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Don't Cha Wish Your Girlfriend Was Hot Like Me....
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-[ The SeXiest Diva World-Wide]-
Hell In A Cell... The 4 words most wrestlers would dread to hear, especially the women. So why would Danica volunteer to be in one? Perhaps Danica hasn't proven herself yet. What can possibly prepare someone to go into a 2 ton steel cage, Mentally and Physically? Danica is prepared for many things.. Marriage, Hardcore Matches.. Anything but a Hell In A Cell Match. Sure, Danica has been through a lot, But there is no way she could possibly be prepared for this. Danica never imagined she would have to be in this type of match. Can she even do it? Is Danica strong enough to go through with this match? Can she possibly beat Caruso? Is Danica ready for the bloodshed and the carnage that will go on in that cell? Only the night of Fight can give her that answer. But one thing is for sure.. Danica is ready to prove that she is here to stay

*Danica is sitting on her couch downstairs, in shorts and a tank top, she is watching some of Caruso's old matches, taking notes, so she can make sure she is prepared for this match. Danica pulls her hair back into a ponytail. Danica pauses the tape to make herself some food, she opens the fridge and pulls out a slice of pizza, she heats it up and takes it out of the microwave. Danica walks back to the Living room and sits back down. Danica presses play and starts watching the tapes again, After a few minutes Danica hears a knock at the door, She gets up and pauses the VCR. Danica puts the remote down and walks over to the door, She opens it and smiles when she sees her best friend, Kiara*

Danica Xavier: Hey, Whats up?

Kiara Cena: Not much Dani, Just came by to get that dress, You know you said i could borrow it tonight?

Danica Xavier: Oh right, Come on in.

*Danica steps to the side and Kiara walks in and looks around, she sees the TV and walks over to the couch and sits down, and starts reading Danica's notes. Danica closes the door and locks it, then walks over and looks at Kiara*

Danica Xavier: You want some coffee?

Kiara Cena: Sure.

*Danica walks into the kitchen and takes out the coffee mix, She put it in a filter and into the coffee maker, Danica puts water into the coffee maker and waits for it to make the coffee, She yawns, having not slept the night before. Danica takes 2 cups out of the cabinet, She opens the fridge and takes out the milk, Danica puts the milk on the counter then takes the sugar out of the cabinet and puts it next to the milk. Seeing the coffee is done, Danica takes the pot out of the coffee maker and pours some in both cups. Danica then pours some milk, and puts sugar in both cups, she puts the milk and sugar away and mixes the cups, Danica picks up both cups and walks out to the living room, she hands one of the cups to Kiara and sits next to her*

Kiara Cena: Getting ready for the match?

Danica Xavier: Yeah.. The wrestling part anyway... I don't know how I'm gonna get through a hell in a cell match..

Kiara Cena: I'm sure you'll be okay Dani.. I mean.. It's a regular match just.. With steel.. Very painful.. Steel.. All around you

Danica Xavier: Gee.. I feel so much better..

Kiara Cena: What I'm saying is Danica.. You'll be fine.. Okay, You can do this, You're a tough girl.

*Emilie nods as the phone rings, she walks over and checks the caller ID, Emilie smiles and picks up the phone and starts talking*

Danica Xavier: Hey.. How you been? I'm alright.. Hey.. How about you meet me for coffee? In about an hour? Okay.. Yeah that place, Alright, I'll see you soon.

*Danica hangs up and looks at Kiara, Kiara gets up and nods*

Kiara Cena: I'll get the dress.

Danica Xavier: Thanks.. I should get ready.

*Danica and Kiara head up the stairs, once at the top of the stairs, the girls part ways and Danica goes into her bedroom, Danica looks through her closet and pulls out a few pieces of clothing, Danica then closes her bedroom door and gets undressed, Danica then gets dressed, wearing a pink tank top and blue jean capris, she slips on sandles and goes into the bathroom, Danica puts on some makeup and smiles at herself in the mirror, She takes her hair out of the ponytail and brushes her hair, She pulls her hair back so its half up half down, Danica turns off the light and walks out of the bathroom, Danica walks out of her bedroom and goes downstairs where Kiara is holding the dress, Danica and Kiara both walk out the front door, They walk to Kiara's car, Danica and Kiara hug, Kiara gets into her car and starts it, she pulls out of the driveway and Danica gets into her car, Danica starts her car and puts her seatbelt on, She shifts the gear and pulls out of the parking lot, Danica drives down the street and turns on the radio, she starts singing along with "We Belong Together" she pulls into the coffee shop parking lot and parks, Danica turns the car off and takes off her seatbelt, She gets out of the car and walks towards the coffee shop, Danica walks into the coffee shop, She runs her hand through her hair and looks around, not seeing him there yet, Danica orders a latte, She takes it and walks to the upper part of the shop, she sits at a table, a look of frustration on her face, Scott Hall walks into the coffee shop, slightly drunk. He looks around in a daze, then walks up to the counter. His eyes attempt to study the menu, but seems to have some trouble*

Counter Person: Can I help you?

