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The Phenom

*** Cameras focus on the ring in the arena. The lights die down and 23000 fans are left in total darkness this can only mean one thing ........"GONG!!" with a flash of light and a crack of lightning the fireworks start up on stage and the undertakers cross lowers from the stage. Out steps the phenom looking very focused about the 8 Man tournament ***

Deadman* = " Cut the music!!!. ( the fans are in silence due to this chilling entrance ) . MDOGG20!! ( boos ring out around the arena!) You come out here and run your mouth about how you are taking over TCW! let me make one thing clear to you! TCW is the undertakers boneyard, where the souls of my victims still echo in the air and where the chill of the air is because of the destruction the undertaker has left in his yard. You come out here for two seconds preachings that everyone is scared of you, yet you still run away in the bac and get into your car with half nacked transexuals! ( the crowd laugh at an unsual sarcastic undertaker ) You run away because you know if the phenom comes out what will happen! when you look into the eyes of the reaper you know your soul will give into me and without your soul you are nothing when I have your soul you will belong to me!Playtime is over, sit down and shut up. You realize if you beat your little buddy RVD ( the crow boo and jeer at RVD they chant " RVD sucks!! RVD sucks!!" )...**taker pauses** " You will face the deadman in the final of the tournament!"

*** the crowd cheer at the prospect of the final realizing that this is the start that TCW needs yet that undertaker is heel they realize they need to support him so he can defeat the so called invasion of TCW ***

Deadman* = "If you make it to the final I want you in my yard!!! ( the crow are puzzled at what the undertaker means) you think you can beat me well if you think that beat me how I want to be beaten! If the final of the 8 man tournament is Deadman vrs MDOOG ( the crowd go wild at the thought of this match ) well I want to beat you my own way! a way that you will never ever recover from or wrestle from! MDOGG I WANT YOU IN A BURIED ALIVE MATCH!( the crowd go wild and start chanting "buried , buried, buried" ) How do you like that!? There will be no mercy, only slain bodies and taken souls. MDOGG may the hounds of hell, eat your rotting soul, and you will, REST IN PEACE!!! "

*** The crowd are on fever pitch here going absoloutly mad at the thought of a buried alive match between the deadman and MDOGG all thats needed now is confirmation of the match from chairman TED DIBIASE what will happen ***

Deadman* = " As for Hogan Im glad you decided to join TCW but Im not one for giving out warm welcomes! If I win the title come this friday I want you at NO-REMORSE in a title match for the tcw world heavyweight title! You better not worry about that belt, worry aboutme punching a 6 inch hole in your chest! HOGAN ! I want you to take a look at the screen! "

*** The camera focuses on the huge screen at the stage ***


" GONG!!"

Rest in Peace!

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