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[ Wins - 0 ]
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[ Victims - None YET ]

[ Roleplay Number - 1 ]

[ Achievements - None Yet ]

[ People Mentioned - Mike Austin]


The cold late-winter, early-spring wind blows gently through the streets of Dayton. Court House Square was barren in the wee hours of Thursday night. Garbage rustled the ground and transit busses blew by, rustling more garbage. A semi-tall figure stepped out of the Stop 'n' Save, drinking a bottle of coke. He discarded the now empty bottle into a waste bin. The street lights only hinted at the man's form and facial structures. He walked onto the damp, tar road and looked up at GCW Headquarters with a sly grin forming on his lips. He stepped into the bright light and the world saw a 6 foot 5 inch, 275 pound piece of muscle. He wore black jeans, a black tank-top and had black hair with red streaks. It seemed prior to this hour, he had been crying out blood because blots were below his eyes. He cracked his knuckles, slowly turning his head towards the camera.

Mysterious Figure: Ah...welcome. As you see, this is Court House Square, the home of future employer. I just came out of the Stop 'n' Save establishment across the street, not bad. But, I'm not here to be your travel guide of Dayton, Ohio. You all are probably asking yourselves just who in the hell I am. That's just it...I am hell. I am the epitome of evil, any deep, dark thought that runs through your mind is generally all I think about. Enough about myself...let's talk GCW, hmm? GCW seems like a well-structured business, a variety of title ranks. Speaking of titles...who's the World Champ? On the booklet I recieved upon my acception to GCW, it listed champions. Allow me to read from it.

Daemon reached inside his pants and retrieved a small booklet.

Daemon: Let's see...aha, Champs. GCW Champion - Mike Austin (x). What's the x mean? OH, EX-CHAMPION! Well, if you consider him a champion. I consider him a little bitch, a scared little BITCH. More like PAPER champion, if you ask me. What kinda champion wins the title, defends a FEW times, then runs like a scalded dog? That's right, can't think of a type of champion that does that, can you?! He's a descrace to anything that defines a man. Mike...if you wanna call yourself the best of all time...why don't you fight someone who IS the BEST OF ALL....TIME!

Daemon laughs evilly, ascending the steps of the GCW HQ building, stepping inside, but sticks his head back out.


The scene fades out...

To Be Continued...