The camera zooms into John Hartman's desk, who is watching the start of the latest Ric Righteous promo on the television that is nicely set in the corner of the room. Ric Righteous is in a professor suit, and in a classroom. As Righteous begins to speak, Hartman presses the pause button to show a picture of Ric Righteous that looks rather out of place. As most aren’t use to seeing the “Messiah” in this kind of environment.

John Hartman: “Ric Righteous, you really are a lot more stupid than you make yourself out to look. During the start of this promo, you came out and talked about how you studied every aspect of the wrestlers who you are going to be up against. A commendable thing, however just a hint for next time... When you do decide to study how about watching their promos, and matches first. Or is that to hard for you? I mean, you mentioned some pretty funny shit. I mean, I can’t actually believe that a man with your stupidity has risen to the level of WeWA/Fed Wars Champion. O, than again your an undeserving champion, but you wouldn’t know I said that before would you? And you wouldn’t happen to know that I have called you a coward, would you? No? And why, I don’t know, or maybe you have, and maybe that the idea that I am right bothers you... Apparently its one of the two, either you fear Dark Demon and myself so fucking bad that you can’t even speak directly about the things I have warned, and the things I am foreshadowing for 2003 Ways to Bleed, or you simply think that your so great that you haven’t taken the time to research the other wrestlers in this upcoming match up. However, if your a man who never lies, that would go against what you said in your latest promo where you talked about how you studied them? So what is it? Let’s do some multiple choice teach. Are you A, a lying son of a bitch who never bothered watching a promo cut by myself or Dark Demon in your life??? B, a coward who’s afraid of what’s to come at 2003 Ways to Bleed??? C, a fucking homosexual who brown noses Mr. Batee???? D, an undeserving champion??? Or E, all of the above? Incase you don’t know the answer Righteous, it is all of the above. Your sure as hell haven’t watched any of Dark Demon’s and my latest promos, and I’ll prove that in a minute. Your defiantly a coward, which I pointed out I believe a promo or two ago, but you wouldn’t know about that would you? You do suck up to Batee to give you advantages thus your a Brown noser as I also pointed out two promos ago, which once again I guess you either didn’t watch or just are really really slow and didn’t pick it up. And most of all your a mother fucking undeserving champion who had that title handed to him... Righteous if you were really a deserving champion, name some title defenses since Commutation Breakdown??? Name a match in which you completely dominated someone and embarrassed them??? Name a match where you actually didn’t cheat someone out of a victory??? Am I being harsh?? Of course, is this a bad thing? Well if you were watching this I’m sure you’d be pissed off, but than again you could care two shits about this promo? Your to busy thinking your all that, when in reality your a nothing, a nobody... Righteous, I’ve used more effort wiping my ass, than it would take Dark Demon, James Jones or even Matty Dee for that matter to defeat you.”

Hartman smiles as he believes that he truly has the “edge” on the Ric Righteous situation. Hartman has the motto don’t enter a fight blindfolded and as far as he’s concerned that’s exactly what Ric Righteous is doing to himself. Hartman looks at the television that has a frozen picture of Ric Righteous in a professor suit on it. Hartman points to it as he begins to talk.

John Hartman: “Funny isn’t it, that when I first saw that promo... I actually thought it was going to go somewhere. That the almighty Ric Righteous had in-fact done his homework, however I am going to prove to the world here today that the “Messiah” Ric Righteous is either to cowardice to reply to the many questions I have imposed on him like the idea of a cross match or that Ric Righteous is simply too full of himself to watch others promos and simply assumes what they are going to say. Want to see my proof, well let’s take a short moment to watch a short segment from his latest promo.”

Hartman picks the remote off of his desk and clicks the fast forward button, and Ric Righteous’s latest promo flies across the screen pretty fast. About halve way through Hartman clicks the stop button and the television screen goes to a blue.

John Hartman: “Now would someone please explain to me, how Righteous could have studied Dark Demon, and what was going on with him and say the following line?”