Scott Hall: Uhhh, hey yo. I'll have a... barratte? With some... uh stuff? Make it kinda... ya know

Counter Person: A..what?

Scott Hall: Blurrrr, the thing right up there.

* Hall points but his hand wanders in the air*

Scott Hall: The brown stuff.

Counter Person: Where exactly are you pointing?

Scott Hall: RIGHT... there!

*Hall starts to stand on the counter, but slips off. A loud thud is heard on the floor. His hands slaps onto the counter as he pulls himself up. Danica hears something going on and starts walking down the stairs, she sees Hall*

Danica Xavier: Oh gosh..

Scott Hall: Is it ready shet?

*Danica walks over and helps Hall Up, she looks at him*

Danica Xavier: Nice of you to finally make it.. Do you want something to drink?

Scott Hall: I thought you fired me from the WW effff, Linda.... Ooooh, I know you

Danica Xavier: Oh great... You're drunk..

Scott Hall: Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

Danica Xavier: I'm taking you to my house.. you're gonna get some sleep.. and We'll talk when you're sober.. Lets go..

Scott Hall: Who's gonna sleep with me?

Danica Xavier: Nobody.. Lets go

Scott Hall: Uhhhhh kay

*Danica grabs his arm and pulls him to her car, she opens the passengers side door for him then walks around to her side of the car and gets in, she takes out her keys and starts the car, waiting for him to get in, He sits in the car and shuts the door. His body starts to fall to the side. Danica sits him up and locks the doors then, leans him against the door and shifts the gears, she pulls out of the parking lot and starts driving home*

Scott Hall: I really gotta take a piss

Danica Xavier: Gross... Why did I let you train me?

Scott Hall: How else would you have gotten those..

*Hall hiccups*

Scott Hall: Titles

Danica Xavier: You mean title? I only won one.. Geez.. You don't even check my progress

*Hall fals asleep, Danica shakes her head and pulls into her driveway, Danica turns the car off and shakes Hall*

Danica Xavier: Wake up.. you bonehead

*Hall wakes up, and looks around. A odd look comes across his face as he leans forward and spews out puke on the car floor.*

Danica Xavier: EW!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!! GET OUT!

*Hall Opens the car door, and stumbles out of the car, Danica gets out and walks up to the front door, she opens it and looks at him*

Danica Xavier: GET IN HERE!!

*Hall Looks around, then stumbles towards the door. Danica waits till he gets inside, she walks him upstairs and pushes him onto the guest bed, she closes the door so he can get some sleep, She goes downstairs and sits down andstarts watching the tapes again, waiting for him to wake up, A loud thump is heard followed by a crash. Danica closes her eyes**

Danica Xavier: oh my god..

*Danica pauses the tape and walks upstairs, she opens the door and looks at Hall. Fallen out of bed with his pants down some with the blanket on him and the lamp broken in pieces. Danica covers her mouth, laughing, trying not to wake him up, she closes the door and leans against the wall laughing*

Danica Xavier: Oh man..

*Danica yawns, and goes back downstairs, she starts playing the tape again and rests her head on her arms, still waiting for him to wake up, Hall emerges from the room holding his head. Danica looks upstairs*

Danica Xavier: Need some asprin?

Scott Hall: Oooooooooooooh shit

Danica Xavier: Or.. anything?

*Hall Goes down the stairs drearily*

Danica Xavier: Or a hearing aid..

*Danica watches Hall*

Scott Hall: Where the hell am I, chico?

*Danica stands up and looks at him*

Danica Xavier: Try Chica.. And you're in my house.

*Hall Rubs his eyes and sits down on the couch. Reaking of beer*

Danica Xavier: You need coffee or something?

Scott Hall: Whatever you have

*Danica walks into the kitchen and makes him a cup of coffee, she gets 2 asprin and walks out to the living room, She hands him the coffee and asprin and sits next to him on the couch*

Danica Xavier: you know.. You puked in my car..

Scott Hall: Uh, sorry?

*Danica shakes her head and starts watching the tape again, aggrivated*

Scott Hall: What's this on TV?

Danica Xavier: Tapes from some of Caruso's matches.. I'm trying to get ready for our match..

