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Next Match
Vs. ???


Roleplay Title
Deubt Rp

Signing with XCW


Scene 1.

Scene: A black limo pulls up at the XCW arena.A man steps out in a black suite with shiny black boots and black glasses just smirking.He looks around and looks at the limo driver.

'P.O.D'Primetime:Get my bags.

'The Limo Driver'Josh Ok sir.

Scene: The driver gets Primetimes bags with his ring attire and some other things in it.He looks at the arena and walks inside the door. He keeps walking forward and he sees the "Card Board" he dosen't see his name on it and he smirks.He keeps walking on until his driver bumps into him.

'P.O.D'Primetime: What the heck is wrong with you?? This suite costs more than your wanna be driving mrs dazy self, just give my bags to me! I dont trust you, go to the lot and wait there for me...

'The Limo Driver'Josh: Ok sir.

Scene: He snatches the bags away from the driver and walks to his locker, finally makes it. He puts his bags on the coutch of his locker and walks right back out and shuts his door. He gets stop by Josh Mathews for an interview.

'Tough Enough Loser'Josh Matthews:Elix Skipper! Mr. Skipper, may I have some words with you?

'P.O.D'Primetime: Alman not another damn Josh!. Whatever aslong as you don't ask me stupid gay porno questions, trust me I don't play like that, oviously looking at do.

'Tough Enough Loser' Josh Matthews: That was rude, anyway how does it feel to be here in XCW?

'P.O.D'Primetime:What do you think? I have been waiting for a while to get here and become the first world heavyweight champion here.Because it will happen I garuntee.No one will take that from me. Only I can take that from me. No one else because as long as I am here I will be the most dominating superstar here... and you will be the..most weird looking annoncer here...

Scene: Josh looks at Primetime in discust.

'P.O.D'Primetime: I know I am good lookin what the hell are you looking at? I don't let men stare me down like that.

'Tough Enough Loser'Josh Matthews: Just shut up please.

'P.O.D'Primetime: No. I don't have to do what you say you little prick.

'Tough Enough Loser' Josh Matthews: UGH I can't stand you! Well whatever on to the next question! Out of all places why did you want to come here?

'P.O.D'Primetime: Why did I come here of all places? Because I will dominate this place I will beat men till' they bleed from their eyes to get to the world title.

'Tough Enough Loser'Josh Matthews: Well I am going to end this Interview thanks for your time... bye!

Scene:Primetime walks to his locker smirking and he closes his door.While the screen fades for the next promo.