Hartman clicks the play button to play a small segment from Ric Righteous’s latest promo. The following is straight from the horses mouth and is taken straight from Righteous’s promo. Notice it is in bold so that you can separate it from the rest of the context.
[Righteous walks back to the chalkboard and again begins scribbling something presumably related to what he's talking about.]
The Messiah: The method we should be using to analyze our problem is just to look at the specimen we have, which is of course Stephen Greer, but I also have other specimens to comment on. Namely Matty Dee, James Jones and Dark Demon. I have studied and made observations about the 3 stooges from MCW that can be substantiated and backed up. Now Matty has brought us the first piece of evidence, and that is that Dark Demon talks outta his damn ass all the time...
Hartman once again clicks the stop button before a young student named Matty talks, and the screen once again goes to the blue that it originally was at. Hartman laughs as he sets the remote back on the table.

John Hartman: “I’m not only asking, but in fact I’m begging anyone in the World e-Wrestling Alliance to tell me when Dark Demon has talked out of his ‘ass’ recently? As I recall, Dark Demon hasn’t even talked for a promo or two, and when he has it’s either been from cue cards written by me, memorized phrases written by me, or a sentence. Now Righteous would have known this if he simply would have turned on the television and seen the emotional state Dark Demon is in. Righteous here is my question for you??? How in the hell can Dark Demon be talking shit, when in all honestly he hasn’t even really been talking? I mean, is their something wrong here? Yes, their is... Your a contradicting little over confident bastard. Righteous the best part about all of this, is how you talked about how you talked about how you have analyzed each of the wrestlers. Did you really? I mean, it doesn’t look like it. I question your actions here Righteous, assuming what others are going to say is something that I really frown upon. A mean, I could assume that your going busy fucking Batee right now, but that’s simply fact and I don’t need to assume that.”

Hartman goes to pick up the remote and when he’s about to hit the fast forward button he hesitates and instead decides he’s just going to talk. Hartman clears his throat, and than cracks his knuckles.

John Hartman: “You know I was actually going to play another Righteous clip, but I think it would actually be much more entertaining for those who actually watch the promos if I do my best Ric Righteous impersonation. And I quote the Messiah himself when I say ’Sure, you haven't had many title shots in your stay here so far - but what the fuck do you expect to get?’... I assume Righteous that your talking about WeWA title shots because Dark Demon has had his fair share of Midwest Championship Wrestling title shots. Well I can break it down to you why, first off unlike yourself, Dark Demon had to earn his. He didn’t get a title shot on his first day back, sure it was after a comeback but at least a month after. You see the reason why you are champ in the first place is because of your connections with Mr. Batee... And that’s the damn truth, if it weren’t for him, you wouldn’t have had that shot. You would have had to earn it like every other damn wrestler in this fucking god damn corporation. Mr. Batee looks at you as an investment for the BaCW, and since he paid so much for you he wants to get his mother fucking moneys worth. Secondly considering the title is only on the line once about every two months, I’m not surprised he hasn’t gotten many title shots either. I mean the title couldn’t of been on the line for more than six times has it? I mean if you were really as good as you claim to be, you’d be defending that title week in and week out. So that line is one without any thought. Righteous think before you speak... Wait second that, don’t speak at all because when you are speaking I’m cringing.”

Hartman looks down at some papers on his desk, most likely the contract for a “cross match” that he has worked so hard to make happen and so far hasn’t had any success. He leans forward and looks into the camera with a very serious face.