Scott Hall: We have a match?

Danica Xavier: No.. Me and Caruso

Scott Hall: Ooooh.. bra and panties?

Danica Xavier: No.. what the hell is the matter with you?... Its A Hell In A Cell match..

Scott Hall: Uhhhh.. do they know you're a chick in this place you wrestle at?

Danica Xavier: Yes they do.. obviously since i have a match for the Womens title the same night... And what is that supposed to mean anyway?

Scott Hall: Uhhhh. I'm still drunk.

*Danica shakes her head and starts taking notes on the match, and sighs*

Danica Xavier: Look.. I asked you to meet me.. For help.. but thats obviously not your first priority.. so why don't you just get some sleep and when my car is cleaned, i'll take you home

Scott Hall: Didn't I already sleep?

Danica Xavier: Maybe you need more

Scott Hall: I can help, I can.. help.

Danica Xavier: Yeah right..

Scott Hall: Firstuvall, if you're drunk before the match, the cage is gonna feel like sponges, and the ring mat'll feel like pillows.

*Danica rolls her eyes*

Danica Xavier: Just Forget it!

Scott Hall: Really! Don't you remember anything we taught you?

Danica Xavier: You taught me how to wrestle.. how to be strong.. not be a drunk!

Scott Hall: Oh yeah.

Danica Xavier: Like I said.. forget it

Scott Hall: I remember now, shhh, let me think of some way to help

Danica Xavier: I said.. forget it..

Scott Hall: No, I'll help you. Unless you want to lose, I can leave.

Danica Xavier: Fine... how can you possibly help me?

Scott Hall: I'll show you some moves that'll help ya, and Big Kev, I can call him up. He's been in a hell in da cell, ya know.

Danica Xavier: Really? You and Kevin will help me?

Scott Hall: Hey yo, who's the bad guy?

Danica Xavier: Now THATS the Scott Hall I know.. Look.. Meet me at the gym at 7 tomorrow okay? And we’ll start.. Today I need to relax and look over these tapes. Is that okay?

Scott Hall: I’ll call Kevin to come get me so we can talk about it, and I’ll meet you tomorrow. Bright and early.

*Danica smiles and hugs Hall, he hugs back and gets up and gets the phone, Hall calls Nash and about a half hour later He gets to the house, Danica walks Hall to the door*

Scott Hall: You better be there at 7 D.

Danica Xavier: I will be.

*Danica smiles and walks over to Nash and hugs her brother. Hall walks to Nash’s car and gets in, when they pull away Danica walks to her couch and sits down, She starts watching the tapes, beginning to take notes again*
Heart.. Not talking about the organ pumping in your chest.. I'm talking about your will to keep going.. the NEED to keep fighting. If you don't have heart.. You have nothing.

*Danica walks into the gym in her wrestling gear and carrying her bag, she puts her bag down and looks around. she checks the clock and sees that it says 7 on the dot, she sits on the ring apron waiting for Hall and Nash, They walk out talking from the dressing room*

Danica Xavier: There you are.

*Danica stands up on the ring apron and looks at them, then at the clock, then back at them*

Danica Xavier: You're 2 minutes late boys

Kevin Nash: We've been here, just not out here

Danica Xavier: Well you should have been out here.. I have a match to train for.

Scott Hall: Well, we're here now

Danica Xavier: Then get in here

*Danica gets into the ring and pulls her hair back into a ponytail, Nash and Hall climb into the ring in training wear*

Danica Xavier: So.. how are you guys possibly gonna train me for this Hell In A Cell Match?

Kevin Nash: Well, as you can see, we have no cage here

Danica Xavier: Um.... yeah... and?

Kevin Nash: So, I can't train you have to go head first into a cage with as little damage as possible

Danica Xavier: Well... lets go somewhere with a cage then..

Scott Hall: Uhhh, where's that?

Danica Xavier: The WEW Arena.. its 7 in the morning.. i'll call and have them set up the cell

Kevin Nash: Sounds good to me

*Danica gets out of the ring and gets her cell, she calls the arena on her way out to her car, she gets in and starts her car, after talking to someone she hangs up and waits for the guys, They follow out chatting and laughing. They both get inside the car, Nash in the back and Hall in the front*

Danica Xavier: It took them 3 hours to clean this car.. you puke again.. and I'll kill you

*Danica pulls out of the parking lot and head towards the WEW arena, about an hour later she pulls into the driveway and they all get out of the car, Danica makes her way to the ring where the cell is set up, she walk into the cell and gets into the ring, Hall and Nash follow into the arena and stand outside the cell*

Kevin Nash: Interesting little uhh.. place here

*Hall and Nash enter the cell and in the ring, Danica looks at them, starting to get a little nervous*

Danica Xavier: so...

