *I* am the one who gets thrown out. He's the one that starts shit, and I get thrown out. where's the justice in that, I ask you?

Spawn: Seems kinda shitty to me, man. So, anything else exciting happen?

Deatrin: Oh you mean throughout the rest of the day...sure. well, I head back home from the Gym, and some freaking idiot pulls in front of me. So, I don't have time to stop the car in time. I mean, I slow down enough to where I only dinged his back bumper, but he's all going ballistic out here saying I wrecked his car and shit. So, of course, we have to call the police out, and we're waiting around 45 minutes for the damn cop to show up, take a report, and leave. doesn't do a damn thing 'cept take a fucking report. that's it. Not, that i wanted him to write me a citation or anything, just something besides a fucking report for making us wait 45 goddamn minutes, y'know...Hell yeah, i was pissed off. what the fuck do you think?

Spawn: did have a shit of a day. anything else?

Deatrin: No, I think that's it. no wait. there is one more thing I almost forgot. Then when I get home I found my dog Sparks, don't ask me why we call him that, just suffice it to say that I didn't name the beast, Has chewed up my brand new wrestling uniform that i had just bought 3 days earlier. the son of a bitch just ate that shit. But I couldn't do anything to him cause, well...he's a damn dog. So, anyways, That's my pissy day. sound like fun?

Spawn (sarcastically): Yeah...sounds like louds of fun. heh

Deatrin: So that's my bitch ass day. I've been through worse, true, but it was still hell, y'know...

Spawn: Yeah....I know. So, what you gonna do now?

Deatrin: Well, for right now I'm staying in here where it's safe.

Spawn: Prolly a wise decision, but don't expect me to stay here with ya. I've got things I need to do. So see ya around.

Deatrin: See ya.

The camera follows Spawn out of the lockerroom, then fades to black as Triple W cuts to a commercial break.

******END OF ROLEPLAY******

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