John Hartman: “Ric Righteous, you then go further. With the line, and please excuse my poor impression of you ’All through this lecture you have seen me lay the facts out, straight down the line, boys.’ Ok now is it me, or was that lecture full of shit? I mean you didn’t lay down one fact, other than the fact that your an ass clown who has no idea what the fuck he’s talking about. Righteous I want to know how you became WeWA/Fed Wars Champion? I mean, I didn’t know that wrestling was so desperate for viewers that its stooping to comedy bits... However if it were stooping to comedy bits, you would be the undisputed champion, because no one is quite as funny as you, especially when you don’t have a clue to what the fuck is going on. Want another example of this??? Ok, let me get myself ready for another one of my awesome Ric Righteous impersonations that he will never see... Well here I go, taking words straight from the horses mouth ’So that implies that we must accept the alternative hypothesis, that you four pussies are in fact a bunch of wieners whom has no fucking idea what he talks about and how much shit he is yakking himself into.‘... Ok Righteous, now I want you to give me an example of how my son Dark Demon has wined in the past few weeks? I mean, he has been barely talking, I have been doing it for him. And I haven’t been wining... And I think all who are watching this are agreeing that it is indeed you who have no fucking clue how much shit your “yakking” yourself into. I mean, firstly all you do is talk shit, when their is none to talk. At least if your going to talk shit, make it seem educated, by maybe saying things that imply to whom you are going to face. You know I have found other false claims in this promo of yours referring to James Jones and Matty Dee, and I’m sure if I looked into it about Stephen Greer as well. However at this point, that’s not particularly important, because Righteous I have more pressing matters to talk about than about those two punks who will not even be in the match with yourself.”

Hartman once again starts to look at that contract that he had revealed just last night. He crumbles it up, and reaches into the same desk drawer he used repeatedly last night and pulls out a new contract.

John Hartman: “Ric Righteous, you may or most likely may not be aware that I have requested to get the match changed at 2003 Ways to Bleed to a Cross Match, where the winner latches both of the other mans hands on the cross leaving him hanging like the true Messiah. Now, I requested for five signatures, and only have gotten one thus far, that being Dark Demons. I have not heard back from yourself, Batee, or Matty Dee... However James Jones has declined to the conditions of the contract so I am now taking more drastic measures. This contract simply states that if the main event at 2003 Ways to Bleed should happen to be between “The Messiah” Ric Righteous and my son Dark Demon than it will be a Cross Match. Should you lose Ric, you lose your right to call yourself “The Messiah” for an entire month, and Dark Demon is crowned the Messiah of professional wrestling for the course of that month. And Dark Demon would also get your World Title. However, if Dark Demon should lose, he true name will be revealed and for an entire month he will not be aloud to refer to himself as Dark Demon but his real name that is on his birth certificate. The name I gave him that he despises... Well Righteous, are you ready to be hung by a cross or are you a coward and an undeserving champion like I expected. Accept the terms Righteous, but than again what are the chances that your even watching this to have a clue to what the hell is going on??? If you accept the terms and your butt buddy Mr. Batee does than this show is on the road. Than this match will happen, because as I was saying Dark Demon is going to win that match, and he will advance to you... And than with these terms, I will gain the ultimate revenge for what you did to me when I watch you hanging from a cross, bloody and wrecked. Without your title or Messiah or your precious title. Dark Demon will do all of this for me...”

Hartman gets up and starts to walk out of the room. If he’s doing anything similar to what he did last time in his last promo, he’s heading to the room where Dark Demon is being kept. As he walks, he talks.

John Hartman: “Speaking of Dark Demon, your most likely wondering where the hell he is... O, wait that’s right you don’t even know he’s been absent for a few promos, my bad I forgot you don’t watch them Righteous. Lets see where was I? O yea... Behind this door is the man that will defeat you Ric Righteous, hang on to that title while you can, because obviously it’s not going to be their in a week or so. Righteous, in earlier promos I really feel that I have made it obvious that your a coward and that your an undeserving champion however, today I think I have actually proved something much more deep. That you have no clue what the fuck is going on. Am I right? If I’m wrong I’d like to see you prove it... And to prove it that means that your going to have to go back and watch my previous four promos or so... And that means that in doing so that makes all of your previous useless ramblings... USELESS... Righteous you have proved nothing to myself, Dark Demon, or the entire WeWA this week except that your an asshole who is so self centered that you could care less what’s going on, and only say threats that could go for anyone. Hell I bet if I changed around less than an eighth of your latest promo it could be used against you, and that simply will not cut it. Righteous your too old for this, your too washed up, your just too god damn stupid... It’s pathetic really, that the WeWA that I helped in the early stages, has fallen to this level... To have a champion like yourself... I’m ashamed of what this place has become.”