*Nash gets out of the ring and hops to the floor, putting his fingers through the cage holes*

Kevin Nash: Alright, so you want to try this out?

Danica Xavier: Try what? putting my hands through the holes?

*Nash rolls his eyes.*

Kevin Nash: No, taking a bump into the cage

Danica Xavier: S...sure

*Hall sits down on the rope, inviting Danica to step outside, Danica nods to Hall and gets out of the ring, then walks to Nash slowly*

Kevin Nash: Alright, so it's a given somebody's head is going to smash in the cage. Best case scenario, you get the upper hand and smash him first. But worst case scenario, you got to know how to counter, and take the shot

*Danica nods, obviously getting worried*

Kevin Nash: So you got two choices for the counter. Use your hands to overpower his force, or your foot

Danica Xavier: Kay.. So..So.. exactly.. how bad.. does it hurt?

Kevin Nash: Oh, it hurts

*Nash laughs*

Kevin Nash: But if you can't over power him, put your hands up over your forehead to cushion the blow

*Danica looks at over at Hall, and makes a noise in her throat, Hall shrugs and Danica looks back at Nash*

Kevin Nash: Wanna try?

Danica Xavier: Uhh.. i um.. i guess..

Kevin Nash: Okay, I'm not gonna hold back so you can't get mad at me if it hurts

*Danica takes a deep breath and nods, Nash takes her head, hesitating for a second. He then slams her head towards the cage. After her head slams into the cage, Danica falls and holds her head, she reaches over and punches Nash in the leg*

Danica Xavier: OWWWW

*Nash's leg bends to the send.*

Kevin Nash: Ahh, ahh! Hey, hey! You know I have knee problems

*Hall cracks up while still sitting on the ropes, Danica pulls herself up, she walks over to Hall and grabs him by the hair, She pulls Hall off the ropes and lets him fall to the floor*

Danica Xavier: What are you laughing at?

*Hall lies on the ground, seemingly knocked out*

Danica Xavier: uh oh...

Kevin Nash: I knew this was a bad idea

Danica Xavier: He'll be fine..Now that i know how much it KILLS... how do i counter?

Kevin Nash: Okay, I don't know this guy you're fighting. Can you over power him?

Danica Xavier: I don't know Kevin

Kevin Nash: Okay, so about that countering. Since you can't give me a straight answer we'll just learn both manuevers

Danica Xavier: Okay...

Kevin Nash: Firstly, I'm gonna go to slam you into the cage, but you put your foot up and stop yourself

Danica Xavier: Yes, sir

*Nash grabs the back of her head and sends her head forward, less power than he used earlier. Danica puts her foot up against the cage, then drops and leg sweeps Nash, and stands and looks down at him*

Danica Xavier: Like that?

Kevin Nash: Um... yeah... just let me... catch my breath

*Meanwhile, Hall gets back to his feet holding his head. Danica looks over at Hall*

Scott Hall: Hey yo, you kill Big Kev, too?

Kevin Nash: God damn, you don't follow instructions that well

*Hall helps Nash up*

Danica Xavier: What are you talking about? I did what you told me to..

Kevin Nash: I don't remember saying knock me on my ass

Danica Xavier: Sorry...

Kevin Nash: Do you need me to show you the other counter or do you think you have it down, Miss Expert?

Danica Xavier: Show me..

Kevin Nash: Okay, so the counter. I'm going to go for the head slam, you put your hands up and stop it. And since I'm so strong, I'm only going to give a little shove. Because she's a chick and all. AND THIS TIME, no leg sweeps

Danica Xavier: Kay

*Nash grabs a hold of the back of her head again, and begins to push it forward to the cage. Danica puts her hands up and stops it, her first instinct is to grab his head and slam it into the cage which she does, she then covers her mouth*

Danica Xavier: Oh gosh.. Kevin im sorry!

Kevin Nash: God damn. Okay we're done before my sister kills me.

*Danica nods and they all leave the cell, They walk back to the parking lot and get into Danica's car. She starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot. Danica drives back to the gym and hugs Nash and Hall before they get out of the car. Danica yawns and drives off, She pulls back into the driveway of her and Bryant's house and turns the car off. Danica gets out of the car and goes inside, she closes the door then heads upstairs. Danica climbs back into bed with Bryant and lays her head on his chest, before falling asleep*
Don't Cha Wish Ya Girlfriend Was A Freak Like Me...