Hartman puts his hand on the door, that Dark Demon is behind. He rubs the door, and puts his hand on the door knob, but decides against opening it. He turns and says a simple phrase.

John Hartman: “Get off your cross my Messiah, your fifteen minutes of fame are up!”

Hartman laughs to himself, as he is obviously done talking about Ric Righteous. His face however doesn’t stay in an amused state for very long. Hartman’s face becomes very seriously as he leans back against the door and begins to talk.

John Hartman: “Ah yes, behind this door is the man who is going to snap in a few short days. The man who I have been feeding insults to, the man who I have been building up an anger in that’s so fierce that not even the mighty Ric Righteous can over come it’s rage once released. And who is responsible for most of this anger? Some would say Dark Demon’s family life... While others would contribute it to his way of dealing with things... However it is actually a man who claims to be all good who is really the reason behind most of the anger, and that man being James Jones.”

Hartman smiles as he lets what he just said settle in. No doubt he is trying to get under Jones’s skin. After waiting a brief period of time, John Hartman begins to speak once again.

John Hartman: “Out of curiosity James, how bad of a person were you when you were known as “Da Maniac”? I mean you must have been a very bad person because the affect that you have had on my sons mind has been devastating, and more than anything it will be that anger he feels towards you that gives him the strength to defeat Ric Righteous. James Jones, I question you... Have you really changed? Or is it just a gimmick, your acting like your a man that belongs in a church not a wrestling ring. You look for the good of the world in a place where it doesn’t belong. James, you see you already know this don’t you. You need wrestling to have a way to vent your anger, your no better of a person than myself. Like me you corrupt... You’ve made countless attempts to corrupt my sons mind, so that he can not be your chances of walking out with that title. We can all see right though you James, so my question is why can’t you see what we see? Why must you be living a lie? It confuses the hell out of me... I mean, if you were good why would you need to beat the bad out of someone, that just doesn’t make sense. About the only thing that does make sense that you have said recently is that DEMON IS DANGEROUS! James Jones, of this you are correct, Dark Demon is dangerous, and I can’t be with him for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week... But you see, he looks up to his loving father... That’s me! So much that he wouldn’t dare rebel. You see James it is me who will rebel on him, and all of this anger is going to have no place to go... no way to vent... except in the wrestling ring... In a match with Ric Righteous... I already have planned how Demon will get his victory against you and Matty, that’s simple, the main event is my only concern. Because honestly as long as your “tammed” as long as your in the state of mind you are, your no threat to Demon, even with him in the state of mind he is. However if you would ever convert back to your old self, Dark Demon would have to vent some of that anger to beat you, which would complicate the main event a tad, but still Righteous will lose to my son.”

Hartman cracks the door open a tiny bit and peaks in and than closes it, most likely realizing he has more to say and can’t say much in front of Demon. Hartman looks at the camera.

John Hartman: “It would seem I have almost completely forgotten about someone, that person being Matty Dee... The key to my plan, the man who my son will pin. It’s funny Matty, you claim to be BETTER THAN EVERYONE, however when it comes down to it, you are actually the joke of the WeWA... And when Demon pins you in the state he’s in, it’ll tarnish your career... Because Demon ain’t in a position to wrestle, at least not yet. Not until I take make him snap, seconds before he enters the ring to face Ric Righteous. Matty Dee mark my words, you will be pinned... So anyways James, it wouldn‘t matter if you do change back into your former self because the fact still remains that Dark Demon doesn‘t need to beat you to win this match... And theirs not a damn thing you can do about that!”

Hartman smiles, shakes his head and than goes walks into the room where Demon is sitting. Demon is in the corner, leaning on the wall with his eyes shut, no doubt about it, he’s sleeping. However, by the looks of things and the bags under his eyes it’s apparent that Demon hasn’t gotten much sleep lately. Hartman waits for Demon to wait up, who starts talking to himself in his sleep and than finally wakes up screaming. Hartman leans over to Demon and pats him on the head.

John Hartman: “What is it my son? What do you wish to tell me?”

Demon looks at Hartman with eyes wide open like a child, tears forming in his eyes. After a second of refusing to answer Demon’s eyes start to twitch, and his face begins to look funny and seems to tense up.

Dark Demon: “I... Had a dream... I was in the ring with James Jones... He... He...”

Hartman looks into Demon’s eyes, Demon is deeply distrait. For a moment it almost looks as Hartman is concerned, like a true father would be. And knowing Hartman’s acting ability he’s not one to be able to get away with good acting. However, he soon gives out a smile and than speaks.

John Hartman: “He what?”

Demon grabs Hartman’s hand pulls him in closer and hugs him as tears roll down his eyes. Demon rests his head on Hartman’s shoulder as he begins to speak.

Dark Demon: “I couldn’t do it... I couldn’t win... He... He... He was too good... He’s always too good...”

The smile on Hartman’s face grows even bigger, since his face is out of Demon’s view, considering Demon is facing the opposite direction and looking over Hartman’s shoulder. Hartman begins to speak with compassion.

John Hartman: “And how does that make you feel?”

Demon stops to think for a second, as more tears roll down his cheeks. What kind of emotional trauma has this man been under. Demon resists talking, however maybe because of Hartman’s comforting words or maybe on his own will he begins to answer.

Dark Demon: “It... I feel... I just...”

Once he starts he stops, and holds it in... Holds it in and just lets it build upon itself. Lets it build up inside. This is apparent on Demon’s face, because now more than ever his face shows that he is distrait. That he indeed has problems, however Demon still refused to say how he felt... Has Hartman not given him the option to say how he feels so much lately that’s he’s refusing to talk on his own now? And how can Hartman expect a man in this state to beat Matty Dee and James Jones to go on to face Ric Righteous and defeat him. Things just don’t add up. Hartman gets up, and starts to walk away as Demon lies on the ground, and puts his thumb in his mouth like a little baby. His emotional state has now reached a new plateau that none of us have ever seen before, at least in Dark Demon. Could this be a new beginning for Dark Demon at 2003 Ways to Bleed or the end of him, at least mentally and if not physically at the hands of Matty Dee, James Jones, and Ric Righteous. As Hartman walks out of the room and shuts the door, the camera gets one last glimpse of Dark Demon, on the ground, tears in his eyes that he’s trying to hold back. As the door shuts, Hartman breaks out laughing so hard that he falls to his knees. Once he contains himself he begins to speak.

John Hartman: “James Jones, it was you who did this to him... How does that make you feel? Could a man of good, really do such a thing to a man without feeling guilty? I mean if I were you, I’d be feeling pretty damn guilty right about now... Look what he’s become, because of you... He’s a mess... A mess that will do my dirty work at 2003 Ways to Bleed.”

Hartman gets a tiny bit more of a serious, as the laughter from his little encounter with Dark Demon almost had him laughing to the point where he’s in tears.

John Hartman: “Righteous, I want you to take a good look at Dark Demon as he is right now... This man has so much contained in him, mostly from James Jones and myself that when he snaps, that’s it... Theirs no going back... And when he snaps he will do my revenge on you without even knowing it... It’s a sick sad world Righteous, and I’m just glad to be at the top of it.”

Hartman smiles as he walks away and the camera man walks up to the door opens it and takes one last shot of Dark Demon, who’s in a bright light room, buzzed hair, laying in the fetal possession sucking his thumb with tears slowly rolling down his eyes. Is this truly the man Hartman expects to beat Ric Righteous? Is that anger inside of him enough? Only time will tell.